
In memoryCancer Kids is a web-based organization which began in 1997 with one simple goal: to help children with cancer tell their stories to the world.

This goal is accomplished by providing links to the personal web pages of children who are battling cancer, through the Stories section of our website.

Unfortunately, for some children the battle with cancer doesn’t end in the word “remission” or “cure”, but in death. In one sense, these brave little warriors have lost their battle with the cancer monster. Yet in another sense, they have actually been granted the ultimate victory by being given angel wings. We are honored to pay tribute to these children through the Cancer Kids Wall of Memory.

I hope that you will take a little bit of time to peruse this web site. Read some of the stories of courageous children who are literally fighting for their lives. There are stories of heartache and pain, and there are also stories of victory! In these stories you will find inspiration, courage, and warmth. In these stories you will find frustration, struggle, and uncertainty. You will laugh, you will cry, you will get angry — and you will probably find yourself falling in love with some precious children and young people from whom you will learn important lessons about life.

Paul O’Rear
Cancer Kids Founder