Wall of Memory [ARCHIVED]

Please note that this is an archived version of the Cancer Kids Wall of Memory. No further effort will be made to update this page. Some of these links may not work.

David Edward Lowe

March 15, 1970 – November 02, 1972


Lawrence Michael McReynolds

May 12, 1970 – August 17, 1973

Medulla Blastoma

You were such a beautiful baby boy. I loved you dearly. I often wonder what you would look like today. You were so smart,funny, lovable, strong and determined. I have never forgotten you, and look forward to the day that we will meet again.

Kathy Lynn Atkinson

March 17, 1963 – October 13, 1975

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Christopher Timothy Claffey

June 02, 1966 – August 08, 1976

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

My brave and loving brother. I share your legacy with my children. I will remember and love you always. You will always be my motivation and inspiration. We will hug you in heaven.

Robert Kieswetter

January 09, 1973 – August 17, 1976


Ricky Alexander Tilly

July 07, 1972 – October 15, 1977


Jamie Shomo

July 15, 1963 – August 10, 1978


A wonderful friend who I think of often and still miss greatly…love you Jamie

Robert Patrick Parke

August 15, 1976 – March 31, 1980


Amber Marie Calistro

February 28, 1976 – October 30, 1980


Amber knew why she was sent to earth. A few days before she died, she called me to her side and told me, “Mom, I KNOW I’m here to help a lot of people.” Although she said many wise and wonderful things in her 4 1/2 years, I was astounded. From the moment she was born, I knew I was “chosen” to be Amber’s mother but the reason why was unclear.

I documented our life together and especially her journey through cancer with recordings, movies, photos, media coverage, her drawings, and a journal. It helped me cope, gave me purpose, and ensured that her life and death would have meaning, even after she died. Having found Bernie Siegel to care for her, I was blessed beyond words. He helped us help her “cross the threshold” between life and death. Her death was miraculous. The moment she stopped breathing, I physically felt God… the Higher Power… the world that we cannot see with our eyes.

Amber died on my 27th birthday in 1980. Before she died, she gave me the most precious gift I’ve ever received: The secret to what happens after our body dies. “Mom, when I die, I’ll still be Amber, I’ll just be DIFFERENT.” Knowing that, I did not “lose a child,” she did not “pass away.” She simply changed. She is with me now, but different.

For most of the 30+ years since she died, this “gift” has comforted me, given me the strength to help others, and sustained me as I dug deep to call up the feelings and emotions I needed to write “Embrace the Angel.” It is now published and I am ready to, once again, reach out and spread Amber’s message of “hope, heaven, and the miracle of life and death.”

But there is one thing holding me back. It is not her death, it is cancer. It is not the fact that she was “killed,” is the the “murderer.” I am trying to “wrap myself around” this horrible disease that kills so many of our loved ones. I must find peace and understanding while working to bring people together, raise awareness, and facilitate change in the “Cancer World.” But how? Perhaps returning to the moment in time when my “Life Task” is the answer.

After she died at home, we took her body to St. Raphael’s Hospital in New Haven, CT. Bernie called ahead to make the arrangements. Excerpt from Chapter 14, Crossing the Threshold:

“I walked towards the automatic doors, her lifeless body swaying to my step. Beyond the parting doors, I could see a crowd. Nurses, doctors, secretaries, visitors, priests, and nuns had gathered there to pay their last respects to this little girltheir little girlwho had fought so bravely to the very end. At once, I could see I wasn’t alone, that they had suffered, too. They had hoped for her recovery, prayed for her life, and watched along with me as she slowly and painfully died. Many were crying. Their grief forced them to turn to each other for comfort. I felt no pangs of sadness or sorrow; I still felt the glory of God. I was at peace, and so was my baby.

Dr. Raine, a young intern, directed us to a small room that was separated from the Emergency Room by a curtain. I placed her body on the stretcher and studied it… absorbing every inch… filling my mind with the memory of Amber. “Perfect feet… hands… lips… eyes…” I stopped at the tumor. I moved closer to inspect it. Since she wasn’t there and could feel no pain, I shook it. It felt like gelatin: Soft, powerless, sickening. It was enormous; nearly the same size as her head. “How can something so pathetic… so ugly… kill my beautiful little girl?!?!” Just under my skin, seething rage was coursing through my veins. In my mind, I could see a battlefield strewn with the bodies of all the other children who had died before Amber and the bodies of children yet to come.

Instantly, I felt as though I’d been injected with a tranquilizer. My hatred gave way to a new understanding. “Don’t waste your life hating. Your time on this earth is too short. Take her message…take MY message to the world. WRITE THE BOOK. Save the others.” I took a vow: “I will.”

Frank ( Eddie ) Dickerson

December 30, 1975 – June 11, 1982


My broken heart is like a wound that will not heal. I think of my son every day and I still cry at the unjustice of this terrible disease. Even
though it has been 20 years the memory is as fresh as if it were yesterday. My life has forever changed my heart forever broken.
Safe in HIS arms Love Dad

Stephen Edward Majors

February 22, 1967 – October 13, 1982


My dearest Stevie even now my heart breaks. As the years have passed your dad and brother have now joined you. You touched so many lives with your love and bravery. You taught me how to face adversity and to love all who pass my way. MOM

Jeremy Robert White

August 29, 1978 – February 19, 1983

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Sweetest “J” That’s how everyone who knew you thought of you. You were an inspiration to everyone whose life you touched. When I play our song, “You and Me Against the World” it fills me up with all the memories of our time together. I think of you everyday. Love, Mommy

Jason Edward White

April 11, 1983 – July 28, 1983

All B Cell

Jason was diagnosed with a rare type of leukemia on my Birthday in January of 1983. It has been many years since his loss, but not one day passes without speaking of him. He taught us a great lesson about unconditional love, faith, hope and at the end gave us a true miracle, he was able to let us know that he would not be passing alone, he reached for my father’s hand and was able to express the beauty that was ahead of him. He was only a child, but at the age of seven, he showed us heaven. I miss him deeply, but I truly believe that his pain is gone and we will be united together forever in a world that has no cancer.I don’t beleive that my son lost his battle,but that he won his freedom. FOREVER LOVED!

Joshua Lee Davis

July 29, 1983 – December 29, 1983


Tia TaShawn Boxley

July 01, 1976 – May 03, 1984

rhabdoid sarcoma

My angel, my firstborn, my baby. I still miss you so much. There has not been one day that I haven’t missed your bright eyes and your beautiful smile. I can still hear your silly little laugh. You told me you were going home with Jesus, and you did. I can’t wait to see you there! Until that wonderful day, please know that you will always be with me in my heart, soul and mind. Be happy, happy, happy!


Arron Kenneth Porter-Larsen

June 02, 1980 – June 12, 1984


My Baby Arron, I miss you so! You were the light of my life. When you left my light went out! You will never be forgotten! Love Mom

David Gene Dobson

August 31, 1979 – April 17, 1985


Thomasina Baird

January 26, 1971 – October 30, 1985



May 18, 1978 – December 24, 1985

Brain Cancer

my sister was my best friend and now she’s not here with me on my birthday

miss you BFF

douglas robert ‘bobby’ kline

October 20, 1975 – May 20, 1987

acute lymphosemic

my bobby was a loving boy. even after he went home to jesus he still touched lives everyday.

Jay Shields

April 15, 1968 – August 11, 1988


Jasper Adriaan Kruyne

February 25, 1978 – December 21, 1988


Freddy G. Avellan

February 02, 1973 – January 10, 1989


Bobby Law

April 02, 1985 – February 19, 1989


Christopher ~Joe Bud~ Szarek

June 12, 1980 – July 25, 1989

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Scott Ferguson

September 09, 1981 – October 01, 1989


Erin Lynn

May 16, 1980 – December 13, 1989

brain cancer

Erin was a happy energetic, girl who left us much to soon. She was diagnosed in March and passed away in December. It was a 9 month rollercoaster ride. We miss her each day, but know she is in a better place, forever in our hearts.

Zackary Lee Hooper

May 25, 1990 – November 12, 1990


April Dawn Black

April 30, 1983 – November 18, 1990


Korin Fleckenstein

July 25, 1983 – January 31, 1991


It been almost 13 yrs since u had been gone You were only 7 years old when Angels took u home to God I was only 8 years old couldn’t understand Death or Cancer… I miss you so much and u will never be forgotten! Ill never forget all the fun time we had till the ends… Love ya forevermore your Best friend, Melissa

Christopher Thomas Dale

April 09, 1985 – October 16, 1991


My precious baby cousin, not a day goes by that we do not miss you. God knew that you were too sweet for this cruel world, so he took you home to be with him. Till I can hold you in my arms again, I love you “Pickle-Head”

Vicki Halter

March 09, 1984 – January 01, 1992


My sweet sister fought for two years against this cancer monster. She is is heaven now watching over her parents and her sister.

candace denise bruzek

May 24, 1980 – March 31, 1992

diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, brain tumor

Brandon Darnell Rankin aka Joey Rosso

October 15, 1985 – May 03, 1992

Anaplastic Astrocytoma (Grade III)

The name “Brandon” means “Brave Warrior”
Having you in my life for “6 years” was a
“Special Blessing” you taught me more in 6 years
than I could have learned in “60 years”.

Michael Jerome Hebert Jr.

January 12, 1990 – September 10, 1992


Our beautiful baby boy you filled our life with so much love and joy.You are missed so much. Now you are our Lil angel in heaven forever shining down on us–Baby boy WE LOVE YOU SO DEARLY.Your Mommy and Daddy were so BLESSED to be given the gift of having 2yrs and 9mths with an Angel.Michael Jr your mommy and Daddy LOVE YOU.

Ginger Heart

September 16, 1988 – September 16, 1992


You were my best friend. I wish you were still here with me. Goodbye my friend.

Sarah Louise Williams

May 21, 1989 – September 18, 1992

anaplastic astrocytoma

Tyler Mason Land

October 01, 1988 – October 01, 1992

Wilms Tumor

Anna Kidricki

January 15, 1981 – October 16, 1992

Lung and Liver

Anna Catherine Kidricki

January 15, 1981 – October 16, 1992

Hepatoblastoma (liver cancer)

Amber Ledbetter

February 05, 1984 – February 16, 1993


Joseph ~Joey~ Theakston

August 18, 1989 – April 20, 1993


Jonathan Andrew Key

February 21, 1987 – May 30, 1993


Jonathan was a very special boy. He will always remain in my heart & soul. Thank you for the wonderful six years you gave me. Your mommy loves you very much and misses you. God Bless You always, my precious Angel.

Zachary Crawford

February 09, 1993 – July 13, 1993

Rhabdoid Tumor

Taylor Dee Richmond

June 26, 1992 – July 31, 1993

PNET, Brain Stem

Bridgett Lorraine Jeffers Honeycutt

February 12, 1988 – August 28, 1993


Bridgettt was a very special little angel. She made everyone laugh at the things she done and said. She is loved and missed by all those who knew her. She is gone to heaven now to spread her beautiful angel wings and fly. We love her and miss her terribly.

Arthur Seth Hartman

April 25, 1987 – September 05, 1993


Nathaniel Shifflett-Babcock

February 17, 1987 – September 26, 1993


Nathaniel we enjoyed 6 wonderful years together. We miss your sillyness,your affection, your laughter, huggs and kisses. Love Mom, Mandy and Stephanie

Nathaniel Shifflett Babcock

February 17, 1987 – September 26, 1993


We miss our dear Nathaniel. I remember your laughter ,your funny little sayings, your sweet kisses and huggs. You are greatly missed and forever loved. Mommy, Mandy and Stephanie

Scott S.

August 06, 1984 – October 05, 1993

Non-Hopkins Lymphoma

Scott was my older brother,and I was only three when he died. I don’t remember much and it hurts because everybody said he was a great kid and I never got a chance to really see that. He was diagnosed on March 25,1991, the day before my 1st Birthday, and he was sick for 3 years. I miss him a lot and I hope he’s doing ok in heaven.

Heather Elizabeth Mevis

November 24, 1986 – December 08, 1993

Neuroblastoma-stage 4

Heather was such a joy in our lives. She always had a smile on her face and was my mischievous child. She loved life to the fullest. We love and miss you Heather.

Ryan Anthony Daniel Hale

September 10, 1980 – February 11, 1994


Ryan, my twin brother and my best friend…I needed him more God!

Maeve O’Doherty

November 05, 1989 – February 21, 1994

Wilms Tumor

Joshua Gilbert

December 14, 1983 – April 08, 1994


Ashley Brooke Blackwell

October 30, 1980 – April 12, 1994

Osteogenic Sarcoma

John Thomas Fritz, II

March 07, 1979 – April 25, 1994

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Tamara Ann Owens

May 16, 1974 – April 29, 1994


My lovely sister! I will miss you forever.

Hannah Kilpatrick

April 25, 1980 – May 09, 1994

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Lexie Nicole Carlin

July 01, 1986 – June 10, 1994


Lexie was my twin sister, diagnosed with ALL at the age of 4. She relapsed right before her treatment was supposed to end, and died on June 10, 1994. I miss her sooooooo much!! I love you, Lexie-Lu!

James A. Clay Jr.

November 04, 1978 – July 14, 1994


Jimmy was the son of the son of the Assistant Pastor at my home church. I didn’t know Jimmy very well but I know some of his relatives well and am friends with some of them. Jimmy was only fifteen years old but he acted the way a young christian man should. He is now resting in the arms of his Lord and Savior.

Rebecca ~Becky~ Vollmer

June 27, 1984 – July 16, 1994


Amy C. Lackamp

February 27, 1979 – July 17, 1994

Pancreatic Blastoma

Tyler Earlywine

March 28, 1990 – July 19, 1994


We miss Tyler!!! He never knew his two little sisters.

Jennifer Lyn Mullenax

November 11, 1977 – August 13, 1994

AML Leukemia

The death of a child is undoubtedly one of the most horrible losses we can ever face. It Changes us forever and we are never the same person we were before. People often ask me how I have survived Jennifer’s death. I can only say it has been God’s abundant love, mercy and grace. Jennifer lived life to the fullest. She touched hearts everywhere she went. Her smile could light up a room and her love and faith were an inspiration. I have learned to look for blessings in every day, because I see her love in all of them. I miss her terribly and the shock of her death still has the power to take my breath away. But I know our separation is not final – one day I will hold her in my arms again in a world much better than this. And next time I hold her it will be forever. I love you Jen and I miss you so much. Thank you for teaching me so much in your 16 years. Thank you for all your love and support. I am so proud of you. With all my love. Mom

Michael Patrick Games

December 27, 1987 – October 10, 1994

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

Lee McMahan

January 14, 1984 – November 18, 1994



January 18, 1995 – January 20, 1995


Ally was born January 18, 1995. She died january 20, 1995

Amanda Nacole Peeler

September 11, 1979 – January 22, 1995


gone home,and gone fishing.

Emily Lauren Winkowski

December 21, 1989 – January 29, 1995

Infant Leukemia

Brandi Michaela Watson

January 20, 1989 – February 02, 1995

Wilms Tumor

We loved Brandi-but God loved her best.
Sleep precious one, you are not alone.

brandi watson

January 20, 1989 – February 02, 1995


A love for a little Angel who’s life was just too short.Brandi you were loved and still loved by many.You are where all of us are trying to get.Give my grandson a big kiss for me and I love both of you,

Jordan Cohan

April 01, 1994 – April 01, 1995

brain tumor

waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh i am so sad

Michael Reno Babb

April 03, 1992 – April 25, 1995


My son Michael was 2 when he was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma, and it was 3 weeks after his 3rd Birthday when he crossed over.
Since Michael’s passing I have learned so much, and I have peace in knowing and understanding why he was givin to me and why he was only with me for a short time. I am truly blessed with the life and memories of my son, Michael.


April 01, 1981 – June 10, 1995


Aaron was 13 when he was diagnosed with cancer on November 7, 1994. He underwent surgery to remove a tumor in his right leg just below the knee. His bone was replaced with a titanium prothesis. Less than a month later the cancer had spread to his spinal fluid. He then went through extensive chemo therapy and radiation. In May of 1995 doctors told us that Aaron’s cancer had spread to his stomach. At age 14 he died just a few weeks later.
My family struggled during his illness, yet we also grew closer to each other and God. It is our hope in Jesus Christ that allows us to live with the hope that God promises us we will see Aaron again. It is my prayer for each family living with the horror of cancer in your family, whether that be you, a spouse, a parent, or even your child that you will seek God’s face and trust in him. My child may be gone from this world but lives gloriously in the arms of Jesus Christ. May God bless all who share in this road of grief that I travel.


August 07, 1984 – July 08, 1995

(ALL ) Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Our beloved and only son was almost 7 years old when he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. He fought the most courageous 48 month battle, and just 4 weeks before his 11th. birthday took his last breath in my arms. I could feel the brush of angels’ wings as they came to take him to his new home in Heaven. I know when Jesus calls me home that as I stand at those Golden Gates, Paul Micah will run to me, kiss me and take me by the hand and say “Mama what took you so long to get here? Come on in, I’ve got so much to show you.” Everyday I remain here I know I am one day closer to being with my precious big, brown eyed little boy. Paul, you fought the good fight and YOU Won. Now I know you are riding your new 4 wheeler on those streets of gold and catching big catfish. Till then, I will hold you in my dreams because you always said “Dreams do come true Moma.” Eternally, My love always and forever, Mama.

Melissa Ann (Pooh Bear) Harmon

May 01, 1989 – July 29, 1995


Michael James Knapp

May 22, 1992 – August 18, 1995

Brain Tumor

Ethan David Daniel-Guzman

October 07, 1992 – October 21, 1995


There is still not a day that passes that I don’t think of you. I love you so very much. You gave me so much. I dream of the day that I will hold you once again………love mommy

Zachary D. Bobrosky

June 10, 1994 – October 30, 1995


Nolan Franklin Craddock

August 03, 1993 – December 08, 1995

Brain Stem Glioma

Lauren Ashley Foster

April 19, 1993 – January 08, 1996


Lauren was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 18 mos. of age. For four months prior, I took her to the doctor trying to find out what was wrong. She was lethargic, was not eating well, and eventually stopped using her right side. Once the neorological signs were evident, our pediatrician sent Lauren for an MRI. While the test was underway, a nurse came in and out of the room several times. I knew sometihng was wrong, but she wouldn’t tell me what. Finally, the test was completed, and we were sent to a neurologists office with the films. I was told to take Lauren immediately to Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago. I didn’t even know where the hospital was, but began driving blindly, sobbing. My mother paged me, we went to her house and followed her to the hospital. A re-section was performed on Lauren, but unfortunately a piece of the tumor was missed. How could this happen? I asked. I could not believe it. She underwent surgery again two weeks later and the doctors told me that IF the tumor came back it would most likely come back in the same place. I’ll never forget seeing her that way. Her head was swollen and bandaged and she was shaking. It was heartbreaking. I prayed to God everyday for Lauren and the other children in the hospital. I took Lauren home and she underwent physical and occupational therapy. She was beginning to walk again and her coordination was improving. Then, our worst nightmare came true. A follow up MRI six months later showed signs that the tumor was back, only this time it became highly aggresive and was spreading through her spinal system. We had to make a decision as to the type of chemo she would receive. I asked for the most aggresive treatment. We spent another three months in and out of the hopsital for chemo treatments. Each time I went back and asked about other children I hated to hear the bad news of some, but had faith in the good news of others. They were the lucky ones. After three surgeries, and aggressive chemo therapy, Lauren was not winning the fight. Make-A-Wish Foundation sent us on a week-long trip to Disneyworld. It was very nice, but we were not able to enjoy it. Lauren layed stiff either in her stroller or in my arms most of the trip. She barely ate. She would cry “ouhy” every night. I could do nothing to comfort her and to this day it haunts me. Upon our arrival at O’Hare International Airport, we were supposed to be be picked up by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, instead, my father was waiting at the door of the plane. He said the results of the spinal tap taken on Lauren before we left were in and the doctors said Lauren could die any day. I was in denial and I became angry. I told him he was horrible for saying something so terrible to me when we were barely even off the plane and giving up on Lauren was not going to help her. If we did not have faith in her recovery who would? . At the time, my husband Jim and I were going through a divorce. My father drove us to Jim’s house. A hospice nurse came and showed us how to administer her medication. Jim let me sleep in the bedroom with Lauren every night for five nights, and he slept on the couch. Then, one night, he said I had to sleep on the couch. He went into the bedroom where Lauren was and closed the door. Later that night, I heard a terrible noise coming from the bedroom. Lauren could barely breathe. She was having a seizure. I picked her up and tried to comfort her. I called the hospice and they told me I had to accept the fact that my daughter was dying. They said there was nothing we could do. I held her stiff body in my arms and wept. Jim came out of the bedroom and took her out of my arms. He hollared at me for taking her out of bed in the first place. I cried myself to sleep alone on the couch. The next morning Jim woke me up and told me Lauren passed away during the night and I had to leave. A friend picked me up. The next few days were a blur. I felt like I was having a bad dream. We buried Lauren a few days later. It was the most difficult experince I’ve had in my life. I pray to God everyday for all children and to watch over us all. I was very depressed for almost a year. With the help of therapists and a few hospitalizations I eventually took control of my life back from the demons of depression. Today, I picture Lauren playing in heaven with the other angels and it makes me smile. God bless us all!

Lucas DaVinci

February 01, 1995 – February 06, 1996


My dear sweet child.
I’ll miss you every day.
Gone but not forgotten.
In my heart you shall stay.
Let never a moment go by without me not thinking of you.
Dear sweet child. Forever I’ll love you

Kyra Megan Pillsbury

May 01, 1992 – February 15, 1996

Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Grade III

Amy Roach

May 25, 1995 – February 23, 1996

Rhabdoid Tumor

Patrick Thomas Kottenbrock

June 20, 1991 – April 12, 1996


Our children through their illness became the strongest and bravest humans ever. Too bad we as parents can’t be that brave when our children lose the fight and leave us. Patrick’s death has left a hole in our hearts that will never go away. We miss and love him more with each passing day.

Dakota Blackman Page

May 01, 1991 – April 23, 1996


Michael Hoefflin

January 10, 1986 – May 15, 1996


Angela Marie Malone

March 11, 1983 – May 27, 1996


I’ll try to live up to the example you set.


January 07, 1992 – June 18, 1996


Mptweir This is what was left for an email addy

Cedrisha Rixner

March 30, 1990 – June 25, 1996


You have gone home., But never forgotten. It’s
been six years, Yet it feels like yesterday. we
all miss you so much. BigCed, Vera, Phyllis, Anissa, Marc. And your Cousins. Love you.

Sammy (Samuel) Avis Roy

May 22, 2001 – July 24, 1996


Sammy loved life he was a happy 5 yr old who loved Spongebob. He got to take his wish to Disneyland and got to meet Spongebob and Patrick in person. Please pray for the kids.

David Heath Jones

July 15, 1991 – August 02, 1996

Brain Stem Glioma

David’s half brother, Chris, died May 15, 1995 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Prior to David’s diagnosis, he said to me, “Mommy, I am going to heaven to see Jesus and be with my big brother, Chris.” My heart ached, yet not knowing what was ahead for us. God is in control. My thoughts and prayers go out to other mother’s who have lost children.

Joshua Ray Lee Ozuna

August 10, 1989 – August 22, 1996

Pontine Glioma (brainstem tumor)

Thank you for a wonderful website, honoring our children. Our children fought a tough battle and lost. Thank you again!

Melissa Jesi Coerts

January 31, 1988 – August 29, 1996


Melissa you are so dear in our hearts and we miss you everyday. You are my sister, and that is what you will always be. I LOVE YOU AND YOU ARE IN MY THOUGTS EVERYDAY.

Melinda Rose Hathaway

May 19, 1981 – September 15, 1996

Askin’s Tumour


i m a wounder child
temporarily trapped
in the technology
of modern medicine
But even though my eyes
may be clouded
tey can still see
far beyond the horizon
and with my ringing ears
i can har sounds
that nobody else
knows are there
my breath may come slowly
forced into me though a mask
but the air is clean
and so very cool
and w/someone else
holding the pen
i can still write poems
and hope that they finish
Befor the end.
**Melinda fnished this peom just one hour after she died God Bless her and Michael Cuccione to friends who fought cancer and didnt win…**


April 17, 1988 – October 05, 1996


Rashid was a happy, funny little boy, who fought his cancer bravely and without complaining, always making his jokes to everybody who wanted to hear them.
Rashid is loved and missed so much by his mother and brother Karim.

Matthew J. Bryant

May 18, 1985 – October 08, 1996


Our Lil’ Buddy

Bailey Michelle McMurrin

January 08, 1994 – October 30, 1996


Daniel Goldsmith

June 08, 1985 – January 06, 1997


Amanda Erin Maule

May 31, 1987 – February 28, 1997

Aveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

Joshua Micheal Gordon

July 20, 1980 – March 13, 1997


Tyler David Cohn

November 18, 1988 – April 05, 1997


Francesca Mouser

October 27, 1987 – April 21, 1997

Brain Tumor

Cody Ryan St. Pe

January 19, 1992 – April 22, 1997


Evan Hoffmann

February 15, 1982 – April 23, 1997


Bradley Burgess

May 27, 1994 – May 02, 1997


Andrew Thomas Wasco

September 01, 1984 – May 03, 1997

Burkitt’s Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.

Andrew was 13 years old when he lost his battle with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He was very brave and tried to stay very positive throughout this terrible ordeal. He is forever loved and we all miss him very much. I miss his smile most of all. Love Dad,Mom,Amanda,Megan and Emily…

Adam Martyn John Houston

October 27, 1992 – May 16, 1997


Anna Y. Colom-Serrano

March 01, 1985 – May 30, 1997


At around seven on that Friday morning, May 30, 1997, a doctor placed his hand gently on my shoulder to indicate that Anna’s brave, generous, loving 12 yr. old heart had tired of beating. Somehow, however, I knew that our heavenly Father had taken her home that Wednesday evening shortly after we had prayed and, as always before bedtime, professed our love for Jesus and each other. “First, Jesus, Mommy…” It was always “first Jesus”, even this night as she was rolled down the hospital corridor. It was the last time we saw her sparkling eyes and beaming smile. “Say good-bye to the church for me,” she called out as she waved, “and tell them I’m sorry I can’t be there tonight.” What a comfort it was then, and more so now, to know that Jesus was first in Anna’s life! Because of this, even in our deepest, most overwhelming sorrow, we rejoice, for we have God’s promise that we will see her smile, hear her voice and share her
sweet spirit again and forevermore.

Kristine Dawne Walker

November 16, 1989 – June 03, 1997

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Britney Hope Lyell

May 10, 1997 – June 16, 1997


Melissa Yates

April 07, 1981 – June 30, 1997

Hodgkin’s Disease

Dustin Quisenberry

October 15, 1986 – July 06, 1997

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Janice Christine Kuipers

July 16, 1994 – July 24, 1997


Teri Lynn Wells

May 26, 1991 – July 28, 1997


I love you Teri! I miss you so much! I think about you all the time.
Love, Mommy

Nicolette James

June 12, 1987 – August 02, 1997


Kristen Kenzig

September 03, 1987 – September 09, 1997

Brain Stem Glioma

Michelle C. Rief

August 10, 1984 – September 13, 1997


Stephen Neal, Jr.

December 04, 1993 – October 01, 1997


Vladimir Doroslavic

April 18, 1979 – October 15, 1997



February 18, 1989 – October 15, 1997


Jaylen ~J.J.~ Daniels

November 16, 1995 – December 10, 1997

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Ashley Wall

April 10, 1982 – December 17, 1997


She was loved so much, she never lost hope and she was so determined to live she even set up her own foundation for other teens with leukemia. She was doing so well and the only reason she died was because the doctor gave her an overdose…she didn’t deserve to die and we will all miss her forever. God Bless her and I know she’s up there in heaven with everyone else that died of cancer.

Danielle Kettler

May 12, 1982 – December 21, 1997

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Anthony Michael Baker

May 22, 1988 – December 23, 1997


Alexandra Anne Loncar

December 26, 1994 – January 13, 1998


Shaun Christopher Hurt

August 17, 1981 – January 18, 1998

T-Cell Lymphoma

Shaun, you were the most loving and sincere person that I have ever met. Your loving ways and your smiling face will live on in our hearts and minds forever! You were our hero! We love and miss you more than words can express! Love always-Your big sis and all the family.

Shaun Hurt

August 17, 1981 – January 18, 1998

T-Cell Lymphoma

Bryan Hinton

November 04, 1988 – January 24, 1998


Nicholas (Nicho) Alexander Roi

August 11, 1993 – February 04, 1998

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

On the wings of a butterfly! Be free, sweet angel boy. Forever and always!

Jazmin Wren

June 23, 1994 – February 14, 1998


Zoe Dylan Mormann

April 04, 1991 – February 23, 1998

Aplastic Anemia/Monosomy 7

Austin Lee Stover

March 22, 1995 – March 05, 1998


Maureen Rose Reck

May 12, 1986 – March 15, 1998

Wilms Tumor

Peyton William Dejong

July 25, 1992 – March 25, 1998

Wilms Tumor

Jessica B. Powell

February 15, 1990 – April 18, 1998

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Jayson Byron Fox

May 05, 1985 – May 11, 1998

Hodgkin’s Disease

Madison Elizabeth Jones

January 21, 1995 – May 13, 1998

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Carlos A. Valdez

December 11, 1985 – May 14, 1998


Carlos Andres Valdez

December 11, 1985 – May 14, 1998


Carlos was a wonderful child at the very time in his life when a young boy has a million questions and everyday is an adventure. Carlos fought a very brave battle against the cancer monster he never gave up and untill the very end we all learned so much about life and love from him. He thought us all to love so deep as to be able to let go and come to terms with the facts of life and death. He wanted his family to never forget and move on in loving way full of great memories. Carlos was such a boy, “Man” that inspired us all. Carlos is deeply missed and will be missed forever by his three youngest brothers Mike, Sergio, Daniel and Amy his little sister, Parents Amelia, Carlos and Maria all of his close and extended family. “Carlos (Carlitos)was a wonderful son and great brother at the brink of his teenage years, an explorer, the wonderful lughter that filled our home. The jokster that played pranks on his siblings and parents. Carlos a young boy who loved animals, collected rocks, arrow-heads, and feathers” and above all a god fearing loving angel, brother of jesus. We love you.

Jacob Dylan Hudy

April 12, 1997 – May 15, 1998


Ryan Michael Kaplowitz

October 13, 1997 – May 16, 1998

Rhabdoid and PNET

Chris Brown

December 15, 1984 – May 16, 1998

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Keith A. Wilson

February 22, 1978 – May 19, 1998

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Bridget louise Hudson

June 16, 1997 – June 03, 1998


Bridget was a beautiful twin, she was a little battler who never gave up a tower of strength and my tower of strengh she touched many hearts of those that were lucky enough to know my little angel she died at sydney childrens hospital in her dad dad arms we love her dearly shes always in our hearts love always mum dad talya imagen max bailey her twin brother dalton francesca mackenzie carson and baby clayton she will always be a part of our family I love you my baby girl

Thomas Brandon Howell

December 07, 1989 – June 14, 1998


Matthew Lee Smith

September 17, 1981 – June 22, 1998


Matthew, we were so blessed to have you with us for 16 years. How you smiled, joked, fished, hunted, skateboarded and played through all the pain, for 3 Tough years, we will never know! You fought a battle that deserved the highest medal! Even though you are not physically with us today, you are a part of our every thought. Your name seems to be on the tip of our tongue at all times. Its been 5 years now, and we miss you every minute. I’m thankful that you are without pain now, but How we wish we could feel your touch, and hear your laughter! Thank-you for blessing us Lord with this angelic child! Mom, Dad, and your brother love you every minute of this life and Always!


April 17, 1991 – June 23, 1998


Seven years on earth . . . but always an angel

Naomi Katherine Maines

March 09, 1989 – June 25, 1998

Brain Tumor

Naomi was my best friend since we were six. She was diagnosed with cancer when she was five, but then it was in remission until she was eight. With radiation and everything else she lost her hair and was eventually in a wheel chair. That never stopped me from being her friend. I loved her and was by her side every moment. The day that I found that she had passed I was only 9, but I understood enough that she was no longer with us. I was so depressed for a long time, thinking that I would never get over it, and I didn’t still up to this day. I mourn the loss of her and will never forget my best friend, Naomi Katherine Maines.

Those we love remain with us
for love itself lives on
and cherished memories never fade
because a loved gone
those we love can never be
more than a thought apart
for as long as there is memory
they’ll live on in our heart

You always best friend,

Naomi Maines

March 09, 1989 – June 27, 1998

Brain Tumor

Brandy Michelle Duggan

June 23, 1981 – June 28, 1998


Monique Moore

May 16, 1997 – July 14, 1998


Angela Beth Sharon

November 17, 1987 – July 24, 1998

Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

Raymond Glenn Colgan III

January 26, 1993 – August 03, 1998

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Until we meet again, may God keep you in the hollow of his hand.
Greatly loved and missed by mother, father and family.

Tatum Rae Demarrias

August 04, 1998 – August 04, 1998


This is one of my favorite and saddest cousins

Christopher Chalmers

October 11, 1985 – August 15, 1998

Bone Cancer

Kyle Taylor Wood-Garrett

January 18, 1995 – August 18, 1998


Rachael Christine Pouliot

September 02, 1981 – August 19, 1998

Ewing’s Sarcoma

So sweet, so lovely, so young. Never to be forgotten.

Michael Flanagan

May 06, 1992 – August 23, 1998

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

To our dearest little boy Michael:

What would we give to hear your voice, to see your smile, to hold your hand and walk a while…

Kristin C. Hoffman-Davis

November 22, 1983 – September 09, 1998

Gangolia Glimia

Kristin will always be remembered and loved by all of us. she was my best friend my sister and my life. she was very special to me.She was taken from us too soon she never got to see life all the away. God Bless everyone and best wishes for any one who has any type of cancer. i wish you all the best

Rachel Jimenez

August 12, 1982 – September 09, 1998

Desmoplastic Small Round Blue Cell Tumor

Our loving angel in heaven. Still missed and will always be with us..Please pray for us!!!

Lesa Marie Parris

October 17, 1983 – September 19, 1998

Pluero Pulmonary Blastoma

Catherine Linton

December 01, 1981 – September 20, 1998


Yarden Weinberg

July 09, 1994 – September 26, 1998

Pleomorphic Rhabdomyosarcoma

Felicia Rupp

July 30, 1985 – October 01, 1998

Secondary Leukemia

Ricky Amerigo Cherry

January 18, 1992 – October 02, 1998


Daddy’s little power ranger.

Nicole Rose Sayler

December 07, 1989 – October 08, 1998

Pulmonary Blastoma

Nicole loved Mary-Kate & Ashley, Lisa Frank, Titanic, and Rugrats and the Phoenix Suns.

Zachary Forester

April 16, 1985 – October 09, 1998


Our precious boy…we will never forget you!!! We love you with all of our hearts!!!

Serenity Silen

December 30, 1981 – October 11, 1998

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Carrie Lynette Segrist

August 03, 1980 – October 11, 1998


Cody Combs

July 23, 1990 – October 20, 1998

Rhabdoid Tumor

Ashley Nicole Mitrisin

September 15, 1992 – October 21, 1998


Pure love, sweet smiles, incredible hugs, rainbows, Mickey Mouse, singing, and trains – She was love, hope, courage, inspiration and joy for everyone who knew her until her last breath….

Christopher ~Critter~ Morford

February 19, 1990 – October 31, 1998

Terminal High Grade Brainstem Glioma

Michael Todd Washburn

July 24, 1981 – November 02, 1998


Lori Mecca

February 28, 1984 – November 03, 1998

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Lacey Eliza Markx

May 15, 1996 – November 06, 1998

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Brian Pettigrew

April 10, 1980 – November 06, 1998

A.L.L. , A.M.L. , Myelodysplasia

My son Brian was diagnosed at 3 with A.L.L. at that time, later he developed AML and MDS ( Myelodysplasia or Myelodysplastic syndrome ) and was a patient at St.Judes Childrens Research Hospital in Memphis for 15 years .He was also slow mentally and a very loving outgoing child and never met a stranger ,there was so many people at his funeral they could not all fit into our church , the choir was packed , they brought in extra chairs down front , the back and against the walls , the Foyer was packed and people even sttod outside on the porch because they could not get in.Brian touched many lives and changed alot of people .He is loved and missed so much.I can’t wait to be together again with Brian in Heaven.

Lacey Eliza Parks

December 25, 1997 – December 03, 1998

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Levi August Manchester Lindekugel

October 10, 1989 – December 04, 1998


Our precious Levi was an angel who came to earth in the form of a little boy. We were blessed by him in so many ways, his example of grace under fire and courage in the face of great suffering is daily lesson I still strive to grasp. I am so blessed that he was my boy and I am forever his mom.

Shelly Volk

July 07, 1991 – December 06, 1998

Brainstem Glioma

Logan P. Graves

June 24, 1992 – December 08, 1998

Rhabdoid Tumor

Jonathan Parker

December 03, 1996 – December 16, 1998

Rhabdoid Tumor

Randy Burrell

January 12, 1998 – December 23, 1998


Sebastian Wiley Dockery

August 31, 1996 – December 26, 1998


Melissa Sue Davis-Perrigan

October 09, 1986 – January 05, 1999


Dana Nicole Marabella “Rooski”

August 26, 1982 – January 07, 1999

Brain Cancer

In loving memory of Dana forever member of the
Texas Challengers 18u(fast pitch)Our beloved angel in the outfield who succumed to Brain Cancer.#45 livesSTRONG in our hearts!!

Kenny Olsen

April 23, 1985 – January 15, 1999

Acute Mylocytic Leukemia (AML)

Brian Andrew Phipps

March 16, 1990 – February 05, 1999

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Hannah Rae Bartoletta

September 27, 1997 – February 06, 1999


My loving angel will forever guide me. Mommy loves and misses you so much sweet baby. Until we meet again, I hold you in the deepest part of my heart.

John Kirk Southern

May 10, 1987 – February 12, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Adam York Visser

October 11, 1979 – February 15, 1999

Recurrent Ewing’s Sarcoma

Brandon Joseph Buncic

February 26, 1995 – February 19, 1999


Ryan Kenneth Hanford

February 08, 1996 – February 26, 1999

ATRT / Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

Ryan was diagnosed at 18 mos. Had successful brain surgery, chemo and various radiation helped to control the tumor and extend his life. He was advanced functioning for his age in both mental and physical tasks. Ryan, you are forever in our hearts.

Michael Zachery John Wallace

March 25, 1989 – February 28, 1999

Anaplastic Astrocytoma


You left us peacefully, without shedding a tear one time during your fight with cancer. You are with the Lord up in heaven spreading your wings with joy and watching over us. We all miss you and think about you every day. Love your family.

Monica Hepler

September 05, 1989 – March 01, 1999


Arron Paul Hague

January 05, 1998 – March 02, 1999



Reanna Lane Hober (Weedhopper)

August 10, 1989 – March 04, 1999


Amy Goodfellow

October 30, 1993 – March 08, 1999

Gliomatosis Cerebri

Steven John Devine

October 08, 1991 – March 08, 1999


Monica Lynn Hepler

September 05, 1989 – March 11, 1999

Osteogenic Sarcoma

Jeffrey Russell Shaw

December 28, 1996 – March 13, 1999


Niko Vomvas

November 23, 1983 – March 28, 1999


thomas james swain

November 02, 1994 – March 28, 1999


god took tom from me i miss him so much im waiting to be with him

Jeffrey Gordon Theobalt

October 02, 1989 – April 03, 1999


Agnese Gibze

December 23, 1985 – April 12, 1999

bone cancer

It is so good that here is a place where I can do something about you, my dear. I know -you share with me every moment of my life, you are in my heart and mind and I promise you always will be there, but I am terribly missing you physically.
She died without knowing what is a name of her sickness, no one told her, everyone believed in survive. I hoping she understand and had forgiven to us.

Dominique Alysse DeSimone

October 12, 1997 – April 16, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Kylie Ann Rosset

November 07, 1995 – April 18, 1999

Juvenile Mylomoncytic Leukemia (JMML)

Trisha Ann Clendenen

August 02, 1987 – April 27, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Jessica Mae Pender

June 16, 1982 – April 27, 1999


Nicole McCart

December 01, 1988 – May 03, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Lisa Fults

April 17, 1997 – May 10, 1999

Rhabdoid Tumor

Grant Alan Barnes

January 11, 1996 – May 17, 1999


Chad Capeheart

September 18, 1993 – May 21, 1999


Doris Gowen

April 02, 1986 – May 22, 1999

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Keith Ponto

May 05, 1994 – May 26, 1999


WE love you keith

Ryan Travis Morrison

May 02, 1983 – May 28, 1999

Hodgkin’s Disease

Kelsie Forde

March 19, 1993 – June 03, 1999

Brain Stem Tumor

Sean Michael Ireland

April 01, 1978 – June 08, 1999


Laura Longmyer

September 12, 1982 – June 10, 1999


Jack Partington

December 02, 1996 – June 14, 1999

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

Gianna Rose Galliano

October 31, 1995 – June 16, 1999

Aggressive Pontine Glioma

Kelsey Alexandra Manos

October 14, 1994 – June 22, 1999


Brandon Jeffrey Schmidt

April 28, 1994 – June 24, 1999


Tanya Lynn Thomas

April 17, 1982 – June 29, 1999

Rhabdomyosarcoma – Alveolar

Nakeira (Nikki) Mclemore

May 12, 1994 – June 30, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Tyrell Dueck

October 01, 1986 – June 30, 1999


Joseph Jennings Richard

July 13, 1988 – July 01, 1999


Blake Allen Shepard

May 10, 1991 – July 04, 1999


Your smile and caring way will live on forever. We miss you more and more each day, but look forward to the day that we are reunited again! I love you my little angel.

Danielle Brittany Bauer

March 08, 1991 – July 09, 1999

Rhabdomyoma sarcoma

Morgan Alexis Austin

January 15, 1998 – July 10, 1999

Rhabdoid Brain Tumor


January 15, 1998 – July 10, 1999

Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

Always and forever in our hearts. You were truly our precious angel. We miss you and love you always.

Cassandra Dorothy James

December 11, 1994 – July 14, 1999


Andrew Benjamin Harmon

July 27, 1994 – July 20, 1999

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Kayla Renee Martin

May 12, 1999 – July 24, 1999


Daddy,Mommy,and big brother Aaron’s little angel.

Ashley Meade O’Connell

December 10, 1993 – July 29, 1999


Ashley was our only child. She was an incredible child who always brightened our days. She will always be loved and remembered.

Michael J. Biron

June 25, 1992 – August 02, 1999

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Jose Armando Perez Garcia

June 24, 1987 – August 11, 1999


Kaylie May Hollis

July 23, 1990 – August 17, 1999

Brainstem Glioma

Michelle Champagne

January 03, 1982 – August 23, 1999

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Brian L. Alexander

August 07, 1984 – August 30, 1999


Brianna McCaulley

August 21, 1996 – September 05, 1999


David Leon Browny

March 08, 1987 – September 05, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Levi Athan D.

September 06, 1989 – September 09, 1999


Issiah Michael Hill

April 29, 1996 – September 10, 1999


Amy Danielle Schiller

October 25, 1996 – September 11, 1999

Atypical Teratoid Tumor

Kirsten Lin Tully

January 16, 1995 – September 13, 1999


Kirsten Lin Tully – Medulloblastoma
Kirsten was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma (Brain Tumour) the day before her 4th birthday.

Kirsten Lin Tully

January 16, 1995 – September 17, 1999


Jose ‘peanut’ Flores

October 30, 1996 – September 19, 1999

Brain Tumor

Always in our hearts and never forgotten

Becky Moran

December 23, 1993 – September 22, 1999


Andrew Christian Bryce

September 22, 1988 – September 26, 1999

Brain Tumor

‘ANDREWS WARRIORS-The Kings Knights- is a non-for profit-501-c 3 tax exempt organization established to reward and commend every child that fights for life. It was established in honor of Andrew Christian Bryce who battled a brain tumor for four years.

Undergoing countless surguries and treatments his mother Kyle told him he deserved a medal. Andrew was suprised, Really Mom?
Really Andrew.

Carissa Nicole Erno

February 05, 1995 – September 29, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Steven Andrew Newkirk

August 06, 1991 – September 29, 1999


Anna Brooke Robertson

March 14, 1984 – October 02, 1999

Acute Mylocytic Leukemia

Lisa Emily Benson

December 05, 1983 – October 03, 1999

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Lisa touched everyone’s heart, and her smile would light up a room. I cherish the short sweet time I had her in my arms. I love you Lisa!

Christopher Roe

October 12, 1983 – October 12, 1999

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Tracey Lynn Hellinger

May 20, 1973 – October 14, 1999


“You came into our lives, grabbed pieces of our hearts, and left with them still clutched in your hands.” We love and miss you so very much……..Tracey was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at age 14 and her cancer came back 11 years later. She fought a horrific battle with such strength and courage…always coming back with a smile and words of encouragement for us.

Francisco Antonio Madera, Jr.

May 20, 1999 – October 15, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Lil Franky was a strong little boy that God gave us the grace to know. He showed us how to love one another unconditionally. May he still watch over us and protect us. The little angel that he is. We love you Lil Franky luv always mami, celina, arianna, xavier, and antonio.

John Andrew Peebles

November 28, 1988 – October 15, 1999


Jordan S. Maganan

September 26, 1991 – October 16, 1999

Brain Tumor

Jordan S. Magaña

September 26, 1991 – October 16, 1999

Brain Tumor

We all miss you little angel, keep watching over us all and see you one day.

Brandon Chamberlain

December 07, 1994 – October 18, 1999

Neuroblastoma and Leukemia

Briane Jane Thomas

July 02, 1999 – October 22, 1999

A.L.L Bone

We are please to announce the passing of our infant daughter who passed away due to A.L.L and bone tumer in her spine due to the tumor in her back.She died at the Floating Hospital in Boston. We live near the hospital in Boston.

Colin Gott

October 25, 1996 – October 23, 1999

Undifferentiated Sarcoma

Justin Scott Foster

January 02, 1996 – October 30, 1999

Neuroblastoma and Leukemia

Nicholas Mario Bellefleur

September 18, 1994 – November 02, 1999


Jessica Pires

February 18, 1989 – November 14, 1999


My little girl Jessica did suffer a lot, but she was a strong child always ready to make me smile no matter how she hurt inside, i remember her telling me to remember to never stop smiling even though things were sad, she also told me she would always be with me in an angel form, and I do feel her with me at times when things get me down. I miss her dearly, but when I look up at the clouds sometimes I think I see her face smiling down on me.

Michael Aman Patrick

November 20, 1994 – November 17, 1999

ALL with PH+ and Lymphomia

Kayla Nicole Tyler

April 01, 1996 – November 24, 1999

Malignant Glioma (Brain Tumor)

Benjamin James Mollett

September 05, 1993 – November 24, 1999

Undifferentiated Sarcoma in the Lungs

Courtney Zillman

August 31, 1995 – November 25, 1999


Susanna DeLaurentis

March 26, 1989 – November 26, 1999


Susanna was a very happy little girl who had a great sense of humor. She will always be remembered by her family and friends.

Monica Dawn Moseley

January 26, 1984 – December 03, 1999


Travis Jeffrey ~T.J.~ Seavolt

September 01, 1998 – December 05, 1999

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Adrienne Samantha Cheek

April 05, 1987 – December 05, 1999


T.J. Travis Jeffrey Seavolt

September 01, 1998 – December 05, 1999


Three years ago today (12-09-02) I had to say my last good bye to my son. He was a very strong child, but the cancer got the best of him. He was only 15 months old. I know he is not hurting any more. God Bless All of us who had to say good bye to our children. They are all together and we will see them again someday.
Donna Marie Seavolt (mommy)

Tyler Wright

September 08, 1996 – December 15, 1999


Eddie Villa Jr.

January 15, 1988 – December 18, 1999


Eddie was 11 years and 11 months old when he went home to God in 1999. His dad and I have talked endlessly about his giving nature, his willingness to help others when they needed it, and his courageous spirit. His struggle was short, only 56 days, but his memory will remain with anyone who came in contact with him.

Katie Shannon Okeeffe

July 31, 1993 – December 19, 1999



May 23, 1990 – January 02, 2000

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

She was an angel in disguise.

Tatiana Mary Telesfort

December 15, 1994 – January 04, 2000

Wilms tumor

We miss you Nana and you will always be in our hearts! We will meet again our precious little angel.

Dayton Zion Ripley

December 24, 1995 – January 04, 2000


Kathryn Louise ~Katie~ Marceau

September 22, 1995 – January 05, 2000

Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma

Joseph Jeremiah Steuart

November 06, 1985 – January 05, 2000

Leukemia (ALL PH+)

David Rhett Hendricks

November 17, 1978 – January 09, 2000

osteogenic sarcoma

Rhett was diagnosed in 1993 and fought his battle courageously for over six years. He was an accomplished snow-skier and was in love with life.

Kieffer Scott Douglas

October 22, 1996 – January 16, 2000

acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Mikayla McConnell

May 16, 1997 – January 21, 2000

Leukemia (ALL) and Astrocytoma/Glioma

Erica Jane Marie

August 02, 1985 – January 22, 2000

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Christopher Peter Monaco

March 24, 1990 – January 25, 2000

T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

Christopher Peter, Daddy loves you so much!

Maddeline Smith

July 15, 1987 – January 31, 2000

Osteogenic Sarcoma

Irene Toria Currie

January 29, 1998 – February 01, 2000

11Q23 High Risk Infantile Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Irene we all love and miss you baby! Until we meet again.

Love, Mommy, Cassie, Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Joey

Kyle Steven ~Boo Boo~ Wood

August 02, 1993 – February 05, 2000


Kaitlyn Ashton Lee

March 08, 1994 – February 12, 2000

Wilms Tumor

Christina Battles

November 01, 1987 – February 12, 2000

Brain Tumor, Bone Cancer and Leukemia


August 19, 1994 – February 13, 2000



Jacob Scott Mason

November 14, 1993 – February 24, 2000

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma

Elena Christine Bove’

January 17, 1998 – February 24, 2000


My sweet little Elena is missed EVERY day. To this day I just don’t understand why she had to go.Always looking for someone to talk to who has had this same illness. Her Drs. tell me it affects 1 in a million. Why, Why, Why ? Lets talk……Donna

Eric John Connor II

March 26, 1988 – March 04, 2000

Metastic Melanoma

Emily Hiraki

May 20, 1996 – March 08, 2000

Rhabdoid Tumor

Andrew Eugene Beasley

October 13, 1982 – March 11, 2000

Bone Cancer

Taylor Nikol Pinney

March 11, 1999 – March 19, 2000

Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Jonathan Robert Patterson

July 06, 1988 – March 23, 2000

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

In Loving Memory

Gabrielle Thompson

January 15, 1992 – March 26, 2000


Rachel Louise Way

October 05, 1991 – April 01, 2000


Our little Lou Bug……..you will always be in our hearts, I thank God for the gift of YOU! I won’t try to understand why……I can only look forward to the time we get to be together again, forever!! Mommy, Daddy, Britanie (little sissy), and Stephen (little brother you never met) We miss you so much, it hurts!!

Elijah Dean Toombs

January 11, 1996 – April 04, 2000

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

Justin Paul Thatcher

August 17, 1985 – April 04, 2000


Brantley Reed Fairey

June 29, 1983 – April 05, 2000

Gliomatosis Cerebri

Angela Marie Espinosa

June 01, 1988 – April 08, 2000


John Kristofer Saulog

October 16, 1994 – April 11, 2000


John Kristofer Albania-Saulog

October 16, 1994 – April 11, 2000


You may be gone but never be forgotten… you will always be in Mommy’s heart… I’ll always remember you. I love you forever. I miss you so much.

Justin Francis Benson

January 31, 1992 – April 13, 2000

Brain Stem Glioma

God saw you were getting tired, and a cure was not to be, so He put His arms around you and whispered, “Come to Me”. With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away. Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.

April Michelle Sullivan

May 01, 1996 – April 21, 2000


Brian Anthony Petty

September 26, 1993 – April 23, 2000

Leukemia (ALL)

Monica Renee Palser

September 22, 1999 – May 02, 2000

Rhabdoid Tumor

Jordyn Fitzpatrick

March 30, 1998 – May 08, 2000

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Angelina L. Jacen

May 06, 1990 – May 08, 2000

Lung Cancer

Anggie was diagonised with cancer one year before she passed away. in that year alone we saw the real side of this girl. She knew what she wanted and went for it. she never quit school, ballet, and girl scouts untill the last minute and a week before she died she whispered, ” i lived my life to the fullest, Will you?”
She died in her father’s arms two days after her birthday in a small hotel in Paris. She had wanted to stand under the Eiffel tower for her Birthday. She was too weak to stand, so Dad held her and we snapped the last photo of her. She had a smile on her face and a look of victory.

Jordyn Ashleigh Fitzpatrick

March 30, 1998 – May 08, 2000

Acute Myeloid Leukemia M5

Jordyn you live in so many ways even after your soul went home to heaven and your body just could not fight any more. You are my hero and your daddy’s hero and even though you two never met in this life..I know you’re your brother, Jacob’s hero. I tell EVERYONE about you…my precious little girl. I love you. Thank you for letting me be your Mommy. Please tell God thank you for that gift. We’ll see you again one day in heaven!
Love, Mommy, Daddy, and little brother Jacob

Eric Connor Hutzler

October 30, 1997 – May 12, 2000

Metastatic Mesoblastic Nuephroma

Ralph Leroy Pounds III

February 26, 1997 – May 15, 2000


Reyanna Rebeiro

May 01, 1994 – May 19, 2000


Michelle Elyse Camacho

September 20, 1987 – May 21, 2000

Brain Stem Glioma

Steven Rainville

December 19, 1994 – May 22, 2000

Acute Leukemia

This was built and dedicated to our son Steven and his friend Tyler….. and cancer families,
We are doing charity events for the Canadian Cancer society. We did the first…. Dinosaur Tournament for Us Prominigolf Assn. June 23,2001 they donated money to the Canadian cancer society…. This year they donated my membership money to Canadian Cancer society…. I thank them for all their generousity and kindness…

Lucas John Sonnek

January 16, 1996 – May 25, 2000

Anaplastic Astrocytoma

Colton Lee O’Neal

September 13, 1996 – May 30, 2000

Acute Myeloid Leukemia M7

Joshua Valdivieso

July 16, 1996 – June 02, 2000


Alexandra Tiana

June 17, 1999 – June 17, 2000

Wilms tumor

Lexi was a happy girl and will live in us 4 ever

Kristie Michelle Smith

October 16, 1984 – June 19, 2000

Brain Stem Glioma

Nicole Pollard

June 13, 1987 – June 23, 2000

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Sydney Rebecca Hall

May 27, 1999 – June 25, 2000


Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you, and your beautiful smile. I long to cuddle with you, and blow kisses back and forth. Your baby brother Andrew loves your pictures, and someday will know all about you. Your strength and courage help me out everyday.

Love always and forever,
Mom, Dad, and Andrew

Kaylah Whitney Galbreath

September 19, 1999 – June 27, 2000


Michael Christopher Rice

April 11, 1995 – July 10, 2000


Adam Michael Hardin

March 22, 1981 – July 11, 2000


Adam, like many who die so young, was a special young man. If anything can come out of the tragic death of those so young, I thank God for the little bit of time we got to share with the magic person that he truly was! Adam, you are our “Special Angel” and we miss you so much!

Joseph M. Huston

August 05, 1983 – July 12, 2000

Renal Cell Carcinoma

‘Close your eyes and I’ll take you there, the place is warm with out a care’ -Someday, Sugar Ray

Christopher Lucas

January 08, 1982 – July 15, 2000


Remembering you is easy we do it every day
its the heartache of losing you never goes away.

Tae Emmmerson

August 03, 1990 – August 02, 2000

Bone Cancer

She died the day before her 10th birthday. We love you! We miss you!

Mommy, Daddy, Shae and Jesse


January 02, 1982 – August 04, 2000


Tommy was the world’s best little brother. I love you and miss you.

Brianna Koncinsky

March 09, 1994 – August 09, 2000


Racheal VanMeekeren

March 20, 1984 – August 13, 2000

Desmoplastic Small Round Blue Cell Tumor

Becky Leanne Oldfield

January 27, 1992 – August 14, 2000


Kassandra Rose McGrath Ryan

July 11, 1996 – August 29, 2000

Stage IV Hepatoblastoma

Charles *buddy* Workman

August 12, 1987 – September 02, 2000


You were an awesome friend!!!!! we all miss you and love you very much! R.I.P!!! *muah*

Shad Luke Mckell

June 16, 1995 – September 05, 2000


Yasemin Doyle

June 24, 2000 – September 08, 2000

Brain Stem Glioma

Yasemin was and still is my Brave heart
She was only ten when she got ill.
She showed so much courage. She gave me the strength to cope. She will always be my shining Star. I Love her with all my heart.

Brittany Raper

March 08, 1997 – September 12, 2000

Brain Tumor

Jason Christopher Loyd

May 16, 1998 – September 12, 2000


Jason Loyd

May 16, 1998 – September 12, 2000


Jason was such a sweet little boy. Life isn’t the same without him. He always had a smile and made my days so much brighter. I love and miss my little boy so much!

Alex M. King

September 25, 1985 – September 17, 2000


Alex was diagnosed in February 2000 and died in September 2000.

Nicole Rose Dian Fraser (Bubbies)

April 16, 1999 – September 21, 2000

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

I love you Bubbies. My love for you will continue to grow all the days of my life. Your love, smiles and hugs I long for. The void and pain is so great. You will always be my blessing. I love you eternally.
Love Mama
*Kiss Mama Kiss*

adam kelly groza

May 30, 1996 – October 02, 2000

pre b acute lympoblastic leukemia

adam my precious son you were taken from us far to soon. although many things have changed one thing will always be the same, a day does not go by that i dont think of you, and my love still grows. you had the most wonderful smile and caring nature. it was if you were touched by God and he just wanted you back home with him. I will always be proud to have been your mother.

Carey Michael Jones

January 06, 1992 – October 03, 2000

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Steven Robert Bush

May 09, 1991 – October 05, 2000

Brain Cancer

Marlee Elizabeth Bullard

February 22, 1996 – October 09, 2000


We were all so lucky to have you in our lives. Heaven must be shining brighter with that beautiful smile that lights-up your face. Hold on
tight to Ben’s hand and know that we miss you and love both so much.

Megan Newstrom

February 10, 1988 – October 09, 2000

Non-Hodgkins Large T-Cell Lymphoma

I only knew Megan from hearing about the wonderful things that she did in her short life and from going to school with her older sister. What an ANGEL! She will never be forgotten…

Megan Leigh Newstom

February 10, 1988 – October 09, 2000

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Kyree Samuel Abraham

May 23, 1997 – October 17, 2000


Kyree was diagnosed when he was 22 months old. He fought like a brave Star Wars Jedi, he loved star wars, He rarely had any side affects from all of the chemo but one day God decided it was time for him to come home. He didn’t suffer, it only lasted one day, he didn’t feel any pain but God said it was time and Kyree left when I told him it was okay. He was 3 years old. He left us with his baby brother whom he adored and looks just like him. My pumpkin.

Robert Michael Beard

July 28, 1998 – October 17, 2000

Lymphoma and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


May 07, 2000 – October 20, 2000

Infant A.L.L.

I love you, stinkerbum and I miss you more than words can say. I am sorry that you, and all children with cancer, suffered so greatly. Thank – you for giving me little signs that you are okay and with me.

Dylan-Thomas Denver

December 27, 1995 – November 02, 2000


Yasin Richard El-Fehli

June 09, 1998 – November 05, 2000

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor (Brain)

No more pain my dear little Yas.
I miss you and send my love always.

Virginia Theresa Facendola

November 03, 1995 – November 08, 2000


Jacob Daniel Boros

January 10, 1998 – November 16, 2000


Our special little angel,was only here a little while but achieved so much!Then God called him home. We all miss you so vety much my little mate… love Mummy,Daddy, Aiden and Ethan

Dustin John Pace

September 21, 1985 – November 19, 2000

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Jessica Waterford

September 09, 1992 – November 21, 2000

Anaplastic Astrocytoma


October 11, 1974 – November 24, 2000


We miss you dearly.

Georgiana Eleni Antonopoulos

December 21, 1992 – November 26, 2000

Relapsed AML

Today is two long years that Georgiana has left us. It is so hard to comprehend this and I feel like I am in shock all over again. Georgiana is my inspiration and my greatest teacher. Please visit her website.

Alex Logan Young

April 19, 1995 – December 06, 2000



February 23, 1981 – December 07, 2000

Liver Cancer

Talia Jane Reti

May 16, 1999 – December 09, 2000

Congential Mesoblastic Nephroma

Our beautiful baby girl, Mummy and Daddy love and miss you so much it’s just unbearable.

Sydney Hurter

October 23, 1980 – December 12, 2000


Sarah Elizabeth Pucci

May 12, 1997 – December 15, 2000

Extrarenal Rhabdoid Tumor

Jonathan Thomas Diliberti

April 28, 1996 – December 16, 2000


Jonathan Thomas, affectionately known as Buzz, was a special child. In his four short years, he was able to share his love of life and inspire others more than most will do in a lifetime. WWJD – What would Jonathan do? His message will last forever . . . We love you to infinity and beyond!

Robert James Bowman

June 05, 1986 – December 19, 2000

Acute Lymblastic Leukemia

Jacee Smith

March 30, 2000 – December 21, 2000


Sam Alimentato

October 28, 1984 – December 22, 2000

Stage 3 Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Jori Starr Zemel

September 08, 1986 – January 01, 2001


Michael Pepe jr.

October 21, 1993 – January 03, 2001


Little Man,How Lucky We Were To Have You. Love To You Forever…Mommy&Daddy

Michael Cuccione

January 05, 1985 – January 13, 2001

Hodgkin’s Disease

Michael never gave up he always hid the pain by his cute lil smile he had God Bless…

Micheal Cuccione

January 04, 1985 – January 13, 2001

Hodgkin’s Disease

Jacob Tyler Bouschor

May 31, 1993 – January 14, 2001


Justin Thomas Geiger

July 18, 1999 – January 15, 2001

Infant Leukemia (ALL)

Ellen O’Neal

October 21, 1993 – January 17, 2001

Brain Tumor

Megan Bridget Hoak

October 13, 1983 – January 20, 2001

Brain Cancer

Caitlin Marie Hetzel

March 12, 1992 – January 27, 2001

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)

Caitlin, We will always remember the brightness of your smile, the warmth of your heart, and the courage of your spirit.

Scott Delgadillo

September 17, 1986 – January 29, 2001

ALL T-Cell

Scotty, is missed everyday.
Scott fought until the end. I know he catches every kiss we blow up to heaven. I still vision your smile and that handsome face.

Scott Matthew Delgadillo

September 17, 1986 – January 29, 2001

T-cell leukemia

Scotty was a special gift from god and the hardest thing every is to return. a special young man. Go Irish!! Notre Dame’s number one fan.

Casey (TaTa) Martin

March 07, 1992 – February 05, 2001

Neuroblastoma stage iv

Casey was a lovly child he was an angle in disguise. He was also our little jokester. Always ready to make some one laugh even if he did not feel well……..We miss you much Casey
Love mom

Richard James Derek Haydon

June 13, 1990 – February 12, 2001


Richard was a spark to our lives. He will always be with us and never forgotton. He is missed greatly by all but we know he is watching over us love you forever and always xxxxx

Silas Luciano

July 08, 1994 – February 13, 2001

Pancreatic Blastoma

Silas Nithaniel Luciano

July 08, 1994 – February 13, 2001

Small Round Blue Cell Cancer

To our precious little boy with the biggest smile and deep blue eyes. We are our angel and beside us everyday. Love Mom XOXO

Silas Luciano

July 08, 1994 – February 13, 2001

Round Blue Cell

Forever my baby boy.

Kaliah Larkin/Sharp

September 04, 1997 – February 15, 2001

Acute Myeloid Leukemia M7

Carly Jayne Ensley

October 06, 1984 – February 21, 2001

Primary Liver Cancer

Randi Perkins

August 27, 1984 – February 22, 2001

Undifferentiated Sarcoma

I love you Randi and I keep fighting for you!! You are truly the best! Thank you for everything.

Zachary Yurich

April 12, 1989 – February 24, 2001


Our beloved son. He leaves behind his mom and dad, twin brother Jake, sisters Carrie and Jessica, nieces Emily(10 months old when he died), Taylor and Cassidy(born in 2003)and so many others whose lives he touched. Loved, missed and remembered.

Miss Charli Elizabeth Ramsey

July 17, 1991 – February 27, 2001


this girl was the best friend i have ever had she would be 13 if she was alive but she was the best friend in this world to me and send out your prayers to Elizabeth and Bryan stewart you say well they should be over it now its been four years well they dont know what its like loosin a child or a mother or a son or a father or daughter or any family member thank you

Kaitlyn Drennon

June 27, 1995 – March 03, 2001


Kaitlyn Nichole

June 27, 1998 – March 03, 2001


This is a child I met through my good friend Tony. His sister, the mother of Kaitlyn, and I have become close. This percious baby Kaitlyn was so strong willed and determined to beat cancer. She always did the impossible. It is very hard to let go of her, but she is with Jesus and that helps all of us. 🙂

Blair Patrick Fitzgerald

January 15, 1991 – March 12, 2001

Brain Stem Glioma

Ashlie Nykhole Green

March 31, 1998 – March 15, 2001

NK Precursor Cell Leukemia

Ash was a PRINCESS. She fought HARD with this rare type of leukemia. She was the 1st person to have a BMT with this type of leukemia. What a fighter she was. Mommy, Daddy, and big “brudder” love you & miss you even more. We WILL soon see you again in heaven. You are NOW completely healed. No more fevers, IVs, meds to take— you’re the lucky one.

Amber Lee Renick

May 24, 1986 – March 17, 2001


Meghan Ashley Torp

February 14, 1999 – March 29, 2001


Would like to connect with any other parent who have or had a child with AML leukemia M7 . (hoplesslycln@aol)

Joseph James Burkard

September 26, 1999 – March 30, 2001

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

You will live forever in the hearts of all you touched.

Shelby Kaye Pennington

September 26, 1994 – April 07, 2001


Fly, Fly my Little Barbie Queen
fly where only angels sing
fly away, the time is right
go now, Shelby Kaye, find the light.
Go fly your Barbie Kite, sweetheart
I Love You, Mommy

Donaven Cooper Terry

October 11, 2000 – April 20, 2001

Atypical Rhabdoid Teratoid Tumor

You were only here for a short time but changed everyones lives around you. I miss you more than anything and can’t wait to hold you in heaven, and see your perfect little face. You will be Mommies little man forever!

Dustin Michael Henderson

September 19, 1989 – April 23, 2001



Nathan Stephen Solomon

March 23, 1995 – April 25, 2001

Ewing’s Sarcoma

N is for noble, a heart of gold
A is for amiable, a friendly soul
T is for talented, bright lil’ man
H is for hero, handsome and grand
A is for achiever, impressive boy
N is for nice, bringing us joy

We love you and miss you Nate. You were always our angel here and now as you watch over us.

Crystal Hammonds

February 13, 1991 – May 04, 2001


Joshua Daniel Hull

January 10, 2001 – May 06, 2001

Infantile Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Sheila Jimenez

December 20, 1990 – May 06, 2001

Brain Stem Glioma

Sheila was my oldest niece. Shortly after, she came to live with us from the Dominican Republic, she was diagnosed with brain cancer..It was a batlle, but she gave us the strengh to carry on..always making us laugh even when she was in great pain and disconfort, always caring for her little cousins like their little mom…My most precious dreams are when you are in them, you are still alive in my heart and mind. Baby girl…I love you sooo very much and I also miss you a whole lot…but I know I will see you again in the new system of things..Te amo con todo mi corazon y aunque no tuvimos mucho tiempo para compartir juntas lo haremos juntas por una eternidad…te ama, tu tia..Alex

Lauren Alyse Mitchels

August 09, 1999 – May 11, 2001


Lauren took a considerable part of our hearts with her. Anyone who ever looked into her beautiful blue eyes or witnessed the magic of her smile and infectious laugh will carry those memories with them forever. The truly lucky had also experienced the gentleness of her kiss. Lauren’s time here with us was far too short, but we will treasure the memories of her for a lifetime.

Erik Tyler Fuchter

October 11, 1987 – May 12, 2001

Brain Tumor

Mikee Andersen

March 25, 1985 – May 13, 2001


Mike was one of my best friends, when I found out he got diagnosed i flipped the bird..i was like “no not my best friend..why him”. A week before he died i talked to him, and he was getting ready to go home…..but on the 13th of May…he had passed..he lost his battle..without him i’m so lost..i still haven’t been able to be myself. …R.I.P Mike..Miss ya Lotz Love ya

Jackson Ben Espeseth

September 16, 1997 – May 15, 2001


Louisa Elaine Hargate

May 14, 1990 – May 20, 2001


You brought sunshine to our lives
even on a cloudy day
even though you did not suffer long
I pray you now rest in peace
Forevermore in our hearts
the dear sister you were…

Love always

Gunnar Isaiah Harwerth

October 07, 1997 – May 23, 2001

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid

Beautiful,courageous boy. You took everything in stride and always with a smile or a kiss for everyone. You will live in our hearts forever and your spirit is always with us.

Travis McCoy Hatton

July 06, 1994 – June 05, 2001


Hilary Ross Carpenter

September 08, 1987 – June 06, 2001


You are everyones “Hill-Bill”. We all know you are with God and you are watching over each and everyone of us. You’ve been and inspiration to each and every life you touched through out the years. May God Keep you tightly in his arms.
Miss ya lots!!! We all love you!

Noelle Baber

March 21, 1995 – June 07, 2001

Brain Tumor

Noelle had struggled so much but was so strong to the people around her. A true blessing to everyone she was around Gods lil angel
I miss You Noelle!!!!

Cole Allen Garrett

April 16, 1999 – June 08, 2001

T-Cell Lymphoma

Alexandre Cogez

November 08, 1997 – June 14, 2001


Alexandre was a very happy little boy : he did love life, his parents, his three sisters and cars ! He wanted to become very fast a big boy in order to be able to drive a car by himself. He wanted the weather to be always fine and everybody to remain always smiling. He even sent us two twin babies to make sure his family would be busy and his sisters would accept the fact that life can bring good things even after the horror of losing a very much loved little brother.
His memory is what helps his family to go on.

Kathryn Lynn Pack

September 19, 1991 – June 15, 2001

Brain Tumor

She smiled to the end.

Byron Keith ‘Chip’ Smith, II

December 02, 1982 – June 27, 2001

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Chip, We are so proud of the brave fight you put up to fight this terrible beast. We love and miss you terribly but we know you are pain-free and happy in Heaven. Till we are all together again..
we love you,Chipper-Doo!!

Kelsi Lynn Colton

November 13, 1997 – June 29, 2001


Mass of Angels – She was:
Grandma’s sunshine
Daddy’s Little Girl
Mommy’s Princess and
Everybody’s Angel

No one will ever forget the angel in Kelsi, and oh how many lives she touched! She was truly special, from the day she was born!

Arielle Cooperman

October 02, 1991 – July 11, 2001

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

In memory of our precious daughter, we miss her more with each passing day.

Michael Weidong Fan

June 19, 1997 – July 20, 2001

Brain Stem Glioma (Pontine)

Dongdong, you are in our heart forever!!
Your courage and optimism in the face of inevitable death was an inspiration to all who knew you. Mon and Dad love you!!

In our hands for a moment,
In God’s hands forever!!

Aimee Lauren Yvonne Lavender

January 31, 1997 – July 24, 2001


Our little angel we miss you so much it has been five years now since you passed away,it only feels like yesterday,i wish i could of taken your place and took all your pain away. You touched everyones hearts and brought so much joy to everyone, we miss you sweet pea. love you mummy daddy and little brother jack xxxxxxxxxxx your memory lives on in our hearts sweet dreams little one.

Kelsi Marie Knisley

December 29, 1991 – July 26, 2001


Briana E. Glacken

October 15, 1991 – July 28, 2001

High Risk T-Cell ALL

Briana was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 7 years old. She was in remission for 18 months when she relapsed. She went to be an ANGEL on July 28th at the age of 9. I LOVE AND MISS YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL…..YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY LITTLE PRINCESS!!!!

Matthew Paul Denbow

January 17, 1990 – July 29, 2001


Matthew you may have lost your short battle but you were courageous to the end. All my love Mum XX

Carlea Marie Angelo

July 10, 1994 – July 29, 2001


The coolest angel we know.
Love, your family and friends

Mitchell John Upcroft

July 13, 1997 – July 30, 2001


Your smile has gone forver
Your hands we cannot touch
All we have is memories of
the one we loved so much
He took you to his garden and
laid you there to rest, God’s
garden must be beautiful
He only takes the best.
You are in our thoughts every single day
we love you Mitchell with all our heart.

Isabella Zouvas

November 10, 1995 – August 12, 2001


We met her at the hospital dx the same week as our little Angelica and she left this world on Angelica’s birthday. I know she is watching over her. Thank you you. Isabella we miss you. I keep in touch with your Mommy. She says you are her Bellaluna.

Roddy Norris

September 10, 1996 – August 15, 2001

Anaplastic Wilms Tumor


September 10, 1996 – August 15, 2001

Anaplastic Wilms Tumor

Kevin John Seitz

July 29, 1999 – August 17, 2001

Juvenile Mylomonocytic Leukemia

Some people only dream of angels, we held one in our arms. We love you little buddy.

Elena Isabella Patete (Chinsy Lou)

February 22, 2001 – August 28, 2001

Rhabdoid Tumor

Baby Elena – I want you to know not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts. You are so special Chinsy and you will be with me, in my heart, forever! I love you baby girl and I am blessed to have had such an amazing baby as my niece – for even such a short time. In time we will be together again Chinsy lou!!
All my love,
Zia Chana

Elena Isabella Patete

February 22, 2001 – August 28, 2001

Rhabdoid Tumor



February 22, 2001 – August 28, 2001

Rhabdoid Tumor


Baby Elena Isabella Patete

February 22, 2001 – August 28, 2001

Rhabdoid Tumor

My precious lil Elena passed away when she was only six months old! She was diagnosed with a very rare cancer, that no one survived with. She was so strong and brave, she just kept on fighting. She was so special, she was like a lil angel sent here from heaven; and she was an angel to me. I want to let her now that I miss her very much, and I am alwayz thinking about her. She will always remain in my heart forever and ever. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND ALWAYS WILL.~ Luv your big cousin. ~Michele~

Elena Isabella Antonia Pia Fatima Christiana Patete

February 22, 2001 – August 28, 2001

Rhabdoid Tumor

Baby Elena was born with a very rare type of Cancer. She went through more surgeries in her six months of living than most people will go through their whole life. She was very strong and brave. She kept on fighting. I love her and Miss her very much! She will always be my baby sister. She is always in my heart and always will be. I love you Baby Elena!! 🙂

Love your Big Sister ~ Gariella

Baby Elena Isabella

February 22, 2001 – August 28, 2001

Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor

Elena Isabella was my baby sister. Although she was only here for a very short amount of time…she filled me with nothing but love and joy. Every day was a great day to be there with her..knowing she was there one more day. Even though it is hard, and i cry and still mourn over her pass, I know she is in a better place. She will always be remembered for her strength. Her strength was amazing…I mean a six month old baby girl, who underent 7 surgeries in her lifetime. She had a very hard battle to fight, and she fought every day of her life, and she made me the proudest big sister to know that she got as far as she did. The doctors never expected for her to live as long as she did. They say she was the longest baby survivor of that type of cancer. She was an amazing gift brought into my life and many others.

I love you Baby Girl… ESEMEHOED!!!(every second, every minue, every hour of every day)

til we meet again….

<333your big sissy *Kor Kor*

Michelle Prator

July 29, 1991 – September 02, 2001


Michelle went to Heaven in September. She had told her cousin Josh when their Grandpa went to heaven on July-29-2001 for us not to worry because he is an Angel just like me. (Michelle said this one month and four days before she went to Heaven) Michelle is my HERO. She was and is one of the strongest little girls i have ever meet. I LOVE HER AND MISS HER. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE ANGEL MICHELLE. And someday we will be together again. I know this is true because God tells us this in the BIBLE. LOVE MOM. I cry alot for you Michelle. Michelle did not die from osteo she died from congestive heart falure(caused from adrimiacine chemo) She was 100% cancer free the day she died.

Timothée Marie-Louise

May 07, 1989 – September 03, 2001

Acute Leukemia Myeloide with Pyoderma Gangrenosum

But now the Lord, my God, hath given me rest on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent!

Daniel T. Warden

August 26, 1986 – September 09, 2001


I’d like the tears of those who grieve to dry before the sun,
of the happy memories I leave behind
when life is finally done…

Ryan Paul William Hill

August 14, 1999 – September 12, 2001

liver cancer

Alexandria Marie Brown

August 30, 1999 – September 19, 2001

Chronic Mylogenous Leukemia

Allie, I love you and can’t wait till I see you again! Love, Mommy

Tatum Rae Demarrias

August 04, 1998 – September 20, 2001

Rhabdoid Sarcoma

Tatum was and still is our little angel, even though she was in our lives for only 3 years, she left our hearts full of joy. We will never forget our “baby girl”… Until we meet again sweetie; love Mom, Dad, and Deija. LOVE YOU ALWAYS

Paige Nicole White

March 01, 1996 – September 22, 2001

Wilms Tumor

We miss you Paige. You were such a brave little girl during your battle with this disease. Nobody who knew you will ever forget you. Goodbye my love. Love, Mommy

Julie Rachel Mitrani

July 25, 1991 – September 28, 2001


Julie fought Acute Undifferentiated Leukemia the summer of 2001. Throughout her battle, she never once complained. Julie showed incredible courage in the face of a fatal illness.
Her mother, father and surviving siblings are trying hard to live up to her example.
We will remember you forever, little ladybug!

Yvette Patricia Finn

February 13, 1990 – September 29, 2001

Acute Mylogenous Leukemia (AML)

Yve,there are no words i can use that can explain to you how much we love and miss you!! Our world is changed forever! We can not understand why God chose to take you from us, but we know you are safe and we know next time we are together, it will be forever!! Just like our love for you will last forever! I know you love us all too, we hold on to that everyday, we had such a strong loving family and we will again, someday soon! We love you so much angel face!! Love Mommy, Daddy, Jesse and Joey XOXOXO HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXOXO


June 09, 1997 – October 05, 2001



Christopher Heron

June 21, 1994 – October 07, 2001

Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

I miss you more each day Christopher.

Dominique Cummins

April 25, 1999 – October 09, 2001


God saw she was getting tired
a cure was not to be.
So He wrapped His arms around her
and whispered, “Come with Me.”
With tearful eyes we watched her suffer
and saw her fade away.
Although we loved her dearly,
we could not make her stay.
A precious heart stopped beating
little hands now rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.

God didn’t promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow or sun without rain.
But God did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears and a light for the way,
And for all who believe in His kingdom above,
He answers their faith with everlasting love.

Ashley Romer

June 29, 1999 – October 11, 2001


With us such a short time, in our hearts forever.

Marty Ash III

February 19, 1983 – October 13, 2001


In loving memory,
We Miss You Marty……

Jeremiah Cain

August 30, 1993 – October 15, 2001


Jeremiah was a happy child with a beautiful smile. He battled his cancer the way he felt,he was a strong boy and wise. No matter wht was going on he didn’t let the cancer win. I miss him a whole lot but God knows best and I knw he is he’s better there than here. I told him he has won the battle.

Robert Ashby

November 23, 1985 – October 16, 2001

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

You are greatly missed Bobby but never forgotten.

Bobby Ashby

November 23, 1985 – October 16, 2001

Burkitt’s Lymphoma

To a very courageous and loving young man, whose bright future is continuing in Heaven. We rejoice that you graced our world.

Daniel Montgomery Ball

March 10, 1997 – October 17, 2001


Forevered loving you our precious angel.

Love, Mommy and Daddy

Travis Whitman

January 04, 1997 – October 21, 2001


We love you always Travis, you will forever live in our hearts. Mommie and family

Jonathan Carrido

August 09, 1993 – October 21, 2001

Intrisinic Pontine Brain Stem Glioma

In Memory of Jonathan

Sarah Marie Colby

January 08, 1998 – November 09, 2001

Rhabdoid Tumor

Sarah Colby was 3 years old when she was diagnosed and she was still 3 years old when she passed away. She was the bravest, most beautiful girl I’ve ever known. Her mommy, daddy, brother David and sister Laura will love Sarah Marie FOREVER!

Chandler Miles Wynne

June 06, 1991 – November 13, 2001


A child blessed with many gifts just not years.
We love you & miss you Chandler – Mommy, Daddy,
Ashley & Christopher.

Chandler Wynne

June 06, 1991 – November 13, 2001


My little one I miss you so. It has been almost a year without that big grin of yours, I know you are so happy now but I miss you so, I see your smiling face in every leaf, tree, flower and cloud. You are here, I just can’t let you go I miss you so, I can feel your presence and it makes me happy. You are my special angel. I know you watch over us all. I love you baby,

Chandler Wynne

June 06, 1991 – November 13, 2001


I miss you so. You were my inspiration and taught me so much.
Thank you for loving me and our special times together.
My special Angel


Dylan Harris

February 21, 1997 – November 14, 2001



July 05, 1995 – November 19, 2001


Thomas was the Bravest of the Brave. He never complained, he never felt sorry for himself. He always tried to comfort others. He was at peace with his life. The world is a darker place without him. Rest well, my son………Daddy

Brenda Justiniano

January 07, 1978 – November 21, 2001

Lung Cancer

She was an excellent friend and will be missed.

Ashley Jean O’Rear

April 27, 1987 – November 24, 2001


Jackson Swan Doran

July 14, 2000 – November 25, 2001


When Jackson began showing signs of illness, his disease had progressed to Stage 4, high risk. The cancer took him from us in only 3 1/2 months. Born an Angel, left an Angel. He loved birds; his only word. Now he can spread his wings and fly with his feathered friends. Jackson’s dream has come true. Our love for our baby will never fade.

Jessica Patricia Wolf (Jessi)

December 02, 1997 – November 26, 2001


Jessi took her angels hand and flew to a much better place. We are confident that she is happy in heaven and loved there more than we could ever imagine. We will miss her dearly and we thank God for the time we had with our little girl.

To those of you reading this……….please remember…. Don’t Ever Give Up, No Matter What Happens and No Matter What the Battle Becomes.

Cheanelle Rikki Hempstead

November 19, 1999 – November 29, 2001


Cheanelle was our granddaughter. She only lived five months after her diagnosis.

Steven Douglas Chatman

January 22, 1976 – November 30, 2001

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Issac Bryce Winter

April 29, 1998 – December 01, 2001


Issac was a very special boy. He was the sunshine in our lives and to all that knew him We miss you Issac but you will live in our hearts forever

Jake Pritchard

February 12, 1987 – December 07, 2001

Ewing’s sarcoma

We miss your smile, your laughter, your hugs and kisses, but most of all, we just miss you so much! We love you, Jakie!

Faith Emily Altbush

October 29, 1993 – December 07, 2001

Brain Stem Glioma

Tiffany Janel Ferguson

November 12, 1986 – December 13, 2001

Biphenotypic Leukemia

Ashton Wade Reedy

May 21, 1999 – December 23, 2001


Our little Ashton, Mommy and Daddy’s, LIL SHUGABUG. Nanny and Papaw’s LITTLE MAN, Gammy and Pops LITTLE PRECIOUS.
You were a brave little boy and We thank God every day for giving you to us, even if for just a short time.
Love you more and more every day!!!!

Jonathan (Jonny) Barlett

February 04, 1994 – December 27, 2001

High Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Jonny loved to help other people out so much, that he would often give away things that was given to him, so that he could see other people smiling and having a good time

Mitchell John Fraser

February 03, 2000 – December 31, 2001

Neuroblastoma – Stage III Initially, Stage IV Inevitibly

Words cannot express the feeling of losing a child to cancer. Mitchell suffered so much in his 23 months of life. Although we miss him terribly, we would not wish him back to suffer that pain again. We love and miss you Mitchell. Remembering your smiling eyes brighten our darkest days!

Nikki Marie Giamplo

October 24, 1986 – January 01, 2002


My Dear Nilli-
Though I didn’t know you long- I miss you more than anything in the world. You are my bff and will always be. There is no one else like you. I know that every time I look into the stars there you’ll be winking at me. My Nilli now you have your wings and will be able to soar above the sky and be my guardian angel. I love you Nikki…

Delaney Wright

April 09, 1996 – January 07, 2002


Heaven has been blessed with a new Angel

Marissa Paige Livingston

October 06, 2000 – January 09, 2002

brain and spinal

Even though i was only 7 at the time i still remember every moment of her life. I miss her alot she will always be my little sis, my little angel.

Seyed Hesam Hosseini

June 09, 1987 – January 10, 2002


Dear Hesam,

During year 2002 some of your hospital friends have joined you. I hope you
are not alone anymore. We are alone and miss you so much. It is hard to live
without you. You were the joy of our family. Wherever your spirit is now, we
live in the hope that we see you again.

Ali, Taina, Silvia, Linda and Elias

Alison Kay Brown

June 22, 1992 – January 11, 2002


In memory of my sweet girl Ali! She was such an amazing girl, whenever I have a bad day (and I have alot of those) I just remember all she went through and that keeps me going until I’m am to met her again! I love you more than words can say my precious child. Love mom

Justin Lefevre

November 16, 1984 – January 15, 2002

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Brianna Nicole Howard AKA Breezy

June 09, 1998 – January 19, 2002

T-cell ALL/AML

Our Breezy Girl fought her battle for 15 months before she decided to go home with Jesus! We love her and miss her each and every day..

Jabari Akil Ealy

March 04, 1999 – January 22, 2002

Atypical Rhabdoid Teratoid Tumor

Jabari’s name means Brave in Swahili and brave is exactly what he proved to be during his four month battle with cancer. His life time was short and sweet, but Jabari managed to touch everyone’s heart with his bright smile and bubbly personality. We will forever miss him and love him eternally.

Thiago Cunha

September 23, 1991 – January 24, 2002


Little Thiago has endured such a long battle since he was 5 yrs old, and the last try (a bone marrow transplant) brought lots of complications and this morning he finally got his wings, must be in Jesus arms right now. It is very sad for all of us, friends and family to accept such a great boy suffered so much as he did, since the transplant (last Dec 4/2001), never complaining and always saying he was OK with his thumb. He is an angel, we are sure of it.


February 13, 1982 – January 26, 2002

Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor


Nickolah Noel Presley

November 07, 1983 – February 01, 2002

Brain Stem Glioma

You finally got your angel wings. Now our baby can fly away.

Forrest Schoenberger

August 23, 1998 – February 09, 2002


Forrest was a brave child and only lived for a short amount of time. I miss his smiling face that I saw in pictures of him. He was a great child. -Ellie

Chayton Hunter Anderson

May 12, 2000 – February 13, 2002

ATRT/Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

This little boy has taught his parents and other family members more about life than any other mentor or hero out there! Chayton, like many of the other rhabdoid children, was wise beyond his years. Chayton Hunter Anderson passed away at 12:10pm on February 13, 2002, surrounded by his family and “puppy”.
Chayton, baby, Rest Easy Little Man!!!!! We love you!!!

Jared Graham Masoner

October 22, 2000 – February 14, 2002

ATRT/Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

To my precious little angel. Your auntie Christy misses you more than ever!

Forever in my heart……


May 14, 1985 – February 18, 2002

Osteogenic Sarcoma

Phylicia Johnson, my rock, my hero and my baby. At 16 she had touched so many lives. She was strong and courageous throughout her battle with cancer. She never let it get in the way of her desires to be happy. She was a good girl.

Logan Lundberg Snyder

January 26, 1989 – February 23, 2002


We will miss you every day Logie Bear. You were an angel and we were blessed to have you on this earth though you could not stay long. Though you chose life, this was not to be- you can finally be free of your body. Your memory and spirit will live within our hearts. I know you will watch over us- we love you eternally. Mom, Erika, and Mikey xoxoxo

Shaylah Daniel MacDonald

January 14, 2001 – February 26, 2002


Alexey Atlasov

August 24, 2000 – February 26, 2002

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor

We thank God that he has given all those moments, we bless each day, each hour, each second with our precious child.

Evan Ryan Athay

April 24, 1985 – March 01, 2002


I met Evan when I was also undergoing my cancer treatments the same time he was. When I met him there was an aura around him that just made you want to smile, which I always did. He helped me through so much and realted to me in so many ways. He had a wonderful faith and he believed in God and all of His doings. He is now my special angel that I know is watching over me and I can feel safe because I know him and God will always be there. I miss you and thank you for being such a huge part in my life and impacting me in so many ways:)

Jessica Lorraine Sutherland

July 24, 1998 – March 03, 2002

Brain Stem Glioma

Diagnosed 30/10/01, our angel was only with us for a short time but I will treasure every waking moment we had with you. I will never forget holding you in my arms as we slept each night since you got sick.

My darling poppit, I miss you more and more each day, I love you so much and pray that you are now at peace.

Courtney Boynton

April 22, 1985 – March 07, 2002


I love you and will never forget…

Hunter Hal Arthur Ducharme

October 21, 2000 – March 07, 2002

Stage IV Neuroblastoma


January 18, 1999 – March 07, 2002


Sydnee Meghan-June Self

December 26, 2000 – March 09, 2002

Leukemia (A.L.L.)

Our little Princess, Love you forever. You fought harder in your short time then most people do in a life time. Now you have your wings.

Charles Phillip DeGroot

August 12, 1996 – March 10, 2002


Charles loved so many things–cookie dough ice cream, noodles with cheese and salt and most especially his motorcycle. He was the self-proclaimed Lego Maniac! He always woke up with a smile. He taught us all how to live with our eyes fixed on Jesus. Our sweetest bubby, we miss you so and cannot wait to be with you again.

Dillon Rolins

June 26, 1998 – March 12, 2002

Stage 4 Neuroblastoma

Abigail ‘Abbey’ Layne Curtiss

January 04, 2001 – March 13, 2002


Love you Abbey. Mom, Dad and Harley miss you everyday!

Danny Paul Klancher

May 27, 1987 – March 15, 2002

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Danny learned how to live one day at a time because he knew he might not have “forever.” During his 4 1/2 year battle with cancer he exemplified resilience, courage, grace and a sense of humor. He continues to teach us about peace and love and staying in the present moment where we can find him…

feriona wilson

August 12, 1988 – March 17, 2002

Acute Myloid Leukemia

Kaitlyn Louise Welch

July 20, 2000 – March 24, 2002

PNET in her head

Kaitlyn was diagnosed in March 2001 at 8 months old.She went through lots of chemo, surgery, more chemo and then radiation before we finally said enough.It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make.She was a fighter though and would not give up easy.She has a 3 year old sister who mises her so much and just cries for her.I do too.She is our own special guardian angel.

Luke Paul Tolson Neuhedel

October 09, 1998 – March 27, 2002


Luke won over everyone he met with his smile and beautiful eyes. He loved “Happy Faces”, his blankie and playing with his brother and sisters. His impact on the world remains unmeasurable.

Charlie David Buss

July 11, 1998 – April 01, 2002


We love and miss you so much Char. You were so brave and you knew that Jesus would make you better and He has. Praise God! Always in our hearts my precious baby boy. SHINE JESUS SHINE! We love you so much Mummy Daddy George and Molly xxxxxxx

Lorenzo Manuel Alberto Jr

August 31, 1999 – April 03, 2002

Rhabdoid Teratoid Brain cancer

Some people dream of angels i got to hold one .he was my little angel in disguise now he is in a better place pain free watching over me .

Dustin Edward Slater

July 06, 1990 – April 03, 2002

ependymoma brain tumor

Our sweet boy was 7 when diagnosed. He fought the battle with 2 brain surgeries, radiation, and multiple chemotherapies. He bravely survived 4.5 years and lived every minute to the fullest. Dustin left us with so much to be proud of. We thank our precious boy for the gift of his love.


August 29, 1996 – April 07, 2002


They say that memories are golden, well maybe that is true, but we never wanted memories we only wanted you. We love and miss you so much darling, love from Mommy, Daddy and brother Connor XXXX


September 24, 1990 – April 14, 2002


Savannah Rose Mutchie

December 08, 2000 – April 17, 2002

Rhabdoid Tumor

We prayed for a baby and got an Angel!
I will love you forever and think of you each and every day. Love Daddy

Someone very special
Arrived 12/08/00
Vanished 04/17/02
Always to be remembered
Never to be forgotten
No one will ever take your place
Angel of mine
Help find a cure for cancer

Author: Deanna Wright

Ryan Mcholough

April 06, 1984 – April 20, 2002


RY- We all love you and miss you. Our senior year has been hard without you, but we know you are in a better place. Thanks for everything. We love you Ry.

Jordan Samantha Christine Earle

August 31, 1996 – April 27, 2002

Pontine Glioma

Our precious girl, who has left a huge hole in our family. We talk about you often, you are never far from our thoughts or hearts Jordie. We love you baby….one more time. Mummy, Daddy, Bryn, Rhiannon and Corynne. Sleep tight angel. See you in the morning.

Steven Nielsen

March 13, 1987 – April 27, 2002

Acute Mylogenous Leukemia

Ashlee Shea Haygood

September 12, 1987 – May 03, 2002


Ashlee Shea was a gift from God. The day she came into this world she was nicknamed “Sunshine”. Shea
has the most radiant smile that would lite up any room that she entered. She possessed the most compassionate heart, always worried about everybody else and never herself. If you were to ask anyone that knew her what they remembered most about her it would be her beautiful smile and
wonderful hugs. Even in her darkest days Shea was filled with such gratitude and grace. If you came into her room you always got a great big hug and a “thank you very very much”. “Sunshine you
touched so many hearts leaving everlasting lessons and memories on so many. We are so proud of your life and what you made of it. You taught us to never give up and fight to the end. We miss you so much and love you dearly.

Daniella Nadia Rogers

August 28, 2000 – May 03, 2002


We will always love you, and you will always be with us in our harts. You are our little angel now.

Mommy & Daddy

Kayleigh Banfalvy

January 26, 1999 – May 06, 2002


My sweet Kayleigh Bug, you filled our lives with so much joy and laughter, you were, and still are an inspiration to us. I know you are not here with us anymore, but we still feel your presence. Our hearts break every day not being able to hear your little voice, not being able to see you play, we ache to hear your laughter again.
We love you mush and will be together one day again

Aisha Y. Watkins

July 25, 1982 – May 09, 2002


You were a a star in the eye’s of everyone that knew you and, the people you didn’t know just by speaking or showing your smile you capture there hearts.”SHOW LOVE” The words you live by.

Keeley Nadalin

January 22, 1997 – May 11, 2002


Mssing you lots, and remembering you always Keeley. God Bless.


May 22, 1984 – May 13, 2002


Jenny was a girl who touched the lives of many. Although she cannot be here on earth with us, she is in heaven where she can be free to fly. She will always live in the heart of each and every person she has touched. We love you jenn!


September 24, 1986 – May 14, 2002


Megan…u are so sadly miss….its like a puzzel…a part is missing…
we love u so much!!…..
walking with God now
Megan u are our hero..
love u so much
Mom dad gregg amy ryan bobby amber…
ure family!

Joshua Bryan Spencer

June 09, 1990 – May 18, 2002

Brain Tumor


November 01, 1987 – May 22, 2002

Rhabdoid BrainTumour

much missed, but now in glory!


January 20, 1988 – May 26, 2002

Bone Cancer

A phenomonal person who will be remembered not just because of what she did with her life, but because of what she did to the lives of those around her.

Danny Sanders Jr.

September 20, 2001 – May 27, 2002

Hemophagocytic Lympho Histiocytosis


August 24, 2001 – May 31, 2002


Francesca Elizabeth Mary Hillman

November 30, 1998 – June 26, 2002

Malignant Rhabdoid Tumour


Justin Dean King

August 29, 1985 – June 27, 2002

Bone Cancer

Justin Ford

December 09, 1989 – July 10, 2002


Laura Jane White

January 20, 1987 – July 12, 2002

Leukemia AML

Athough Laura had Leukemia it was Doctor’s Negligence which took my brave Daughter’s life.

Noelle Brooke Baber

March 04, 1996 – July 21, 2002

Brain Stem Glioma

Matthew Hallemeier

March 29, 1986 – July 22, 2002

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Liam Tamayo

March 16, 1996 – July 24, 2002

Brain Stem Glioma

Leilani Lynne Fernandez

July 09, 1993 – July 25, 2002

Brain Stem Glioma

Mackenzie Dawn Brown

March 15, 1997 – July 31, 2002

Brainstem Glioma

Kristin Hofmann

August 18, 1980 – August 06, 2002

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Kristin Gayle Hofmann

August 18, 1980 – August 06, 2002

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

For 21 years she danced in the hearts of so many. Yet on January 11th, 2000 we heard the words no parent should ever bear witness to… “Your child has Leukemia, cancer of the blood.” Not our beautiful, healthy, full of life & loving child. At 19 just beginning to emplement all that we had taught. She was to get married to Chad, have children herself. How could this be? Instead she bravely fought a monster for 2.8 years and came so close to winning. When she left us with just one tear and said “I’m done with this” she took with her the hearts of many. I like to think now she’s rocking the heavens and teaching the angels how to dance now. We Love & miss you Princess! Mom, Chuck, Jason & Lauren

Dustin Matthew Drury

March 02, 1994 – August 09, 2002

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Daniel Byron

September 14, 1991 – August 14, 2002

Diffuse Pontine Glioma


December 06, 1988 – August 23, 2002



Jeremiah L. Herman

December 31, 1999 – August 24, 2002

Stage IV Neuroblastoma

His Love, His Light, and His Inspiration Forever Live On
Always on our Minds, Forever in our Hearts, until we meet again…”THIS MUCH!”

Kiera Andrea Gomez

September 13, 1990 – August 26, 2002

Brain Tumor

Kiera was a great friend to me! She was a great person! I never had a friend like her! She told me the day before she died she told me dont cry if i die, smile because remember now you have a guardian angel!I love you Kiera! Lov ya Ashley

Tyler Marie Partin

March 31, 1997 – August 27, 2002


Our shining star forever shining, forever free.
And deeply missed by all who knew and love her!

Hampden Lewis Wellington Ipser IV

January 18, 1993 – August 27, 2002

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Hampden was such a beautiful little boy with a BIG personality and a BIG smile to go with it. We miss him so much that words cannot begin to describe our sadness and heartache that we feel every day. We love you, Hampden!!! Forever in our hearts, Momma, Pete, Nikki and Christian

Jamen Douglas Briggs

February 13, 1998 – September 04, 2002


Though your physical body was only with us for 4 short years, your spirit is with us forever.

Caedan MacLachlan Gallagher

April 22, 1993 – September 12, 2002


John Russell Lorenz

January 26, 1999 – September 20, 2002

Stage IV Neuroblastoma

We were all so fortunate and blessed to have you with us for such a short while. You have blessed many with your presense and showed many how to love, be brave, show the true meaning of life and how to live it to its fullest and how to be caring and compassionate toward others. Until we meet again little angel….

Kimberly Dee-Ann Bitsko

November 03, 1999 – September 20, 2002

Neuroblastoma, Stage lV

Kimmy was a beautiful, blue-eyed little girl. She was one month short of two years old when she was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma & one month short of three when she died. Her favorite color was purple. She loved the Teletubies, Land Before Time videos, & dancing to “Just One Kiss (My French Blues)” by Zachary Richard. Her favorite word was “Home”. We miss her very much…

Brian Christopher Vermilyer

July 18, 1987 – September 22, 2002

Brain Stem Glioma

TO my son, You are my hero and my inspiration. I will never forget you. I promise to talk about you often. And to let the world know what an amazing young man you are. I love you my sweet angel, enjoy the sunshine. No more worries, cancer will never find you again. Loving you forever…Mommy

emily carter

December 03, 1993 – September 22, 2002


Kristina A.

September 09, 1983 – September 28, 2002

Hodgkin’s Disese

I met Kristina in the Hospital, because I also have cancer (Osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer.
She was one of my good friends too, like a sister. My mom thought she was like a daughter to her. We cared about her a lot. When we found out she passed away it was unbelieveable. We thought it wasn’t true but it was.. We miss her a lot and wish she was still here… r.i.p kristina.. We love you.. Love Katherine

Peyton Reese Wollgast

June 08, 1998 – September 29, 2002

Wilm’s Tumor Stage 4

Peyton was a beautiful four year old girl that loved Barbie more than anything. She would love to race the nurses in the halls on her Barbie Big Wheel. Of course this is how I got my exercise by running with the IV pole. We truly miss her more than all the stars in the sky. She will always be daddy’s “tooty”, mommy’s “little goober” and grandmother’s “sugar plumb fairy”. We love you Peyton!!!!


October 10, 1998 – October 07, 2002


Tanner Bradford Martin

December 15, 1997 – October 08, 2002


To my Butterfly in December, I ‘love you most’
and always. Gramma

Lindsey Christine Ferguson

March 31, 2000 – October 16, 2002


Lindsey, you were the greatest little girl a mother could hope for. You deserved so much better than you received. No matter what was going on around you or how you felt, you smiled and gave love. You have taught me so much. I love you more than you will ever know and look forward to the day we will be reunited in eternity. Love, Mama

Daniel Perreira

October 28, 1999 – October 20, 2002

Neuroblastoma Stage IV

Daniel was a special little boy who loved trucks and Bob the Builder. He could make anyone smile with the cute little things he would do or say. He still makes me smile when I think about him. Now he’s Mommy’s Little Angel. Love U & Miss U Daniel!!


November 28, 1999 – October 20, 2002

Hepatoblastoma Stage 4

We all miss you Zack

Zack Hostad

November 28, 1999 – October 20, 2002

Hepatoblastoma Stage 4

My grandson Zack, touched so many hearts around the world. 14 poems were written about him by Linda Hill. He fought a courageous battle that was harder than we all imagined. He will live forever in our hearts.

Alina Vo

April 03, 1999 – October 21, 2002


Bobby Milward

June 23, 1999 – October 23, 2002

Gliomatosis Cerebri

Bobby i love you man and i will never forget you. always remember that #19 rules. you are the wind beneath my wings. i am so glad i got to meet you. i love you. i hope you will never forget me. please dont forget any of us. you showed me how to stand up and be proud that i am alive. remember that JESUS wanted you so be glad. and think you are in no more pain. so again i love you and i will not ever forget you. i hope i can see you again. love willy

Derrick Tyler Howard

April 29, 1984 – October 23, 2002

Adneoid Cystic Carcinoma

Derrick was diagnoised when he was 15…he was a fighter..he made it till he was 18…he almost died twice…but yet from May to October 2002 ..he fought to live…his faith was strong in the lord..

Bobby Milward

June 23, 1991 – October 23, 2002

Gliomatosis Cerebri

Bobby, this is not how it was supposed to be, yet I have to believe that you where sent here for a reason albiet for a short while. You were my Visitor from Heaven..and now I’m sending you back with a name. I will have you in my heart forever! Your courage, bravery, unconditional love, etc. will be an everlasting memorial to your name. The lessons you have taught me have made me a better mother, a proud mother and a mother who will carry you with me always. I love you!

James Robert Haddad

June 20, 1993 – October 26, 2002

Brain Stem Glioma

Kessia Leigh McConnell

March 26, 1995 – November 03, 2002

Brain Stem Glioma

India Whiley

October 04, 1992 – November 05, 2002


My daughter was my world. India was so special, she was so brave. She hated seeing people cry. This is why we must not cry. For India we MUST be brave. Think about her with a smile, not a tear.

Hunter Guinn

October 03, 1995 – November 06, 2002


Hunter was an angel, God loaned us for awhile.
We watched him grow and came to know the joy of his smile.
His eyes they shine like stars,and could light the darkest night, and when those little arms would hug you oh so tight…
We love him and miss him and each day we will shed tears.
But we thank God for sharing him with us for these few years.
We love our precious littel Hunter.
We know now that he is in a better place, out of pain and free.
But he will be our guardian angel forever.

Ellie Savage

September 23, 1988 – November 11, 2002

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Craig Alan Knauss

March 20, 1983 – November 15, 2002

Renal Cell Carcinoma

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why? Some are born; Some men die beneath one infinite sky. There’ll be war, there’ll be peace. But everything one day will cease.
Pink Floyd

Reality Nolen

October 16, 1996 – November 16, 2002

Wilms Tumor

Reality I didn’t have the pleasure to know you without pain, but you taught me to also express your feelings good or bad, Mattie and I miss you alot but know that you have your angel wings looking down on us, free of pain and sadness.
Always remember “Girls Rule”. We love you !
Your friend Mattie and “Mattie’s Mom” God Bless our Little Angel above.

Robert Mitchell Charlton

April 28, 1991 – November 17, 2002


Tyler Matthew Ahrens

November 03, 1995 – November 26, 2002


God Bless Our Children

Kaitlynn Alexis Monack

June 27, 1985 – December 03, 2002


I miss you so much Kaite! you will ALWAYS be my “blood brother sister” and best friend! we miss you soooooo ubber much! Nothing is the same without you. best friends are forever, not whenever kaite. i loooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeee youuuuu!

<33333333333333 Sammie!

Preston L. Singleton Jr.

April 21, 2000 – December 04, 2002

Stage 4 Neuroblastoma

your our little hero and you will forever be in our hearts we love and miss you dearly

Trinity Luna Rierson

May 25, 2001 – December 07, 2002


Ryan James Mullaly

September 07, 1982 – December 10, 2002

Hodgkins Disease

We miss you, Ryan. Thank you for trying so hard. Love, Mom & Dad

Christian A. Lengyel

June 10, 1986 – December 11, 2002

Hodgkins disease

You were always our inspiration, the beacon of light that made us feel anything was possible. The Kindgdom of God is now yours forever.

Karsyn Lee Alvord

November 02, 2001 – December 14, 2002

atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor(brain) & wilm’s cancer (kidney)

Our little angel was diagnosed @ 7 months and fought her battle with cancer for 6 months. She meant the world to us and we’ll miss her forever! Love, Mommy and Daddy (Aaron and Jennifer)

Kevin Culver Smith

March 24, 1994 – December 22, 2002


We miss your beautiful smile and warm heart every day of our lives.

Justin Allen Bryce

August 02, 1992 – December 25, 2002



August 07, 1992 – December 25, 2002


Don’t give up on life. Life is a chance to gain a new point of view. I learned that by losing my brother to a rare cancer last year.

Bethany Groce

April 26, 1985 – January 01, 2003


Ryan Patrick Kishbaugh

July 26, 1984 – January 03, 2003

Hodgkin’s Disease

Justin Rhodes

March 14, 1990 – January 03, 2003

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Justin was one of my best friends! I met him at the hospital. He taught me that I can make it through my illness! He was always there for me! He never felt sorry for himself. He helped me so much! I always think why did he have to die? But I know he is in a better place! Pain Free! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN! Love Always, *Ashley*

Jane Ellen Sims

March 19, 1997 – January 04, 2003


Janie was a child whose site I accessed through another one on Caringbridge. She is a beautiful little girl and I am glad she is in Heaven cancer free. Praise God for his angels!

Blair James Rainey

June 17, 1999 – January 13, 2003

Brain Tumor

Blair fought incredibly hard to beat his illness but sadly it took him in the end. His resilience was beyond imagination during times of intensifying pain and disability. His treatment was cruel. But his Mum, Dad and our family did everything we could for him. In the end it was just too much. We will remember him with love always. He is truly missed.

Adrienne Nichelle Nelson

December 25, 1989 – January 15, 2003

Brain Tumor

Alexia Giselle Bravo

April 10, 2001 – January 17, 2003

RTK-Rhabdoid Tumor of the Kidney

My little Angel was a fighter…She showed unbelieveable strength. She was my inspiration and an inspiration to many..She will always be in my heart….Love you more every day Pelona!!!
Love, Mama

LeeAnna Teyu KaiXuan

December 18, 2000 – January 20, 2003

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

My Darling leeanna, mummy misses you very much. These two years, you’ve give us lots of happy moments and we still remembered your smile, huges and giggles. You’ve been through so much since 6 months old and you are a strong fighter to everyone of us. You have been through chemo, operation and more chemo and nearly lose you twice. When we finally say it enough and it too much for you and believe that God has his plans. The last day, you open your eyes and whisper goodbye to mummy, I still can’t believe I’m losing you. Now you are safe in God’s arms, and He shall protect you, there will be no more pain and sufferings. It is sad to lose you forever but you will always be mummy’s sweet little girl.
*Kingdom of God is now yours forever*
Love u mummy

Leeanna Teyu Kai Xuan (Kristen)

December 18, 2000 – January 20, 2003

T-cell Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Relapse)

Even though she had been with us only a short while.We will always treasure her as a very precious gift from the Lord.We know she is in better hands now.With the Lord, there is no more needles poking, chemo, crying or suffering.The Lord will be a much, much better parent than us. Sometimes, we don’t even know what to do to make her more comfortable.Now, she is in the best place.Leeanna, till we meet again…Your Mummy, Aunty, Granny & Uncle Kevin will live our lives to the fullest & make you proud of us.Do watch over us & bless us in all we do. Love you always!!

Mykka Estorninos

August 18, 1986 – January 25, 2003

Lung Cancer

We love you Mykka. You are a great friend. I know you can’t read this from your computer but i know that you can see me typing this. Mykka, this shouldn’t have happened to you not this soon anyways. You were beautiful, caring, loving, and a good student. I love you Mykka and nothing is going to change that. By the way everyone here misses you and always will. We love you!

Mykka Estorninos

August 11, 1986 – January 25, 2003

Lung Cancer

Mekka, you were and are a great friend. Everyone loves you so much. You always put everyone before you and that isn’t something you see very much. You were always there for me, and everyone else. No matter what happened, you always tryied to make the best of it. I told you things I never told anyone else. I trusted you with my eyes closed and I always will. That secret you told me, I haven’t told anyone and never will because I know how much it meant to you. You know that I “Jellie Promised” and that promise is forvever. All the stupid things we did. Hahahaha!!! Boy, we were so full of stupid things to do. We always had fun too. Talking about everything under the sun. Like at lunch. Those were fun times. Mykka, we are all going to miss you very much, but we all know that you are in a better place and you’re going to be watching over us with a smile. Now you’re going to see everything we do and you’re going to laugh. Especially, with me and you-know-who. Hahahah! Oh, boy, but just remember that we love you and we know that you were and are a great, loving, beautiful, caring, person. Ilove you, Yelixsa Artiga (Jellie Baby to all my friends!)

Samantha Chyanne Scott

November 27, 1999 – February 02, 2003

Brain Tumor-Neuroblastoma

My precious angel…sleep peacefully.I will see you soon. Love Nana

Amber Lea Bailey

April 24, 1990 – February 07, 2003

AML Leukemia

Amber was my hero. My baby sister. The most beautiful person I have ever known, inside and out. She was a miracle. It seemed that Amber not only perfected the perfect lullaby of life, but mixed up the notes and created her own song. Even until the very end, she held onto life, until I realized that only love could let me let her go. Amber conquered the hardest battle of them all, letting go. She will always be remembered. She is a part of everyone she touched forever.

Meghan Marie Mack

July 23, 2000 – February 07, 2003

Biphenotypic Leukemia

Meghan continues to bless us all with gifts we’ve learned from her short but profound life. Although she was only 2 1/2 when she became an Angel, she taught us more than most do in a lifetime. Meghan fought this rare leukemia with grace and dignity well beyond her years. She loved to sing, dance and hold her big brother’s hand. She is truly missed and loved by all who knew her…..and by some who never met her, but have come to know her through her journey with leukemia. Our family asks that on behalf of Meghan you become registered bone marrow donors, donate blood and platelets regularly and donate your baby’s cord blood if you’re expecting.
As I would tell her each night as I rocked her to sleep, Goodnight May, Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you, Tommy Lee loves you….EVERYBODY LOVES MEGHAN!

Eric J Zielinski

January 28, 1995 – February 09, 2003

PNET Brainstem

Eric you fought a long hard battle for seven years. You brought alot of joy to our lifes. You are greatly missed. One day we will all be together again. Love Mommy,Daddy,and Nicole

Alexandria Nicole Haddock

August 06, 1993 – February 16, 2003

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Michael George Miles

October 12, 1985 – February 23, 2003


Michael was dearly loved by all and is greatly missed!!

Alex K. Alton-Thesing

July 31, 1987 – February 24, 2003

Lymphoma -stage4

He fought for 7 weeks and was brave through every moment. he’ll never be forgotten, and there will never be another one like him.
We love you always and forever alex.

Rachael Lynn Mayo

November 15, 1983 – March 01, 2003

Hodgkin’s Disease

Dustin Meraz

August 02, 1991 – March 05, 2003


Nicole Petrucci

December 15, 1999 – March 05, 2003


billie marie laura mcdonagh

March 13, 2002 – March 10, 2003

aml m7

she was only 3 mts old when she got sick she died 3 days before her first birthday. billies web site is caringbridge.org/va/billiemmcdonagh

Annalynn Inga Pedersen

October 11, 1988 – March 11, 2003

Brain Tumor

Anna ran the race and fought a good fight, and though it’s difficult to understand, Anna you are the winner! Anna is missed by so many who love her dearly. We take comfort in the fact that she is no longer struggling in this life with a brain tumor but is healthy and vibrant in the presence of the Lord. We look forward to the day when we will be reunited in heaven.
Forever in our hearts, forever in the arms of Jesus precious Annalynn.

Santana Pore

September 03, 1989 – March 30, 2003

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Santana was a Beautiful courageous girl who fought her battle for 3 years. She went through chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplant,
GVHD, seizures and 5 relapses. A truely amazing
child who always had a smile for everyone.

Matthew Garnett Wilbert

March 26, 1994 – April 04, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

Steven ‘Nikolas’ McMartin

October 29, 1998 – April 11, 2003


You fought the good fight and your Mom misses you. You’ve spent almost a year in Heaven, I hope grandma is taking great care of you. I Love you!

Mitchell T. Chepokas (Mitchie)

July 30, 1993 – April 11, 2003


Mitchies life touched thousands, from diagnoses until death, he only lasted 10 months, in heaven, he now enjoys eternity ! No more pain ! Please visit our website! We are here to help other Cancer Families Financially through the Miracles of Mitch Foundation..Please visit, and God Bless you all! IF YOU WANT TO WITNESS A MIRACLE…BE THE MIRACLE….

Annie Rathmann

March 31, 1996 – April 13, 2003


Annie was a joy to be around. She had the biggest heart of any 6 yr old I knew and she never gave up trying.

Annie B. Rathmann

March 31, 1996 – April 13, 2003


Annie was a bright and cheery little girl. She touched everyone she met. She loved pink and purple and was just an all around sweetheart. I will love and miss you Annie Bananie!

Austyn Miller

June 15, 1994 – April 24, 2003

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Tyler Robbins

May 30, 1995 – April 24, 2003

Acute Mylogenous Leukemia

Tyler, although I only knew you through the Hugs and Hope Club, I feel you were such a special little boy. I know you are a very good angel up in heaven with God.

Ashton Chad Larkin

June 23, 1995 – April 29, 2003

Meningeal Sarcoma

Ashton taught me so much about being brave. He fit a whole lifetime of love into seven years. The mountains were a place of peace and comfort for him. What an honnor it is to be his mother. I know he’s in a better place now, no more surgery, chemo, radiation, pills, etc… His spirit still lives on with us.


February 15, 1991 – April 30, 2003

Anaplastic Astrocytoma

Haley Anna Peterson

May 12, 1989 – May 11, 2003

Wilm’s Tumor

Haley was my best friend, she was always there for me and she still is, only in a different way. She never turned 14, her birthday was the next day… she died at 11:03.. the hour and minute she was born 13 years and 364 days earlier. when she passed i told her it was ok to let go, she was gasping for air and then she did what I said… she let go. WE ALL MISS YOU CRACK HEAD!!!
(that was her nickname because she was so full of energy and funny)

Haley Peterson

May 12, 1989 – May 11, 2003

Wilm’s Tumor

Jensen K. Whitmore

October 31, 1998 – May 13, 2003

Gliobalstoma Multiform

My little Jenny,4th of our 5 beautiful children.Jensen was truly an angel on earth, the love,laughter & happiness this baby had even through the toughest times with this battle, the victory always was and always will be the Lords. My baby went home to live with her Lord & Savior Jesus Christ on 5- 13-2003. I know how happy & safe she is now in his arms. God bless all of you and your families that ever have to go through this. Jensen is not my past she is most definetly my future.I know she is waiting to see all of her family with her in heaven some day. I love you Jenny bear. Mommy

Bryan Jason Diem

December 07, 1984 – May 19, 2003

Brain Tumor

He was my angel from God and now he is my angel with God. I love you Bryan

Brandon Carr

February 03, 2002 – May 23, 2003

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Brandon, you were such a beautiful baby. You will forever be remembered by the Hugs and Hope Club. You are now a special angel up in heaven.

Brandon Troy

February 03, 2002 – May 23, 2003

Leukemia (infant , MLL, 11q23)

Aaron Nigel Andrade

August 12, 2000 – May 27, 2003


Anthony Falco Makoid

May 05, 1998 – June 02, 2003


Anthony was the bravest soldier I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He is my son, my love and MY HERO! He fought a good battle for 4 years and now plays with God and the angels. “To Infinity and Beyond”

Jalen King

December 09, 2001 – June 03, 2003

AML Leukemia

Jalen, my precious son. There isn’t a day that passes that I don’t wish that you were here. I miss you so much and I will love you FOREVER!

Steven Aldair Jones

September 17, 1986 – June 05, 2003


Even though the battle is over Steven will be truly missed by me and everyone who came in contact with this angel. I don’t see it as he’s gone, but he’s on vacation. A lifelong vacation with all expenses paid with love.

Tyler Jacob Ballou

July 31, 1998 – June 09, 2003


We all love you so much Tyler. You are such a brave and sweet boy. Your smile in our pictures, videos and memories warms our hearts.

Akaida Nicole Langemeier

June 19, 1998 – June 09, 2003

Stage IV Neuroblastoma

Mary Louise Ames

April 10, 1996 – June 10, 2003

Leukemia and Brainstem Glioma (Pontine)

Today it has been a month since you passed, and it seems like only yesterday. We miss you so much. We love you dearly and will hold you close to our hearts forever. We think of you often and will never forget you. You will always be our guardian angel.

There is a website for Mary and we will be starting a foundation in her name to help raise funds for pediatric brain tumor reasearch. If you are interested you can email me and I will send you the information. Thank you for your interest and God Bless.

Jared Joel Teel

June 09, 1998 – June 11, 2003


Bubba…thank you for fighting for as long as you did; we cherish every memory. Alexis sent you some balloons the other day…just to let you know we still love you. And she makes sure we still tell you hi and goodnight almost every night…we love you and miss you so much! We’ll see you again someday!

Colby James Cole

February 14, 1998 – June 12, 2003


We love and miss you, Colby!
You’ll always be in our hearts, prayers and thoughts.
We will NEVER forget you or your adorable ear to ear smile.

Kyle Antony Lee

April 14, 1989 – June 14, 2003

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Kyle’s courage, love and compassion is an inspiration to us all. He will live in our hearts forever.

Christopher Jordan Pope

November 10, 1990 – June 16, 2003


What a gift, the most beautiful child and I am so glad I got to be your mom. You taught me so much in your short life but above all you taught me how to die, even though you knew that there was nothing else they could do, you lived your life as if you were well, you knew that God could heal you in spite of medicine and you knew he had a plan. I know youre in a different place right now, and though we are apart, I will always carry your memories, which now live, inside my heart. You are truly healed, no more pain or suffering, you are in the most beautiful place and I promise I will never forget you and I will live my life so I will see you again one day.
I love you very very very much.

Abbigail Reilly Dennis

September 18, 2001 – June 21, 2003

Medulloblastoma PNET

Abbi was my special angel. She brought more happiness to me in her short lifetime than I have had in my whole lifetime. I miss her so much. There is a void in my life that will never be filled. I just hope I can be good enough in this world to see her again. I know she is with God and the other angels. I love you “angel baby”.
Love Nanny

Riley Belcher

February 14, 2001 – June 30, 2003


Jillian Rose Lamparyk

August 11, 1997 – July 08, 2003


Jillian was diagnosed with pre-b standard risk ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) on January 5, 2001 and relapsed on October 7, 2002. She received a cord blood transplant at Duke University Medical Center on December 24, 2002, but relapsed again on April 28, 2003. Her battle finally ended July 8, 2003, when she became an angel in God’s Kingdom.

Garrett Lee Blevins

August 05, 2000 – July 14, 2003

Hepatoblastoma, Stage IV

Garrett was a loving little boy, full of life. He always had a smile on his face. We will never forget you, Garrett, you are in our hearts forever. We love you!
Our “Little Star” is safe in the arms of God.

Cory A. Hackler

November 14, 1989 – July 14, 2003


Donovan Du Plessis

June 27, 1986 – July 19, 2003

Ewings Sarcoma

My love child has no pain anymore, he is with our Father in Heaven.
I love him & miss him so much.
Love “Moekiedoeks” This was my “nickname” he called me.

Hannah Elizabeth Taylor ‘hannah ladybug’

January 28, 1994 – July 19, 2003


I know you are in heaven right now Hannah eating your favorite candy Skittles and reading your favorite book Junie B. Jones “First Grader at Last”. I enjoyed reading the letter you wrote to your brother Alex, it was so sweet. He knows you love him very much. Rest in Peace dear Hannah Ladybug for you are sadly missed but in our hearts you will remain.


March 19, 1990 – July 21, 2003

Wilm’s Tumor

Elijah Levine

December 20, 1993 – July 21, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

E. Hunter Atkinson

March 19, 1990 – July 21, 2003


Your spirit continues to live in my heart Hunter… Your light will continue to shine through all who have known you. I love you and I miss you… Mags

Chassidy Leigh Dennis

January 29, 1991 – July 27, 2003


My dearest Chassidy, Mama misses you so much. I know you are not sick anymore. You are looking down telling me not to be sad but I want you back so badly. I love you so, and you will live on in my heart forever. Thank you for being such a wonderful child for 12 1/2 years.


January 29, 1991 – July 27, 2003

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Emma Aurora Julian

November 27, 2001 – July 31, 2003

atypical teratoid / rhabdoid tumor of CNS

My sweet angel now has her hair and her legs back. She will forever walk in my heart.

Luke E.

July 08, 2000 – July 31, 2003

Brain Cancer

You were a very brave little boy, even though i only knew you though the hugsandhope foundation, you will live forever in the minds and hearts of people like me whom you have touched with your bravery through this tough time. May you rest in peace now.

Luke Gabriel Ervin

July 08, 2000 – July 31, 2003


Luke’s Cancer Saga

Tyrone Goodman

May 31, 1988 – August 03, 2003

Desmoplastic small round cell tumor

Rone we will always love you and miss you. We miss laughing at your silly ways and just everything about you.

Jason H. Sdorow

January 13, 1985 – August 06, 2003


Jason was the type of kid who every parent wanted to have. He was an amazing brother and son. He loved life even though he had to fight so long to keep it. He was the one person that made me have a differant outlook on so many things. He never complained once about what he went through and kept his head up. Jason….YOU WILL BE MISSED AND I LOVE U SOO MUCH. Watch over all of us. XOXOXOXO

BJ Bradley

December 06, 1997 – August 06, 2003


our little batman boy…everyone misses you….we know you are in heaven watching over us…take care batman and know always and forever your here in our hearts, see you in gotham city ..b.j


February 22, 1998 – August 09, 2003

Rhabdoid Brain Tumor


March 11, 1994 – August 13, 2003



Andrew (Dre’) M. Heimann

September 18, 1987 – August 13, 2003


Dre’ was just amazing. He fought for just over 6 years, never complaining. He just did what he needed to do. He went through 2 transplants, and 2 1/2 years of chemo. He is missed by many, and will NEVER BE FORGOTTON!!!

Malerie Carnes

June 15, 1990 – August 14, 2003


Nolan Loftus

November 04, 1993 – August 24, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

Nolan Gerald Loftus

November 04, 1993 – August 24, 2003

Brainstem Glioma

Your strength and bravery will always be remembered, but never so much as your love.


November 04, 1993 – August 24, 2003

Pontine Glioma (brainstem)

Stephen M. Proia

June 05, 1991 – August 27, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

Stephen Michael Proia

June 05, 1991 – August 27, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

Jessica Modeen

September 01, 1995 – August 28, 2003


Mason Jergens

May 30, 1997 – August 30, 2003


Brittany Zipter

November 25, 1991 – September 02, 2003


Addison Jasper Toivola

April 09, 1999 – September 09, 2003


Julia Caitlin Levy

February 18, 1998 – September 10, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

Steven Thomas Maier

January 03, 1985 – September 11, 2003

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Cody Brown

August 22, 1996 – September 13, 2003


Cody’s life was cut short by cancer. He will always be remembered! We love you! Rest In Peace baby boy!

Zachary A. Herrera

November 15, 1993 – September 14, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

Ryan Stables

August 16, 1989 – September 16, 2003


Ryan I did not know you that well, but you touched my life forever. You were my 9th grade mentor and were the only person i could talk to. You were the sunshine in my rainy day. Thank you for being there for me!!! God loves you and so do many people. We all love you!!!!!!

Cliff Jacobs

April 11, 1984 – September 20, 2003


Cliff was a very courageous and wonderful person. He loved his family and his friends but most of all he loved the lord. He said he would preach until he died and that he did. If I could do anything good in this world it would be to pattern my life after his and be as close to God as he was. I loved him dearly and miss him very much…..

Marissa Faith Miao Burghart

September 19, 1995 – September 20, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

Codi Jean Frazier

July 01, 1992 – September 23, 2003


When death did us part I looked at the stars and I saw you smiling down at me and I knew that you were free from a life of pain.
I love you codibug and nothing will EVER tear us apart.

Devon Lee Harrison

November 17, 1997 – September 26, 2003

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

My beautiful, amazing son Devon did not develop his tumor until he was 4yrs. old.He survived a year and a half before it took his life.I was holding his hand when he stopped breathing and went home to the Lord. It has been 6 1/2 yrs. and I miss him tremendously still. I would give anything to hold him in my arms again, hear his voice, look into his beautiful eyes. I am not complete without him. I am truely sorry for all the other families that have lost their children to the cancer monster. Lord, please find a cure for this terrible monster, Amen.

Jessica Hope Rush

March 15, 1997 – September 30, 2003

Neuroblastoma IV

Jessica’s smile sparkled much like all her prescious rocks and breakables. You could find her polishing her treasures as I am sure she is doing to those streets of gold. We all miss her so much.

Jessica June Eiler

February 16, 1996 – October 09, 2003


My child of 7 years, Jessie, did not have a chance to fight AML. The day she was diagnosed, her white blood count was at an elevated 400,000. That same day, she suffered a brain hemorrhage and lay unconscious. She was my only child, and now I have to deal with living without her. She was my rainbow of hope and was radiant with sunlight. I will always miss her.

April Currier

March 30, 1997 – October 11, 2003

Wilm’s Tumor

Stephanie Rose Stanek

December 05, 1996 – October 17, 2003

Brain Stem Glioma

We will always love our “RoseBud”

Vanessa Lynn Dean

August 26, 1984 – October 21, 2003


I’ll never quite understand Gods ways. All I know is that the good die young…

Gunjan Raina

July 27, 2000 – October 22, 2003

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

She was supposed to go a long way with us, but it was very unfortunate that she left us apart with her sweet memories, which we would remember throughout our lifetime. She was so beloved to all of us, that we cannot think of living without her, but although we have to. May God give her peace, as she was suffering from a lot of pain.

Jamie Lindars

December 23, 1999 – October 24, 2003


Rest in Peace, Dearest Jamie

Jamie martyn lindars

December 23, 1999 – October 24, 2003


My little brave baby boy you fought so hard but for not very long now you are in sweet heaven and having fun with your new wings .
I love you so much and miss you xxxxxxxxxxxx

jared rodrigues

December 15, 1998 – October 25, 2003

Juvenile Myleomonocytic Leukemia

Madison Mitchem

February 24, 2001 – October 28, 2003

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Paige Hope Marie Mackeil-Sidorchuk

September 28, 2001 – October 30, 2003


Paige I will love you and miss you until the day comes that we are together again

auntie Stacey

Nathaniel Tills

May 26, 1987 – November 01, 2003

ABL Acute Biphenotypic Leukemia

This web page is dedicated to the life and love of Nathaniel Jacob Tills whose life was cut short by the devastating disease Leukemia. Nathaniel was 16-Years old when he went to be with the Lord on November 1, 2003 from complications of this dreaded disease. Thank you Lord for saving my son 2/9/03 which I found out on Christmas Day 2003, a month after he past. He wrote the date he accepted You as Lord and Savior in his Bible which I tearfully found when going through his things. Thank you for your Mercy.

Claire Holloway

December 25, 1983 – November 01, 2003

Brain Cancer

miss you tuns, goda keep the hope in youre heart and the smile on youre face! love you forever xxxx

Karl Erik Feldman

July 01, 1984 – November 05, 2003

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Karl fought a long, brave battle for six and a half years. He is a true hero and will always be with us.

Samuel J. Johnson

January 19, 2000 – November 05, 2003


Sam was an amazing kid. He will forever be loved and missed and NEVER be forgotten.

Samuel Jacob Johnson

January 19, 2000 – November 05, 2003


Sam was a happy, spirited courageous boy. He never let cancer defeat him or change who he was. He is missed by counless family, friends, doctors, nurses, therapists, and others who knew and cared for him.

Cole Ines Longoria

May 03, 2001 – November 10, 2003


We lost our little angel to a battle that we lost. We tried everything we could and only wished we could do more. We miss you eternally, but we now know that you are cured and in a safe place. Some people dream of meeting an angel but we held one in our arms. We love you very much always and forever. Love Mom and Dad

Cameron Duncan

April 20, 1986 – November 12, 2003


Kelsey Rose Lunsford

July 14, 2003 – November 13, 2003

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

While Kelsey was only with us for a short time. She will be loved and missed for the rest of our lives.She was a beautiful baby with the most perfect blue eyes I have ever see. What is right or fair about her death I will never know. How do you go from being healthy one day and gone the next? Love, Grandma Robin

Dianna Christine Moore-Tesch

January 13, 1990 – November 15, 2003


An amazing beautiful little angel who fought w/all her might to beat this awful disease. She is loved by so many!!!

Dianna Christine Moore

January 13, 1990 – November 15, 2003


Bailey Lynn Kistner (Tater B)

September 02, 1997 – November 16, 2003


Lindsay Anne McKenzie

January 11, 1985 – November 17, 2003

Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid – Brain

In spite of the dire prognosis, we never thought Linds would not make it and go to college as planned. She was courageous and hopeful until the very end; she did that for me, I’m sure. It was just 3 months from diagnosis to the end; we never got our minds around what was happening. We may never be able to do that.

Hannah Grace Henson

August 27, 1987 – November 17, 2003


Diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in her right hip February 24,2003.After 2 Thoracotomies and a 16 1/2 hour surgery to remove the cancer and reconstruct her savaged muscles God called home our beloved dancing ballerina/thespian angel age the age of 16.
Cinco Ranch High class of 2005 misses you dearly

Jordan McKenzie Reed

October 03, 2001 – November 18, 2003


Jordan had a courageous battle with Medullablastoma cancer. She was a very determined little girl who never gave up, even after several chemotherapy treatments, a bone marrow transplant, and several other surgeries. Jordan was a happy child who always had a smile and she brought so much joy to everyone who loved her. Jordan had a special way with people and she seemed to touch everyone that was around her. She will remain in our hearts forever.


August 24, 1995 – November 27, 2003

Stage IV Neuroblastoma

Mitchell Ryder Maddox

December 30, 1986 – November 30, 2003

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Mitch…you fought ’til the end. Cancer did not defeat you, you just had to leave your body to do it.

Presley Allison Klein

August 29, 2003 – December 04, 2003


Davin Rucker

January 12, 1992 – December 11, 2003

A.L.L. and Mixed Glioma

Christopher James Peters

December 10, 2002 – December 13, 2003

AML Type 7

Alyssa Arebalo

May 17, 1997 – December 13, 2003


Dustin Earl Little

November 24, 1999 – December 17, 2003


Eric Francis Lanzet

January 23, 1991 – December 17, 2003

High Grade Glioma – Brain Tumor

Eric fought a brave battle for 10 months after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. His courage, spirit, and grace during this battle was an inspiration for all who knew him. His spirit will live on forever.

Sabrina Vernatter

April 27, 1992 – December 18, 2003


Sabrina is my best friend, I miss her like crazy! I wish I could be with her right now, playing and laughing. Her Mother Kierstin Vernatter,her Father Raymond Vernatter and her Sister Natasha Vernatter also miss her dearly. Even though we’re not together right now, we’re still together in our hearts. I still have sheets of paper in my room that Sabrina made me, Sabrina + Sara = Best Friends Forever. Deep within my heart, I know that will never change. Sabrina, if your out there listening, you will never be replaced, you’ll ALWAYS be my best friend!

Jacob Aaron Courtney

January 02, 1999 – December 18, 2003


Sean Flanagan

March 10, 1985 – December 19, 2003

Ewing Sarcoma

Adam Kindell

May 28, 1992 – December 21, 2003


Joseph G. Polisi Jr.

April 03, 2001 – December 22, 2003

Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

My son was such a gift from the day he was born. His smile touched many hearts. For a brief while a sweet miracle was mine. Joseph you will always have a very big piece of my heart with you. I miss you and love you so. Forever Mom

Emily Claire Hult

December 26, 1995 – December 22, 2003


It is not always ours to understand
why morning passes to midnight
without full chance of day.
But in the darkest hours,
the light you were given,
however briefly,
will shine above you…
in the stars and the eyes of an angel


June 21, 1989 – December 25, 2003





Nicholas Joseph Castillo

May 14, 1998 – December 26, 2003

Glioblastoma Multiform Stage IV brain tumor

Nicholas is, was, and always will be a special part of our family. He was an ANGEL long before he passed away. He taught our family what UNCONDITIONAL love is, and what it means to be a family. He had a smile and a sense of humor that could make anyone laugh even in the worst mood. He loved his guitar and BYE BYE BIRDIE. He touched everyone he came in contact with and left us here with years of memories. For all of these things we are truly grateful! TO THE MOON AND BACK NICHOLAS WE LOVE YOU……..XOXOXOXO

Dannon Rhianne Thomas

February 03, 1996 – December 26, 2003


Amanda Ann Olsen

September 28, 1988 – December 27, 2003

Acute Myloid Leukemia

Amanda was born in Keflavik, Iceland to Mark and Doreen (Reackhoff) Olsen She was a sophmore at Eastern Wayne High School where she played with the High School Band. Amanda was a member of Memorial United Methodist Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. In addition to her parents, she is survived by her brothers Brandon Mark Olsen, Brian William Nieman, her sister, Ann-Marie Nieman, her paternal grandmother, Henrietta Reackhoff of Goldsboro NC, her paternal grandfather, Theodore Robert Olsen of Menominee Michigan, paternal grandmother of Stephenson Michigan, her paternal great grandmother, Margaret Binder of Chicago Ill. and a number of aunts, uncles and cousins.

Jakob Lance Beier

January 14, 1998 – December 27, 2003



April 21, 1998 – January 01, 2004

Pontine Glioma

Ashley Carro

April 21, 1998 – January 01, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

“Such a beautiful white-haired angel you were
Now in Heaven’s palace you will dwell forever.”

Quilts of Love misses you Ashley! You were our angel on Earth, now you are an angel in Heaven.
We love you! X0X0X0X0X0X0


January 26, 1991 – January 06, 2004

Brainstem Glioma

Our Hero “Big Joe”. You were so brave and so strong. Run and have fun in Heaven until we are with you.

Samantha Dlobik

July 26, 1988 – January 11, 2004


Sam is the light of all of our lives and fought this with more courage than we ever knew, and always with her signature smile. We love her very much and our angel will never be forgotten.

Jayden Fairfull

April 26, 1995 – January 12, 2004

Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

Jayden won his fight with leukaemia and is now at home with God

Logan Christopher Rhine

July 29, 1998 – January 12, 2004

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

It’s hard to believe you’re really gone. I miss you so much. You taught me and so many others about life in your 5 short years and you amazed me by your courageousness. You will always be my “SUPERLOGAN”. Hugs and Kisses Sweet Baby!!! I Love You……………Mommy

Marcus Nazir

September 18, 1995 – January 14, 2004

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Taylor Ann Volpi

October 22, 1998 – January 22, 2004

Wilms Disease

She was a beautiful and strong little girl who fought for two years to beat this cancer. She leaves behind her mom, dad, 10 yr old sister and all her family and friends who will never be the same without the sound of her laughter and the sight of her smiles. We know in heaven you are an angel who can run and fly without anymore pain! We will always carry you in our hearts!!

Katie Utley

January 05, 2004 – January 23, 2004

Bone cancer

I will remember your wonderful smile. I will miss you

Rebekah Fae Walsh

May 04, 1986 – January 26, 2004


Rebekah was a loving daughter and is greatly missed by her family as well as many friends that she had. She had a special talent of writing and we cherish each thing written.

Mckenzie Brewer

September 23, 1992 – January 29, 2004

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Brain Stem Glioma

Marcus Clay Morgan

January 01, 2000 – February 01, 2004


Big trucks, airplanes, four-wheelers and the beach-Clay loved life. So full of love and wisdom. He told us that everything would be O.K. He is with Jesus now and he really is O.K. We will always remember him as our little blonde haired angel.

Conor Ford

October 18, 1999 – February 04, 2004


Dakoda Jacob Bell

July 13, 1995 – February 08, 2004

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Caitlin Taylor Gunn

September 11, 1998 – February 08, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Noah Brian Shearhouse

May 12, 2000 – February 22, 2004


Noah, your heart was full of pride even when the pain was unbearable. Your smile was so full of love it almost killed the cancer. But it came back and sent your beautiful, young, precious soul to heaven. I will never forget you nor will you fathers or your brothers. Wait for us all in heaven. i can’t wait to hold you again.

Abigail Anne Rose Ortiz

June 14, 1995 – March 12, 2004

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Jake Robert Francis

May 16, 2002 – March 14, 2004

Atypical Rhabdoid Tumor

Jake was diagnosed with ATRT December 2003 at the age of 19 months old. Most of the tumor was removed December 24, 2003. All that remained was a grape sized portion of the enormous tumor that invaded his right ventricle. January 14, 2004 we arrived at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for Jake to begin treatment. Exactly two months later he died.

Michelle Sabrina Maughan

April 28, 1988 – March 16, 2004


Brandon Roy Edward Times

March 22, 1997 – March 17, 2004


My beautiful brave son. How bravely you fought this terrible disease. Through all your pain and suffering, you managed to keep your beautiful smile and your loving spirit. I love you Brandon. I anticipate spending eternity with you in heaven.

Robyn Brooks

November 27, 1995 – March 17, 2004


Amanda Conway

August 01, 2000 – March 18, 2004

Atypical Rhabdoid Teratoid Tumor

Ian Daskana

June 25, 1995 – March 24, 2004


Maxie Lee Lagourney

April 03, 1993 – March 27, 2004

Stage III Rhabdomyosarcoma

Forever Young,
Strong, and Bold
Forever Walking
The Streets of Gold
Gone from earth
But forever on high
In Jesus’s lab
We joyfully cry

Quilts of Love will always remember you Maxie!
You were an inspiration to everyone that knew you.
May you rest in peace now.

Savannah Olson

June 27, 1997 – March 27, 2004

Wilms Tumor


October 10, 1996 – March 28, 2004


Hannah was 6 when diagnosed with leuekemia. She battled for 15 months, never without a smile. Her big, brown eyes could brighten any room. After a relapse in March, she passed away 2 weeks later at age 7. Keep looking down on us and visit us often, babygirl. We love you to the moon. You will always be in our hearts. Till we meet again, Princess…. love, mommy

Michael David Nobles

September 06, 1985 – March 28, 2004


You were the strongest person i’ve ever known Mikey. One Loved so much will never be forgotten.

Elijah Scott Collins

October 02, 2003 – April 01, 2004


Eli Collins

October 02, 2003 – April 01, 2004


Corinna Lee Felker

January 05, 1995 – April 03, 2004

Diffuse Intrinsic Brain Stem Glioma

Jake Austin Griffin

November 16, 1998 – April 08, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Jacob Rudisaile

August 17, 1999 – April 09, 2004


Libbie Nichols

August 20, 1998 – April 09, 2004


Sasha Dvorak

October 22, 1996 – April 11, 2004


I miss you every day, my lil’ biscuit.


Avery Vivian Dean

February 15, 2004 – April 21, 2004

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor of the Brain

We prayed for a baby and were given our little Avery. She thought of her as our little angel as she was a gift from God. Little did we know that she was an angel in disguise and was called back to heaven way to soon. Someday, Avery…We will all be together again for Mommy and Daddy are right behind you.

PJ Mahoney

July 14, 2001 – April 27, 2004


Our lives will never be the same. I will never forget your face or your little personality. I thank god for you even though it was only a short time. I will see you again my precious son.

Savannah H.

March 09, 1997 – April 30, 2004

Pontine Brain Stem Glioma

Taylor Marie Adkins

November 03, 1993 – April 30, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Savannah Hurley

March 09, 1997 – April 30, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma


November 03, 1993 – April 30, 2004

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Madeline T. Paguyo

January 16, 1990 – May 06, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Maddie was such a wonderful young woman, always praying for other kids with cancer and reaching out to their families with many gifts. She had a cheery attitude even through her illness and an unfailing faith in God. She is now at peace, without pain, suffering, or tiredness. She can now sit in Jesus’s lap and watch all of the shooting stars go by.

I know we never met in person Maddie, but you touched my life and the lives of everyone else around you. I will miss you and I pray that you are resting in peace now.

Jordan Michael Huhta

April 05, 1995 – May 10, 2004

Pontine Glioma Brain Tumor

Jordan played minature golf on Saturday and passed away on Monday. We had no signs of the tumor. I am very thankful he did not suffer. Jordan’s Mom – Cathy

Nojus Norvilas

April 30, 1999 – May 12, 2004


Amber Faye Ashworth

May 25, 1988 – May 13, 2004


Amber fought here battle with cancer and lost her life here on earth.But she is getting all her rewards now. She is my gardian angel.

For this is God
Our God forever abd ever
He will be our guide
Even to Death.

Michael Steele Wilkins

December 20, 1997 – May 16, 2004

Stage 4 Neuroblastoma

Michael you are the best and always will be forever young in our hearts. Soar with the angels…… As you did with us.


Dominik Horodynski

April 29, 2001 – May 18, 2004


Kochamu Cie Synku!

Stephanie Danielle Ott

November 26, 1990 – May 19, 2004

Aplastic Anemia

You will always be in my heart.I will be with you again one day my sweet angel
Love Mommy

Erica Carlock

October 06, 1983 – May 24, 2004


God gave you to me for 20 years. Thank you for brightening my life


March 29, 1992 – May 27, 2004



Michelle Elizabeth Clayton

June 25, 1994 – May 31, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Sharon Nicole Anderson

June 04, 2004 – June 04, 2004


Honey even though you lived a short life you will always be in my heart. You don’t how much you mean to me. I love you with all my heart, but now you are in someone elses arms that will always take good care of you no matter what. I love you very much, but the Lord called you home so it must been ya time to go. Love Mommy and Daddy

Miranda Rae Shively

May 04, 2000 – June 05, 2004

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Karley Elizabeth Blouin

October 01, 2002 – June 08, 2004

ATRT (Rhabdoid)

Karley was born Oct.1 2002. She was first diagoised with ATRT (Rhabdoid) on May 17, 2004. She had a total gross recection but 3 weeks later the cancer cells took her life. Karley went up to the Lord June, 8 2004 at 4:25 p.m. while in her mothers arms. We will miss you everyday Karley. I love you more than you know! Watch over us from Heaven.

Jason Charles Michael Samuels

March 19, 2003 – June 15, 2004

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor

Jason was our blessing from God. He came into our lives and changed them forever. He touched everyone that came into contact with him. Special people do not come into your lives like that everyday. He will be missed, but we know he is in a better place

Michael Steele Wilkins

December 10, 1997 – June 16, 2004


Michael Steele Wilkins,
Mikey was a brave and sweet boy who for over three years taught our family how to love and live to the max. Michael your spirit is strong and will live on every day. We love you baby boy and one day we will meet again.

Daniel Edward Selby

October 31, 2000 – June 19, 2004

Glioblastoma Rhabdoid

Daniel was my angel. He was the ray of sunshine in the mornings. He was the laugh in my heart.
Anyone who meet him, loved him. He put a big fight to stay here with me, but god told him it was time to go home. My little angel has his wings. His last words to me were “Mommie, I love you”. He died 2 weeks after those precious words.

Catherine Readshaw

August 24, 1993 – June 20, 2004


To a brave young girl which in the three and a half years she saw the passing of her oldest sister and her only brother before losing her own battle with cancer. Until we are together again love Mam, Dad, Nicole & Rachel

Ashley Barnes

December 03, 1987 – June 21, 2004

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Ashley you were an inspiration to all who met you. You fought your heart out and you won. You found you cure, it just happened to be in heaven. Your heart will always be apart of ours and our hearts will forever be a part of you. Dance free Ash in heaven.. your free of pain, free of cancer, you don’t have to fight anymore. We love you and miss you..

Alex Wozniak

October 14, 1987 – June 27, 2004


Zoie Marie Schexnayder

November 30, 1999 – July 10, 2004


Alix Ann Marston

August 03, 1995 – July 10, 2004

Wilms Tumour

Our little girl was taken so young but we knew God had better plans for her. We miss her so much!

Jennifer Rogers

March 28, 1986 – July 13, 2004

Desmoplastic Small Round Blue Cell

A true angel, finally at peace

Isaac Tropple

November 13, 1995 – July 23, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Caitlan Elizabeth (Bowman) Withers

March 20, 2002 – July 24, 2004

Infant ALL

My brave little angel is now set free to fly, but in many hearts forever she will stay

Gianna Rose

September 03, 2003 – July 26, 2004


Cole Regan

October 22, 2002 – July 28, 2004

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Heather Lee Rawie

June 17, 1984 – August 01, 2004

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

Heather was my only child..She was never sick until that day in May of 2003, that I will never ever forget. She brought more joy to my world then anyone will ever know. I miss you Heather Lee Lee..

Celeste Vida Young

May 17, 1999 – August 03, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Fly High Celeste!

Joshua Lawrence

March 02, 1997 – August 07, 2004


Joshy had such a hard life, but no matter what he always had such a huge smile on his face, he was so amazing, he was so young yet he knew so much more about life than more people learn even when they are 80, he taught me love and compassion and he just knew how to comfort you, it was terrible when i found out he had leukemia, i told him and he just looked at me and said “bridgy, can i be your angel when im with God?” he didn’t cry, he was such a survivor, he is truly the most bravest person i ever knew, he passed away after about a month after discovering his cancer, but he was never sad or down, he would always be possitive and tell me “im going to pull through so don’t cry” he was my strength, but i know hes so much happier now, he didn’t have any family until i met him, he called me his entire universe, we were everything to each…i can still hear his cute giggle, and see his smile!

Hanna Michele Gibson

November 20, 2000 – August 09, 2004

Anaplastic Astrocytoma


November 20, 2000 – August 09, 2004

brain tumor

Angel Hannah this is a late birthday present from someone you dont know but you touched his life.
spread your wings little girl over St Jude Hospital and protect your friends there. spread your wings over your loving family.

Haley Renee Brady

April 22, 1999 – August 11, 2004


Michaela Lynn Brewster

January 03, 1990 – August 20, 2004

Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Taigen Lynn Nanney

June 24, 2002 – August 20, 2004


God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be, so he put his arms around you and whispered, “Come to me.” With tearful eyes we watched you and saw you pass away and though we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard playing hands to rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best. We will always love you my dear sweet prince. Mommy, Daddy and Sissy will be with you one day. When we see you we will finish our game of hide and seek. I love you sunshine.

David Philip Sickler

April 14, 1998 – August 23, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

David faced his illness with daily courage and optimism! His spirit brightened the lives of many!


December 05, 1994 – August 29, 2004



Joshua Nikolis AKA Joshie

August 03, 2003 – September 03, 2004

Neuroblastoma Stage 4

I miss you Joshua And so do your brother & Sister, Cameron is fighting to win his battle with Cancer just for you joshua. You also have 3 new siblings too, Michia is 2 yrs Arianna is 1 yr & your newest Sister is Neaveh Lynn, She’s 3 wks old. Joshua so you know i named her neaveh cause of you being in Heaven so neaveh is heaven spelt backward. I love you & miss you sweet baby boy

Joshua Nikolis

August 03, 2003 – September 03, 2004


Justin Trotter

July 17, 1989 – September 08, 2004


Carter Samuel Martin

November 20, 1996 – September 12, 2004

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Allison Leigh Scott

December 17, 2003 – September 13, 2004


Allie was only 9 months old when she passed, but she had done more in her short life then most adults have. We miss you Allie, even those of us who have never met you.

**Friends of Allie**

Katja Liane Sufka

August 02, 1999 – September 18, 2004


Michael G. Curry II

December 30, 1991 – September 18, 2004

Diffused Pontine Glioma

Michael told us when he was 9 years old that he wanted to be a microbiologist and study blood cells so he could cure diseases like cancer. Sadly cancer took his life. We will fight the disease for him. Michael G. Curry II foundation for Cancer research

Justin Dean Rhodes

September 17, 1986 – September 21, 2004

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Zane Andrew Gardner

October 25, 2003 – September 26, 2004

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumour

Our Godson Zane Gardner, who died on 26 Sept 2004., was one special baby boy who was loved more in his 11 months than most people are in their whole lifetimes. After 14 operations and numerous chemotherapy treatments, we look at Zane as our little hero. We shall love you, Zany Boy, forever. Bernadette & Luigi.

Devon Lee Harrison

November 17, 1997 – September 26, 2004

Atypical Tetariod/Rhabdoid Brain Tumor

My Grandson Devon fought this monster for almost two years before the Lord took him home and took away the pain in his body. He is deeply loved and missed by all who knew him.

Trevor Lee Joiner

July 27, 1996 – October 04, 2004

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy


November 10, 1998 – October 05, 2004

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Bryce Anderson Sigur

May 18, 2002 – October 05, 2004


Sonny S.

June 15, 1989 – October 06, 2004


Sonny, tho i don’t know you from Adam, I send your family my condolences, and i know you’re watching over Haley from up in Heaven. I just lost my grandmother myself, I know she’s in a better place now, a place without suffering, a place where she can keep an eye on me forever.
Mi Sheberach l’imoteinu m’kor habracha lavotenu bless those in need of healing with refuah shlemach, the renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say Amen [mi shebarach, a Hebrew prayer for guidance, recovery, and sympathy]

we’ll miss ya buddy

Sonny Sip

June 15, 1989 – October 06, 2004

AML Leukemia

Sonny you are an awesome friend and I love you. You were never mean to anyone and everybody liked you. Someday when I go to heaven, I will see you there and I will say hello, so for now it’s not “Goodbye” it’s “I’ll see you later”
So, I’ll see you someday later little man.
Love you soooo much,
Your Friend Haley…

Sonny B. Sip

June 15, 1989 – October 06, 2004


Sonny, I love you so much little man. You always made me smile and laugh so hard I wanted to cry. I never knew a sweeter guy than you. I will never forget you and all of the awesome times we had together

Aaron Hunter

July 10, 1998 – October 12, 2004

neuroblastoma stage 4

Spread your wings little Angel over your family and protect them. You will always be in our heart and thoughts.

Rachel Crowers

January 29, 1998 – October 12, 2004

brain stem glioma

Paige Rebecca Wirth

March 13, 2003 – October 13, 2004

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Justin Michael Tackett

November 13, 1989 – October 26, 2004


My heroic son fought till the very end. I miss him every second of every day.. I pray for all the families that are affected by this beast we call cancer. God be with us all…I live on through his strength, he taught me and many others so much… He remained positive even though he endured so much suffering…Soar high Justin….we love you…. always…

Mark Harold Charon

October 18, 1996 – October 29, 2004


Mark was such a delightful and precocious boy. He had the most positive outlook, even during numerous hospitalizations. He delighted the hearts of all who were blessed to know him. He loved to nurture other children on the Pedi/Oncology ward by bringing gifts or baked goods. We cherish the time he was with us..and await the day to be reunited.

Corey Paron Savino

July 06, 1996 – October 30, 2004

acute lymblastic leukemia

Corey will always be remembered my his big smile and funny moods . He was a old man trapped in a little boy’s body . Never afraid to tell anyone how he felt . My son will be missed by all of his family especially me , until we meet again I love you .

Anthony Santiago

August 11, 2000 – October 30, 2004


My son was an incredible kid. He still alive in my heart because he was my HERO. I love so much!!! my little angel.

Chelsea Nicole Altman

April 15, 1992 – October 30, 2004

Brain Tumor

Cheyenne Marie Fiveash

September 23, 1991 – October 30, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Connor Jordan Hunley

October 31, 1994 – November 01, 2004


Connor Hunley

October 31, 1994 – November 01, 2004


Troy William Paulmeno

May 30, 2000 – November 02, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Kara-lyn Schiller

February 07, 1993 – November 07, 2004

Glioblastoma Multiforme in spine


January 21, 1993 – November 08, 2004


Gustavo Bravo JR.

February 26, 1995 – November 08, 2004


My son was a very smart and intelligent kid. He was always worrying about me, i told that i was suppose take care of him. before going in for a weekend of chemo, he would have a chicken sanwich,fries w/ranch dressing and sprite from mcdee’s. I miss him everyday and i know he is who makes me strong. He is the love of my life.

Tyler Wintle

January 10, 1994 – November 09, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Zachary Mason German

July 21, 2003 – November 09, 2004

Hemophagocytic Lympho Histiocytosis

Heath Alan Hassler

April 05, 1986 – November 10, 2004

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Large B Cell

Heath was a wonderful son,brother,fiend and student. He touched everyone who knew him. As we look back and remember things about him, we almost believe Heath was an angel in disguise. He is truly loved and will be greatly missed. Heath had so much to offer the world and God called him home way to soon! Always in our hearts and in our memories. WE LOVE YOU!


September 10, 2004 – November 12, 2004



Emily Judith Cook

January 12, 2003 – November 12, 2004

ATRT/Rhabdoid tumor of the brain

Olivia Grace Thompson

December 09, 1992 – November 18, 2004

Brain Stem Glioma

Kayla Marie Villela

August 15, 1989 – November 24, 2004

Neoblastoma Cancer

With the loss of a loved one, it is hard to deal,
It seems like a dream–this can’t be real. . .
One moment they’re here; the next, they’re gone.
They now live in our hearts and hearts do go on…

Kayla Marie Villela

August 15, 1989 – November 24, 2004


“A butterfly lights besides us like a sunbeam.
And for a brief moment its glory and beauty
belong to our world
But then it flies on again,
and though we wish it could have stayed,
we feel lucky to have seen it.”

Kyle Sampson

June 10, 1991 – November 24, 2004

Undifferentiated Sarcoma

Kyle fought his battle with cancer for a short 11 months. He will be remembered for his love for life, his bravery, his courage and his determination to fight. Loved to the moon and back, always and forever…MOM

Dustin Patrick Moon

March 15, 1992 – November 24, 2004

Ewing Sarcoma

I love you son, you’re gone but you will NEVER be forgotten. The memory of your pure heart and mind lives on and we honor you by attempting to give back a little to other kids with life threatening illnesses through volunteer work. Your bravery and courage is unmatched even by those with the highest military combat distinctions. If I could only be even half the man you were, this life would be much different.

Im sure you’re enjoying having both of your legs back. Although it didnt seem to stop you from climbing that rappelling tower, Im sure its a bit easier now eh? Please dont run too far from the main gate, I want you to meet me there when I arrive. I dont have a clue how long it will be, the only answer is TOO long. But, I WILL see you there. Jesus promised it and He’s never broken one, so I WILL see you there.

Until Then,

Carl Robinson

December 28, 1999 – November 26, 2004


Ja’Quavion Nikendrez Clark

February 27, 2002 – November 27, 2004

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor

My son Peeka was diagnosed with ATRT on October 5, 2004. He received surgery to remove the tumor completely on October 7, 2004. He lost his battle with cancer on November 27, 2004 when he developed pneumonia and was not able to fight it off. Peeka will always be remebered for his beautiful smile and charming personality. He will always be missed. We love him, but God Loves him best.

Amy Mareck

October 29, 1985 – November 29, 2004



December 13, 1999 – December 01, 2004

Wilm’s Tumor

Lauren Alyssa Shuttle

November 29, 1993 – December 05, 2004

Wilms Tumor


Stephen Brice Keatts

June 24, 1994 – December 06, 2004

Glioblastoma Multiforme – Grade IV

Brice was such a loving, courageous, and outgoing individual. As life can bring you down, Brice was always the one who could make you smile, and bring you up. He is so much missed and loved !!!!

KheliJo Elaine Dennis

August 18, 2000 – December 06, 2004

Glioblastoma Multiforme

“From before your first breath, until long after my last, I will love you as always.” Mommy

William (Billy) P. Mollica Jr

July 25, 1993 – December 09, 2004


Billy touched many lives along the 11 years he had been around. He was diagnosed with this cancer on 7/20/2000, made a recovery but on 01/12/04 his cancer came back. He was brave, never complained, and a trooper until his last breath. WE’LL MISS HIM!

Aaron DeAndre’e Hunter

July 10, 1998 – December 10, 2004

Neuroblastoma Stage 4

Aaron Hunter is a very special person. He attended Northmoor Edison and Nicole Wood worked with him as he got treated with diagnoses. The students and staff say to him and family ” I belive I can fly”!

Helen Michelle Garner

December 17, 2003 – December 10, 2004

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumors

Melissa Santiago

December 05, 1992 – December 12, 2004


I just wanted to give thanks for everyone that prayed for my daughter Melissa and God took her at the age at 12 and a pretty young lady’s service was today at Beverly Hills C.A. at 1:00 pm and tommorrow, Tuesday is her burial at 10am. Her twin sister Stephanie is the sadest angel in the house…..thanks everyone more questions contact me in my email address: jackie6092003@yahoo.com.

Joey Colt Crow

October 15, 2001 – December 14, 2004


Thanks to all of our friends and family who prayed and supported our family. Colt wanted to “stay with that man.” He is Home Free!

Travis Lind

May 15, 1987 – December 16, 2004

AML with T-Cell ALL


July 21, 1995 – December 19, 2004



Johnny Wayne Roberts III (Trey)

July 19, 1998 – December 22, 2004


Griffin Yarbrough

July 13, 1998 – January 04, 2005

Stage 4 Neuroblastoma

Amanda Leigh Ellis

June 12, 2002 – January 05, 2005


Amanda was a our sweet angel diagnosed with leukemia at age 5 months. She fought hard and earned her angel wings on Jan. 5th, 2005. We miss you and love you very much.

Paige Elysabeth Davis

May 14, 2003 – January 14, 2005


Paige you were the light in our lives. We miss you so much. Our love for you continues to grow everyday.

Garrett Burnham

June 16, 1995 – February 01, 2005



December 24, 2000 – February 09, 2005

Wilm’s Tumor

OH Keely you were so young when you died only four i just want to say i love you and that you are my angel.

Hayley Jane Vinoro

December 12, 2000 – February 10, 2005

Brain Tumor

Hayley was 4 years old when she died. She was diagnosed when she was two with a brain tumor. She was at home when she died on her way to go into her older sister Kaylas room who was 15 when all the sudden she just collapsed at the foot of the door. Kayla was crying along with 6 year old Blake and 9 year old Emma. We will never foget you. You are gone from our lives but not from our hearts. We love you Hayley!!!!!
LOVE all your aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents and Blake, Emma, Kayla and mommy and daddy.

Amarilis Julissa Vega

September 14, 2002 – February 11, 2005


My beautiful flower…

You are my flower
you are my sweet soft petal
hand in hand
…in my hand
holding this precious gift
the blossom of your beauty
you are my beautiful flower

You are my flower
you are my sweet soft petal
heart in heart
just one heart
beating to your sweet aroma
the aroma of your splendor
you are my beautiful flower

You are my flower
you are my first blossom
blossoming love
you are my love
you are my first and true
like sunset ocean blue
you are my beautiful flower
i am glad i picked you….
“Allen Steble”

Tuti we all miss you and love you so much but we also know your in such a better place.
Love Mommy.

Amarilis J Vega

September 14, 2002 – February 11, 2005


Beautiful Lily…your cousin Alex and I never had the opportunity to meet you, but your presence is felt in our lives every day. Although you were physically on this earth but a season, the blessings you bestowed on those around you will last a lifetime and beyond. A flower, a miracle and now an angel…I know you still bring joy to those around you. I love you Madre. Titi Natalie and Alex

John J. Palmato Jr.

July 06, 1993 – February 13, 2005


I love you little John!!! I think about you all of the time!!! I wish it would have been me, rather than you! I love you with all of my heart and soul and im so sorry that I wasn’t there for you, as I should have been, but you were always on my mind!! I will forever cherish your strength through all you went through. You are my hero!! I love you and miss you more than you could ever know!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stanton Allen Haynes

February 14, 2001 – February 13, 2005


Stanton’s battle with Neuroblastoma.

John J. Palmato, Jr.

July 06, 1993 – February 13, 2005

ALL T-Cell

You will forever live on in our hearts. We love you and miss you so much.
Love, Mom, Dad & Elizabeth

Joshua Lee Young

January 25, 1999 – February 14, 2005

Neuroblastoma IV

Ruby Allen

November 21, 2004 – February 17, 2005

Rhabdoid Tumor

Sarah Marie Pochy

September 20, 1997 – February 21, 2005

Anaplastic Astrocytoma

Andy Beck

October 01, 1997 – February 25, 2005

Clear Cell Sarcoma

Benjamin David Bowen

November 14, 2002 – February 25, 2005


Big Ben Bowen was a TRUE HERO, 100% WARRIOR and he will be missed.

Melissa Ragusa

May 20, 1992 – February 27, 2005

Glioblastoma Multiforme

My sweet precious Angel…I will miss you and know that we will meet once again…I know you are saving me a seat…you were always so kind and thoughtful. I am glad you are past the suffering.
With Love,

Christopher Gist

May 29, 1985 – February 28, 2005

T Cell Lymphoblastic lymphoma stage 3

Chris was dx. at aged 15 and fought almost 5 years. He underwent an unrelated bone marrow transplant as well.
My son, my Angel, my Hero!


January 20, 1994 – February 28, 2005



January 03, 1999 – March 01, 2005


Melody Schleigh

May 10, 1997 – March 03, 2005

Brain Stem Glioma

beautiful, precious Melody, you fought a horrific battle and now you are in glory forever. Rest in peace dear one.

Ray-Anne Copeland

January 30, 1996 – March 08, 2005

Brain Stem Glioma

Caylee Cepero

September 03, 2000 – March 08, 2005

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Shannon Rae Kramer

January 28, 1986 – March 10, 2005

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Shannon will always be remember for her beautiful smile and kindness to others. She will never be forgotton. She will live on in the hearts of all her love her.

Emerald Isle Maes

March 27, 1994 – March 12, 2005

Anaplastic Oligoastrocytoma

Vince Champagne

April 26, 1990 – March 13, 2005

Brain Tumor

Benjamin Michael Jones

September 01, 1996 – April 07, 2005


Alex Benjamin Bauer

October 11, 2004 – April 08, 2005

Wilms Tumor

Baby Alex was a blessing given to us from heaven. He was diagnosed at 3 months of age with Wilms Tumor and died at 6 months of age. The 3 months he lived at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis were spent creating his “own medical mystery”….one the doctors and experts were amazed with. His struggling story will be published in the medical journals documenting his unique case of Wilms Tumor. We miss him with our whole hearts and we pray that he is our own little angel watching over us. We love you baby Alex!

Gavin Mitchell Ward

April 07, 2003 – April 08, 2005

Neuroblastoma IV

Always in our hearts, every single second!

Noah Hezekiah Gallegos

April 23, 2004 – April 09, 2005


Ali Mills

February 21, 1992 – April 12, 2005


Kevin M. Willis

November 21, 1993 – April 21, 2005

Stage IV Ewing’s Sarcoma

Alexia (Lexy) Rayne Flory

November 14, 1999 – April 26, 2005

Neuroblastoma Stage IV

Meryl Spellman Staley

October 15, 1987 – April 27, 2005

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Rest In Peace Meryl Staley April 27, 2005. You Will Live On In Our Hearts And Memories Forever! We Love You!!

Brandon Crawford

March 04, 1982 – May 02, 2005


Brandon was such an awesome man he was totaly into god and everything he was going to college to be a youth pastor and worship leader he loved everyone he met and was always out going in life Brandon was sometimes shy but then again very talkitive i am one of his friends and i miss him dearly everyday i think about him just waiting for him to come home and talk to me on msn or at church he was a trooper he got through aplastic animia for 8 years and then was diacnosed with leukemia just right before his 23rd birthday….I love you lots Brandon I will see you soon.

Blake Allan Brasher

July 19, 1992 – May 05, 2005


Blake fought so hard to fight this dreadful disease. he never gave up until the end. his body was to tired to fight any longer, then the time came to where he was ready for JESUS to come and take him HOME. he prayed for that time to come soon so all his pain and sickness would be over. i miss him sooo much, but i know all his pains are over, for he has been choosen to to go to HEAVEN to wait on me..i love you blake, mom

Cassandra Marie Boucher

November 07, 1988 – May 06, 2005


We miss you baby girl more than words can describe. You left and forgot to tell my heart how to live without you.
Mommy,Daddy and Dillon


March 05, 1991 – May 08, 2005



Christy Kiernan

April 27, 1991 – May 15, 2005


I am so glad you aren’t suffering anymore Christy, though I wish you were still here. You touched many lives, even those of people you never met on earth. Have fun in Heaven, enjoy the sunshine on your face. Love you!!!

Dominick Tennies

April 30, 2002 – June 01, 2005

Neuroblastoma stage 4

we pray that one day there will be a cure so that no child will have to suffer from this horrible killer our prayers are with everyone going through this

Emma Grace Hampton

September 21, 2000 – June 06, 2005


Jacob Michael Scott McLeod-Steinmetz

June 17, 1991 – June 16, 2005

Acute Myloid Luekaemia

to loved to be forgotten
love Mum Dad Jacinta Jonathon and Ryan
flying high and free “leaukaemia Sux”

Haley Mathis

April 10, 1993 – June 21, 2005

Wilm’s Tumor

Jacob Christensen

July 18, 1995 – June 27, 2005


Sachi Devi Stegich

June 30, 2004 – June 30, 2005

Intestinal (Rhabdoid Tumor)

To my daughter…
Dear Angel…
My Love for you goes beyond this material existence…You will always be in my thoughts and prayers…Love

William Lee ‘Wild Bill’ Hickman

January 16, 1991 – July 04, 2005


Courtney Bruce Carpenter

October 09, 1998 – July 04, 2005

Osteosarcoma, Leukemia

Courtney was diagnosed at the age of six months with a malignant brain tumor to which she began her first set of treatments. Making it out of chemo, her hair began to grow back just in time for her next diagnosis, Osteosarcoma in the left leg. Courtney fought the best she could and the leg was eventually amputated. At the age of six, however, the family was saddened by the news of her next diagnosis; Leukemia. The doctors all knew that she could take no more and gave her but a few months to live. She passed on Independence Day of 2005. Courtney’s beauty and light will forever shine, despite her death. She was a great child and my best friend. Going on without her, I’m only reminded to keep my ways towards God so I can see her again someday. I love you Court!

Spencer Mattson

July 12, 1999 – July 07, 2005

Brain Tumor – Choroid Plexus Carcinoma

Spencer was diagnosed 9/16/01 and fought a courageous battle. He earned his wings and now watches over us each day, smiling that wonderful smile on us all.


March 27, 1996 – July 09, 2005

BRAIN-Rhabdoid Sarcoma

My sweetest, dearest and most precious son Piyu (Manas). Your smiles, your laugh, your bravery in fighting your battle with cancer, your love and care for everyone , your understanding of life everything is very deep in my heart all the times. It is just like a dream -unreal for us that you are not here but I and your papa always feel your presence everywhere. The same song that you used to sing is for you- Your home is in my heart . I know you are in peace with your loving God. Anyone who met you loved you and so the God.-Your mumma who loves you more than you know.

Ryan Douglas Brown

June 29, 2000 – July 10, 2005

Brain Stem Glioma

Miguel Angelo Hombrebueno

April 16, 2001 – July 16, 2005

Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)


May 11, 1998 – July 16, 2005


In sickness, you have shown bravery, courage,and faith. Never complaining of pain , Never giving up Hope and Never feeling afraid. Instead of shedding tears, your face beamed with smile and laughter. You always have faith in Him and believed in Angels. Now, you have gained your place in Heaven. For sure, you’re now your siblings’ guardian angel. And for as long as I
lived, I hope and pray that when it’s time for us to go, God will also welcome us in His Kingdom and let us be together once more and for ETERNITY. I LOVE YOU FOREVER BABY.

Addison Rose Love

July 19, 2005 – July 28, 2005


We miss our sweet baby girl, but would never wish her from her Father’s loving arms.

Paige Lauren Marquez

May 17, 2001 – July 30, 2005


Paigey, you were our baby girl, so beautiful, strong and with so muuch courage. You fought to the end sweet girl! When Jesus took you home our lives were shattered, we will miss you forever LITTLE HONEY!

Leah Elisabeth James

January 11, 2000 – August 03, 2005

Diffused Pontine Brain Stem Glioma

Leah was so brave and always happy. She never complained and always had a happy heart. She loved her family and life more than anyone I have ever known. We miss you pumpkin. Our beautiful china doll. We’re hoping we see you again someday.

Mommy, Daddy, and sister Kylie

Nidhi Malhotra

June 30, 1985 – August 11, 2005


my sister , my baby , the best and the bravest person i’ve known . every minute without you is a pain .

Cody James Hoffman

April 14, 1996 – August 18, 2005



December 16, 1985 – August 25, 2005


Jason, I love you and I miss you so much every day. I know that you said that you would be in heaven just a few years before me, but it is hard with you not here.
Love, Mom

Tyler Christopher SooHoo

October 31, 1998 – August 26, 2005


Our sweet, funny angel – You were the bravest, strongest fighter. We’re so proud of you. We miss you with all our hearts. Run free and pain free. In 6 short years you’ve touched so many lives. Have fun with all your new friends up in heaven. Don’t forget your heart is now in our hearts. Forever and ever!
Mom, Dad, Jessica and Megan

Antonio Lawrence Uhlendorf-Sartain

May 31, 1989 – September 30, 2005

nasophrayngeal cancer

To my loving son: We will always remember your unconditional love for others, your smile, and your joy of life. My brave son, I know you are with God. I will always miss you and love you. Mom

Victoria “Tori” Marie Wheat

January 24, 1996 – October 24, 2005


Tori is our beautiful butterfly princess who bravely fought Neuroblastoma for 4 1/2 yrs. She battled this monster with much style and grace. Now she is dancing with the angels and we cling to the hope we will see her again one day.

Brian Hunt

January 30, 1999 – October 25, 2005

Rhabdoid Tumour of the Kidney (RTK)

Brian was diagnosed with Stage IV RTK on July 20th, 2004. The main tumour was in his right kidney. He also had a tumour in the right ventricle of the heart and multiple tumours in both lungs.

He responded well to treatment but the cancer started regrowing in his lungs once the treatment stopped (they were unable to get it all).

He was a fighter and gave it everything he had. He died peacefully in his mother’s arms.

Miranda Lynn Smith-Byington

October 01, 1991 – October 28, 2005


We have been so blessed to have had Miranda in our lives for the past 14 years. She is the most beautiful, brave, strong and couragous little girl I’ve ever known. She was amazing…and such an inspiration to us all. To her dying and going to heaven was an honor(she shared this with her Daddy in her last few weeks). She never felt sorry for herself, her only concern was everyone else…she knew Daddy would take care of Mommy, but what about Daddy? She was concerned about her best friend…who would be there for her? She spent lots of time trying to help her Uncle through this. She only wanted to take care of her family. She knew she was going to a better place. With just a smile, she has touched so many lives..she will never be forgotten. Miranda, your Mommy and Daddy love and miss you so much as do the rest of your family. You will always be with us…you hold a very special place in our hearts. We will love you forever! Keep smiling our little angel!

Brant Thomas Hamilton

December 13, 1998 – October 29, 2005

Brain Tumor

Joey Barry

August 30, 1998 – November 09, 2005

Diffuse Pontine Glioma

Joey fought a brave battle with Diffuse pontine glioma. He was such a happy boy, bringing sunshine and happiness to all who met him. I think about him every hour of every day.

Peyton Nicole White

July 07, 2000 – November 20, 2005

Clear Cell Sarcoma – Kidney

Kelly Rose O’Connell

June 07, 1988 – December 02, 2005


Kelly was a wonderful daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and friend to so many. We will miss her tremendously. She remains forever in our hearts. We love and miss you, our angel!

Matthew Dalton

March 21, 1995 – December 08, 2005


Our darling Matty was so brave as he fought the terrible pain. None of us knew until it was too late that he had a tumour as he was being treated for Migraine?! It was a complete an utter shock to us all. We are finding it difficult to face life without him. As all parents know their children are truly special and my `matts` was no exception. He taught me many things and I really miss his unconditional love, hugs and cuddles most of all. We will never forget you matty, you are in our hearts and the hearts of all those whom had the pleasure of knowing you forever. As always we love you to the moon & back and more besides. I feel you are still with us and I see your star in the sky. Until we meet again-because we will 1 day.
Be happy Sweetheart, love Mummy & Daddy.xxxxx

Connor Isaiah Mason

June 15, 2003 – December 11, 2005

Atypical Teretoid Rhamboid Tumor in his brain and spine

Connor is a great person and he never let his cancer stop him from who he was. He was my blond and curly headed boy, that we will all miss so dearly.He was diagnosed on September 5th 2005.


June 15, 2003 – December 11, 2005

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor (ATRT)

Devan Sumerlin

May 01, 1992 – December 11, 2005

Ewing Sarcoma

….sent from heaven…..

Robert J. Faulkner

October 03, 1985 – December 15, 2005

Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

Rob was diagnosed in March of 2005, he fought a tough battle, making it look easy. He received his Angel Wings before his family on December 15, 2005.

Travis Lind

May 15, 1987 – December 16, 2005

Biphenotypic Leukemia (AML with T-Cell ALL)

My brave son fought so hard against this monster called Leukemia!

Joanna McAfee

April 15, 1999 – December 22, 2005

Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

Though our hearts are broken, we have so much to be thankful for—so many memories to cherish. We are comforted knowing that we did everything that we could humanly do for our daughter here on Earth. It just wasn’t quite enough – God had a different plan. We will forever be truly grateful for the six years we had with our Joanna. What a beautiful, sweet, strong, courageous child our family was blessed with!

www.SupportCancerKids .com – The Joanna McAfee Childhood Cancer Foundation, Inc.
www.Caringbridge.org/visit/JoannaMcAfee – Joanna’s Caringbridge site.

Max Carter Garry

February 25, 2001 – December 24, 2005


Max was the absolute love of our lives with a gorgeous smile and eyelashes that wouldn’t quit! He was funny, bright, kind, caring and polite far beyond his mere four years of age. It has been two years since his death and we miss him terribly. Our lives will never be the same. Max, we miss you so much every single day and cannot wait to be together again.
Love, Mom, Dad and Michael

Aidan Phillip-George Russell

November 18, 2005 – January 01, 2006

ATRT/Rhabdoid Tumor

Emily Nicole Crandall

August 08, 2004 – January 06, 2006

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid CNS Tumor/Cancer

Emmy Poo fought this crazy cancer for almost 6 months before it made it her tired. She made huge impressions on everyone that came in contact with her. You are missed and loved more than you could ever imagine.

Kate Hill

February 24, 1997 – January 08, 2006

Brain Tumor – brainstem glioma

Kate, we love you, your our gorgeous girl. You showed us how to live and love life, with your carefree, bold, upfront, so loving, so caring and so very funny nature. It’s really hard sometimes because we miss you so much, but we know you would want us to be happy and appreciate how precious life is because we can never know what tomorrow will bring. You were so brave never complaning or feeling sorry for yourself rather saying something funny and making everyone laugh. You always left such an impression on people everyone loved you and enjoyed your company. We know you are with Jesus and that you are enjoying Heaven till we meet again Katie, love Mum, Sarah, Emily, Molly, Franklin, Squishy and Princess Sparkle

Bryan Timothy Opremcak

June 12, 1993 – January 10, 2006

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Bryan was an amazing boy. Strong, healthy, funny, sarcastic, quite an athlete as well. Bryan was diagnosed in October 2004 with a GBM. After fighting courageously for 15 months, he passed away on January 10, 2006. Bryan was a warrior who never gave up hope that he would get well, and as a result neither did we. He was an amazing and beautiful 12 year old. We will love him forever, and miss him tremendously but we know that he is happy, healthy and having fun in heaven.
We have established a foundation in Bryan’s memory and honor for the benefit of pediatric brain tumor patients and their families (www.bryansdream.org) and we are blessed to be able to give back in Bryan’s name.

Katharine A. McGorty

October 02, 1984 – January 25, 2006

Fibro Lameller Heptocellular Carcinoma

Although your battle was short and tough….You were so very strong through it all…Our lives here on earth are temporary…In Heaven, it’s eternal…You just got to take test it before all of us…I can’t wait till we meet again in Heaven, where we’ll be together forever! I love you Katharine and miss you dearly! Your Bestest Friend always!! xoxo

Tyler Michael Pate

October 15, 2001 – February 18, 2006


Tyler was my angel sent from above. He was the strongest little boy I have ever met. His spirits were always so high no matter what he went through. He always lit up the room. He had the most unbelievable smile you would ever see. He was especially caring of other children going through the same things he was, he prayed for all the sick children in the world everynight before he went to bed. I miss my little angel dearly.


March 10, 1995 – March 30, 2006


i wish you were here, now you are in God’s glory. thank you for showing me how it is to be strong and courageous, thank you for giving me the privilage of being your mother for 11 wonderful years. i love you mt baby!

William Jason

January 05, 2001 – March 31, 2006

malignant brain tumor

ay courageously battled a malignant brain tumor for 2 ½ years and WON as he skipped into the Gates of Heaven on March 31, 2006. Jays gusty little spirit, his never-ending smile and that undeniable sparkle in his big brown eyes, has touched so many lives. He has taught us to embrace life and to see it through the eyes of our Heavenly Father. He has taught us how to live for today no matter what tomorrow may bring, to love each other unconditionally, and to never give up hope, even against all odds.

Against all Hope, in hope we believe… (Romans 4:18)

Jayden Montgomery Buchanan

December 29, 2000 – April 02, 2006

Diffuse Pontine Glioma

My Angel Monkey is in Heaven now, healed completely. But there is not a minute of the day that goes by that I don’t hurt deep in my heart. I miss him more and more with each passing day. I can only wait until we all rejoice together in God’s Kingdom!

Taylor Ashlyn Peterson

June 07, 2005 – April 08, 2006

Rhabdoid Tumor

Taylor was the happiest person that we have ever known. We took over 2,000 pictures of her in the much too short time that we had her. She is smiling in almost every single one. This is what matters about Taylor. Not the cancer, or the chemo, or anything else that came with it. The most important thing is that the only time she wasn’t smiling, is when she was laughing.

Gavin Storm Thomas

February 07, 2004 – April 20, 2006


You made us happy every day of your short life. You were our gift from God and we will always love you.

Hannah MacKenzie Elias

March 28, 2002 – April 23, 2006

Juvenile Myleomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)

Hannah Mackenzie

March 28, 2002 – April 23, 2006


Nathaniel Emily

July 27, 2000 – May 08, 2006

Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma and Ectomesenchymoma

Kevin Suberg

August 04, 1994 – May 11, 2006


In memory of our only son. We miss you so very much.

Tyler Gardiner

October 24, 1994 – May 12, 2006



March 19, 1996 – May 17, 2006

Brain Cancer


Raytheon D. Perry

December 07, 1992 – May 19, 2006


I miss you Ray so much, I miss your smile,your laughter, your jokes, you were my little comedian, but most of all I miss your hugs and kisses, you were my only child I thank God for loaning you to me for 13 years.
Love You Mommy

Evan lamia

November 14, 2002 – May 24, 2006


Evan was a precious little 3 year old who was diagnosed with Wilms Stage IV Cancer in September 2005. My little angel was brave and never complained as he underwent countless surgeries, biopsy’s and radiation treatment daily for 15 days and again for another 8 days. His cancer was first diagnosed in his left kidney which was removed and then spread to his lungs, liver and eventually spread to his entire abdomin. Evan fought and did not want to die. He loved Bob the Builder, Spongebob, Backyardagins and Wonder Pets. Evan’s favorite color was yellow and he loved flashlights in the dark. Evan could not wait for Halloween to be dressed as Pablo (Backyardagins) a wish that he will not be able to do here on earth. I know that you will be Pablo this Halloween in Heaven. Evan was a very special little boy who will be missed by everyone who knew him. He has touched so many people in so many ways, he was an inspiration to all, and taught us the meaning of courage and to keep going on. Evan was full of joy, he called everyone a silly head and made everyone smile. I miss you so much and a part of me went with you the day you gained your angel wings and went home to Heaven. You will always live in my heart forever and I can not wait until the day we are together again. I want to hold you Evan, kiss you and never let you go. The joy will be the day that we are together again never to be seperated. You are my joy, my entire life. Your Sister Emily and Godmother Cindy miss you dearly. I think of you every minute of the day and not a day goes by that I do not shed a tear. With every yellow flower and yellow butterfly I see, it’s a reminder that you are still and will always be with me. I love my little “koo” my “Superman” the time will go slow for me but quickly for you until we are reunited again. Sleep in the arms of our Lord, play in the beautiful garden of life and run free. For you are now whole and the cancer monster can not ever get you again. You are safely home my precious
baby…I love you sooo much…Love forever mommy
hugggs and kissssses

Marina Andreu

August 22, 2002 – May 28, 2006


Once upon a time there lived a little fairy princess named Marina. She lived in an enchanted castle by the sea with her beautiful queen-mother, her wise king-father and her big sister Princess Jasmine. Life was good and the kingdom was happy.
Then one day, Princess Marina became quite sick. Worry filled the land. The royal doctors were consulted and brave Princess Marina was given strong medicine and even stronger treatments. She responded with fierce determination,incredible grace and courage,far beyond her years. She was a champion for all to see.
Tears filled the kinddom when her illness came back.All who knew her lost their hearts to the little princess. On the day she was born, the angels got together and sprinkled her with stardust and laughter. On the day she left this kingdom for the heavens,the angels came back and gave her wings to fly beyond the pain and illness.
Princess Marina left her kingdom with so many precious memories to be gathered up and treasured for the journey ahead,she knew her loved ones would be able to go on. We will never forget our little Princess. She was a special and holy gift to the kingdom,even if only for a short time. I love you Marina. You will always be in my heart. Love Mommy!

Jacob Thomas Duckworth

May 27, 2000 – June 12, 2006

Adrenocortical Carcinoma

After a most courageous battle with cancer for 28 months, Jacob landed safely in the arms of God and was healed forever on June 12, 2006. He will forever be 6 years old.

Tiahna Dawn Hoff

October 02, 2005 – July 21, 2006

AML/ALL Leukemia

Conor McAuliffe

May 03, 2003 – July 22, 2006


You were our little man, our happy man, our super hero. But you always said that you were just Conor and that was all you needed to be. You held my hands through all the tough times and now I have to do it on my own it is to hard. Everyday I want you back, I love you and I am proud of you. You never complained, you loved hospital but most of all you loved your brother and sister and they loved you and miss you so so much. You will always be in my heart and all around me. You asked me “Please don’t cry Mummy” but I miss you so much I have to cry, it was you Conor that made me smile. I LOVE YOU.

Kaitlyn Semaan

May 26, 2003 – July 23, 2006

Brain Cancer, PNET Supratentorial

Life is not judged by how you live
But remembered for the message that you give
You were a special girl who just too much to say
So lets just say youre perfect in each and every way
You gave us all a smile when your world was sad
To wipe away our tears and let us know youre glad
That all the pain you felt was worth it anyway
To be in your parents arms each and everyday
We never got to hear your words, but we all wish we did
To hear you tell your parents, they made you a happy kid
No matter how sick you got, their love would never leave
And stay with you forever, which some may not believe
I wish I got to see you more, because I didnt very much
But my heart is on the list of all that you have touched
You gave us a world of love in the short time you were here
Which showed us all that we had nothing we could fear
Were all so sorry you had to go through all those things
But heaven is finally ready for Katelyn to get her wings

Sammy Roy

May 22, 2001 – July 24, 2006


Sammy loved life, and was ready to go to school.

Samuel Roy

May 22, 2001 – July 24, 2006


Michael K. Dornauer

July 05, 2000 – August 04, 2006



March 09, 2004 – August 22, 2006


Christi Thomas

May 12, 1997 – September 19, 2006

Neuroblastoma stage 4

Christi was a sweet little girl and it was a shame she had cancer. Christi is in heaven dancing with angels now.

Christin Thomas

May 12, 1997 – September 19, 2006



August 17, 1998 – October 01, 2006

Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma

JuKory D. Cage

June 19, 1990 – October 05, 2006

Gioblastoma Multiforme Grade 11

JuKory,the memories of you are so grown within our hearts.Baby you are so well missed that at times i cry,cry & cry to ease the pain but the love & memories will endure forever. Love you much&always–Your Family (Cage’s, Willis, Allen’s& Underwoods)

Alissa Marie Costanza

December 29, 2003 – October 23, 2006

brain – very rare

Ali touched everyone with her amazing spirit, smile and big brown eyes! She was a wise soul, who forever changed our life’s!! Thank you God, for every minute you allowed her to stay….she was a gift from heaven…..too good for this world!! Kisses to heaven, I love you, Grandma, AKA: Tutu

Hannah Hatlen

June 05, 2001 – October 31, 2006

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (Cowardly Monster)

Hannah – the bravest, strongest and most beautiful girl I’ve ever known… my hero

Courtney Nicole

November 21, 1986 – November 01, 2006


Anthony Galloway

August 05, 1995 – November 07, 2006


Anthony had the brightest blue eyes and the biggest smile. He was always willing to help and wanted everyone to be happy. He taught me how to live and love. Everyone that met him remebered him he just had this wonderful spirt about him. He had been geting bad heaches for about 2 weeks and was being treated for migrains. On the evening of November 6th I took him to the ER. They did a CT scan and found the brain tumor. At 2 am on November 7th he coded and from that point on had no brain activity. We did not even have a chance to fight this. I get alot of peace from know that his suffering was minimal. I know now that he was my angel and it was time for him to go home. I will see you soon Anthony, I love today, tommorrow and always.

Courtney Nicole Davis

November 21, 1986 – November 14, 2006


Courtney was first diagnosed with ALL in Sept. 2000 at the age of 13. She endured 2 1/2 years of chemotherapy and had been in remission for over 5 years when she relapsed in May 2006. We felt so fortunate when we discovered that her older brother was a perfect match for a bone marrow transplant. The transplant was a success and she was just a couple of days away from discharge when a terrible flesh eating bacteria took over her body – a bacteria too fierce to conquer. Court had an amazing spirit and never once questioned “Why me?”. She faced every battle with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. Courtney was truly an angel on earth – always taking her eyes off of her own illness and pain and trying to help others. I miss her more every day and look forward to the day that we are one again united in Heaven. I love you Court – Mommy

Caden Stephen Johnson

July 07, 2004 – November 24, 2006

Glioblastoma multiforme grade IV

We miss you so much my little Caden Caden. Shine down upon us from Heaven my little one.

Kayla Marie Brown

October 19, 1989 – December 02, 2006

Juvenile Granulosis Cell Tumor (Juvenile Ovarian Cancer)

My Kayla fought her cancer for ten months. She was diagnosed in March, 2006 and went on to Heaven on December 2, 2006. Kayla Marie was a very strong, extremely beautiful blue-eyed girl. A fighter. She had a boyfriend that she cherished and wanted to marry. He never turned his back on her. She would get so irritated and angry- and he stayed there with her. She wanted to share her adult life with this guy. He proved a love beyond what most married people wouldn’t even find. Her remission lasted one week. We were told what an extremely rare form of cancer she had– there just was not enough case studies that would help us decide what the course of action should have been. Her chemotherapy treatments were hit-and-miss trials. On November 21, 2006 she had her last clinic appointment when we were told that was it. Nothing left that might do anything to help the point she was at. She fought so hard to beat this; however the cancer won. I have been trying to find someone else that was/is diagnosed with Juvenile Granulosis Cell Tumor Cancer, which is a juvenile form of Ovarian Cancer. My experience in what cancer does to a child’s body/mind/spirit is overwhelming. Kayla is free of the awful misery she had gone thru. Her last days I pleaded for God to take her. It was worse than I ever could have imagined. No meds helped her thru those days. The pain, the seizures, the helpless look in her eyes– all I could say is “I am so sorry you have to go thru this Kayla- I love you so much”. I want people to know that juvenile ovarian cancer does exist. I could never find any information on this cancer on any web sites. (I spent hours upon days searching for something that might help)!!! May my Kayla look upon all the sick kids that are battling their cancer. Inspiration is the key to this battle. Knowledge of “rare cases of cancer” should be made available to us parents.

Kayla Brown

October 19, 1989 – December 02, 2006

Juv Granulous Cell Tumor Oviarian Cancer

Our sister Kayla left this wold with all the greatness a big sister could have she was only 17 , WE love he so much and miss her , Like playing b-bal;l her all her frineds over We always look up in the sky and ask if you are still with us all . Morgan can feel you, Hannah can feel you , Connor asks about you every day were drive past were you are sleeping is it my time to sleep with kayla , Julian mises you too kayla , i know he does you can see the emptiness inside , Kayla, Daddy got tatoo just for you on his arm , it is pretty and says you name , Morgan found a old ring of yours and wears it every day ( her finger is no green ) Our mommy misses you so much Kayla she talks about you alot and crys almost every night , WE love and miss you Kayla
Till we meet agian
Jul , Morgan ,Hannah and Connor
PS Thanks for all the pennies

Joanna Truong

February 04, 2000 – December 15, 2006

T-CELL ALL (Leukemia)

Joanna was diagnosed in February 2006 with T-cell ALL. After fighting
courageously for 10 months, she passed away on December 15, 2006.
Joanna was a very special little girl who will be missed by everyone who
knew her. She’s beautiful, strong and with so much courage. Although
her battle was short and tough, but she never complained or felt sorry
for herself, she would rather say something funny and make everyone
Joanna, my sweet and precious daughter, you have left such an
impression on people. Everyone loved you and enjoyed your company. You
have touched so many people lives in so many ways. You have taught us
how to live for today, no matter what tomorrow may bring, to love each
other unconditionally and never give up hope.
It is just like a dream so unreal for us that you are not here, but
your dad and I always feel your presence everywhere. I think of you
every minute of the day and not a day goes by that I do not shed a tear.
You will always live in my heart forever and I cannot wait until the day
we are together again. I want to hold you so much Joanna, kiss you and
never let you go. For now I know that you are whole and the cancer
monster can not ever get you again. We will miss you forever
……Love forever mommy.

Chassity Flint

February 09, 1989 – December 18, 2006

Neuroblastoma stage IV

Chassity was diagnosed in Oct. 2003 at the age of 14. For 3 years she fought a battle that could not be won. But during that time she won the hearts of everyone she met. She played with all the little kids and talked to all the parents and showed them that they could still be happy and fight at the same time. Chassity will live in the hearts of many people. You are so loved and missed.

Brayden Breaux

February 28, 2001 – December 29, 2006

Anaplastic Ependymoma

Stefan Kyle Shartouny Munn

April 20, 1995 – December 31, 2006

Gliomatosis Cerebri

My Stefan – beloved son, brother, my little sweetheart and the love of my life – Stefan is Forever 11. >From out of nowhere this monster came and the treatments used to fight the monster were worse to my little guy than the monster itself. He fell on the playground Nov 2005 and started having headaches. The 8th diagnosis in 5 months was a cancer diagnosis. Stefan was so very brave and strong and held on for his family – never complaining and facing the demon head on. I miss my little guy with every breath as raw as if it were yesterday. Time does not heal a wound this deep. As much as I mourn his passing I also thank God for 11 1/2 years of Stefan. The gifts he gave us remain and we miss him SO much.
Mommy, Garth, Jessica, Victoria Rose & Melyssa Mae

joe b

January 29, 1993 – January 01, 2007


dear joe
you were my best friend in the world and i was there when you died and i cried and cried but i knew you were safe i started back at school and made a tribute website for you and every one asked me what you looked like when you died which was gross but you know what school is like but u looked a guwjas as ever i miss you so much i love you my bezzie you would be 13 rite now i luv u baby ashxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


March 27, 1990 – January 01, 2007

Metastic Melanoma

My daughter Mandee was an amazing girl. Throughout all the surgeries, chemo and radiation – she stayed strong and fought this horrible beast. Even when she knew the end was near – she thought of me and her little sister. She told me that she knew she was going to a better place and that I shouldn’t be sad. They say God only takes the best to his garden and that must be true because my Mandee was the best. I love her and miss her every day and know I will see her one day in heaven. God bless you baby. Mommy loves you very much.

Ariana Samaras

May 20, 2005 – January 03, 2007

Brainstem Glioma

Joseph Anthony Morrison

May 26, 1993 – January 10, 2007

AML – M4 Inversion 16

John Joseph Lipski

August 18, 2000 – January 31, 2007

Brain Stem Glioma

Brittiana Renee Henderson

September 01, 1993 – January 31, 2007

bone cancer

Im just so sorry about what happend to Brittiana Henderson i did not know her but she look like she was a nice young female.

David Redsill

February 01, 1996 – February 03, 2007

bowel cancer

David, everyone will miss you forever and your memory will live on through us. You were the nicest boy I have ever met and I will always love you. xxxx

Elizabeth Hill

May 24, 2000 – February 19, 2007

pancreas – acinar cell carcinoma

Kenisha Crossley

October 16, 1989 – February 28, 2007


Gaby Davis

November 07, 1999 – March 01, 2007

Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma

Our Princess Gaby will be sadly missed by her family, but we will always remember her radiant smile and spunk. No matter what, our Gaby girl lived life to the fullest each and every day with a big happy smile on her face. She was a breath of fresh air everyday and everyday with her was a new adventure. Gaby, you will always be remembered with admiration and love. We miss you terribly, our beautiful Princess Gabrielle.

Caleb Lineberry Wright

April 28, 2004 – March 06, 2007


Clayton Reinhart

February 12, 1989 – March 07, 2007


Kelly Muldoon

June 19, 1994 – March 12, 2007

Brain Tumor

Jeffery Scott Sample, Jr.

September 02, 1986 – March 16, 2007

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Autumn Bonesteel

June 26, 2006 – March 20, 2007

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor (ATRT)

Autumn was diagnosed at 4 months of age. She had several surgeries, a few infections, went through 4 rounds of chemo and then 6 weeks of radiation.
To watch my baby go through so much and in such a short amount of time at such a young age was heartbreaking, I have never felt so helpless. Up until about a month before Autumn’s passing, you wouldn’t have known or suspected that her little body had endured so much. We are so very proud of her, she showed great strength, will and determination. Autumn is deeply missed and very much loved. She is in our thoughts and in our hearts every second of every day.

Reese Allen Martin

December 05, 1997 – March 22, 2007


Reese Martin was brave soul, who touched the heart of everyone he met. He fought the cancer beast with everything he had. Our family was blessed to have him for the 9 wonderful years he was with us. Yippi Ki-Yea Reese.

Brandon Kyle Crum

April 22, 2003 – March 24, 2007


Brandon was diagnosed with medulloblastoma December 31, 2005. He was so strong and so brave and fought so hard for a year, enduring five rounds of chemo and six weeks of radiation. He was strong up until the end, living in a coma for days longer than anyone expected him too. We miss him so badly, our hearts ache and our tears fall for him everyday. We know he is better now. He is whole and he is healed and playing in heaven with Jesus and his grandmother. We will see him soon.

Matthew Dubuc

September 24, 1999 – March 25, 2007

Hepatoblastoma Stage IV

Cameo Anna Beauchesne

November 09, 2000 – April 06, 2007

Brain Stem Glioma

Danny Clohesy

March 23, 1992 – April 07, 2007


Danny was diagnosed with leukemia at 4months old, went into remission. Had a brain tumor removed at the age of 12, and relapsed with leukemia at the age of 14, and lost his battle two weeks after his 15th birthday.
I miss my angel boy!

mikayla serra nichole

September 29, 2006 – April 16, 2007


kayla was born at 23 weaks an she was my mircle child she weigh 2lbs an 3 ozs at brith kayla was in the childrens hospatil in tacoma was for all her life. she liked to draw , color, play , she loved her animales .

Xavier Salazar

November 20, 1985 – April 18, 2007


Xavier “X” was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma in June of 2006. He fought it to the end and never gave up. He was a remarkable young man! My handsome brother never lost his sense of humor while dealing with this horrible cancer. He was very brave. We had a nurse once describe him as STOIC! Anyone that ever talked to him even for a few minutes just absolutely loved him! You were the best X! I love you so much and miss you so much! Love your sister, Veronica

Charlotte Elizabeth Amelia Baines

June 03, 1996 – May 19, 2007


Charlotte Elizabeth Amelia Baines was the beloved daughter of Michael and Jeannette Baines, but she left us to be an angel in the early hours of 19th May 2007. She was just 10 years old and was a year 6 pupil at Bleak Hill Junior School, St. Helens.

Charlotte had been ill for nearly 2 years, having been diagnosed with a brain tumor in August 2005. It started off by causing a slight tremor in her right hand, but gradually spread to her whole right side. She had chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments throughout 2006 and, for a while, it looked like she was making a good recovery, to the extent we were able to take her to Florida. We had to cancel in 2005 because of her illness. She swam with the dolphins and visited all the theme parks and had a great time.

But, tragically, in November she suffered a seizure and we found the tumor had started growing again and was spreading rapidly. Nothing could be done to prevent it.

Her mum and Dad have been by her side constantly for the last 7 months as she got weaker and weaker.

Rebekka Ellen Jenson

May 20, 1990 – May 20, 2007


When I think of you Bekka Bop I think, woa! What an adventure! What a bright young woman with a resolve of Steel! It all comes down to the memories you let kid, and whith these we can go on living. Now you’ll be in heaven with Daddy, Laurence, Patrick, and baby Rupert where you can be free from the pain and the suffering this world has put you through.
I’ll always remember a Daring little angel with blonde curls and your little button nose and a sea of freakles! You’re smile and radiance..but most of all your wisdom in life and how you set your mind to accomplish what you could in your few short years. And how you held your head while you were ill as well as Laurence’s as you two shared the pain.
Your sisters Elizabeth, Olivia, Tracey, Adrie, Merry & Frances, your brother William, Mommy and Grandmier!
“The Adventure Continues weather or not I’m here to Lead!”

Seth Tyler Simpson

January 17, 1993 – May 24, 2007


Seth excelled in academics and all sports and had so many wonderful friends who loved him. We will always miss you Seth.

Saxon James Kiesewetter

July 17, 1993 – June 02, 2007

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Carson Duray

August 06, 2002 – June 23, 2007

AML (Leukemia)

Justin William Bissett

February 09, 2000 – June 26, 2007

Brain Stem Glioma

noelia melina sierra

September 23, 1990 – July 23, 2007

ostersarcoma cancer

hey sweetie i know your in heaven now..you know i miss you so much!..im glad and sad your in heaven now…why?..Im glad your gone because i know your happy with god, your no longer suffering, the pain is all gone for you…i cant help but be sad…because my life without you is hard…you are my hero my TRUE hero.. you are the strongest girl i ever knew! you were always happy always with that beautiful smile of yours regarding of the situation you were in…i love you so much!..and i miss you! i hope when i go to heaven you will be waiting for me in heavens gate with wide arms…i love you and miss you!…te extrano mucho!…

Vijay Nibhanipudi

June 04, 1989 – July 30, 2007

brain tumor

Vijay will be missed by million of people who knew him. He is a hero to us. Vijay fought so hard and bravely with a courage and determination. He always had a positive attitude towards the world and the life. It had been a long battle for you, Vijay, and you got a victory. You earned the victory, keep it forever. You are free, and you are with God forever. We will miss you, ALWAYS! We will see you one day. Keep watching over us, always.

Andrew Martin

September 24, 2001 – August 03, 2007

Brainstem Glioma

Audrey Reina Morales

February 12, 2005 – August 10, 2007


Mark A Hudson II

May 02, 2005 – August 15, 2007

Bilateral Wilms Tumor

Mark’s life serves other children and their families through the Mark Hudson II Fund. Additional information can be found through www.christiansovercomingcancer.com. Services are given with respect, compassion and are available to all cancer patients while in active treatment.

Angel Magno

April 20, 1994 – September 13, 2007

Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia

Cris Angela Magno

April 20, 1994 – September 13, 2007


Cris Angela E. Magno better known as ANGEL born on April 20,1994 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She attended her grade 1 and 2 at the Faith in Jesus Christian Academy and attended her 3rd grade to 2nd year High School at the Philippine International School-Qatar. She died on 13th September 2007 on the first hour of the first day of Holy Month of Ramadan of the year. She died at the age of 13. She was a 2nd year High School Student at the Philippine International School (PIS-Q) in Doha, Qatar. She left a two year old brother Gelo, Kuya Lloyd, Ate Ann, Kuya Neil, Kuya Chovy, Ate Carmi, Grandma Kata, Grandpa Simeon, Mommy Kite, Daddy Bong, aunties, uncles, cousins, lots of friends, classmates and school mates. She died abruptly due to Leukemia, no clear signs or symptoms has manifested before hand. She never complain of any pain she bore, it seems that she don’t want us to worry about her. Surely, she did it for her love to all of us.

Cris Angela E. Magno

April 20, 1994 – September 13, 2007


Cris Angela Enriquez Magno

April 20, 1994 – September 13, 2007

Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia (CML)

A poem dedicated specially for Angel by her
Daddy Bong

She is brave enough to bear the pain alone
Never tell any friend nor loved ones at home
She did it so for a big reason
For her great love and compassion.

She is brave enough to fight for life alone
Not even one has been informed
She did it so for a big reason
So Mom and Dad wont worry at all.

She is brave enough to cross the line
Stood gallantly to face the time
No one knows that its final
Because her love is so divine.

For love of Me, Gelo and Mom
She kept her secrets all beyond
So peace and harmony in us will reign
No agony, no sacrifice.

She is the Brave Loving Angel
Touching lives everywhere
She is going away up there
Her memories will stay forever.

She is The Brave Loving Angel of mine
Leaving us for life eternal
Her wings spread so far and wide
To join the Great Kingdom of GOD.


August 13, 2004 – September 16, 2007




June 10, 1997 – September 16, 2007


miss pear

December 16, 2007 – September 24, 2007


In loving memory of a real angel.she did 11 mts of chemotherapy 6 weeks of radiation and never complained. she fought that cancer monster to the end. rest my angel see you when I get home.

japeraiay quarles

December 16, 2000 – September 24, 2007


our prescious angel went home after a year long battle with cancer we will love and miss you very much.

japeriay quarles

December 16, 2000 – September 24, 2007


Japeriay Janae Quarles

December 16, 2000 – September 24, 2007


We miss you so much and not a day has gone by that we have not thought of you… Love you…

angel perez (angel baby)

October 07, 2002 – October 01, 2007

Luekemia ALL

my loving angel baby departed this world october 1st 2007 he was battling leukemia for 6 months.his little body could not take all the medicines and everything els no more he had a stroke due to the medications he was taking he was put on a breathing tube to help him breath, he got a blood clot in the left side of his brain then it got worse and he got one on the other side of his brain, he went into a coma, and they told us it got worse. we were in the hospital for two weeks maybe a little longer then that, but they told us his brain was shrinking and that his brain stem was getting worse, so we decided that it was time to let him go.i held him in my arms untill he passed away.that was the worst day of my life to hold my sons lifless body in my arms to know i would never feel his loving arms wrapped around me telling me he loved and me and to know i would not feel him loving kiss’s.i miss him so much and i feel so alone.he was my world and with out him here its been so hard.i stay strong for him and i will hold him in my heart forever.i love you my angel baby may you rest in peace my love.

Brandon Elam

March 18, 1991 – October 02, 2007


After 3 yrs of fighting this beast Brandon was taken from us on 10-02-08. He was such a fighter and never gave up. We all thought god was going to give us a miracle, but that is not what happened. Brandon we all miss your bright eyes and big smile. I have just not laughed the same since you have been gone. I can’t wait until we are together again and I can hold you, kiss you and just talk to you. We love you very much. Please come visit us and keep us safe.
Always Remembered…Never Forgotten
xoxoxoxoxoxo Love Mom


April 11, 2006 – October 03, 2007

ATRT Brain Tumor

My sweet Gabby girl bravely fought cancer for 3 months at UCSF, where she was treated with loving care. She lost her battle with cancer on October 3, 2007. We miss her sweet smile.


April 11, 2006 – October 03, 2007


Gabby was very brave and fought ATRT with the heart of a warrior. She is very loved and dearly missed. We’ll see you again in heaven. We love you, Daddy, Mommy, and Jakey.

Hannah N Deal

October 30, 2002 – October 04, 2007

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma

Lucas Tran

November 07, 2003 – October 16, 2007


Lucas was diagnosed with stage IV intermediate risk neuroblastoma at the age of 9 months old. After his treatment completed, he was given a good prognosis (80%-90%, depended on which MD you asked) of event-free survival. Two years after dx, 1 1/2 years after treatment completed, he relapsed. Thirteen months after relapse, his disease progressed which eventually took his life. He is dearly missed by his father, mother, older sister, and younger brother that he was looking forward to meeting but never did.

Nina Elly Hermes

May 24, 1999 – November 15, 2007


Nina is our family’s angel. We miss her terribly but like to think of her as the brilliant red in a beautiful rainbow. We will love and remember her always. Mommy, Daddy, Michelle and Simon

Allison Kay Faulks

September 06, 2006 – November 17, 2007

Rhabdoid Tumor-spine/brain

Allison is our Guardian Angel! She was only here with us for 14 months and in just that little bit of time she was able to change so many lives! She is so perfect and I miss her so much. It is so hard going day by day not seeing that perfect face, smiling from ear to ear anymore. It eases my heart to know that she is an Angel now and that she is no longer in any pain. You know God has proven to all of us on this memorial page that GOD ONLY TAKES THE BEST!

Jessica T. Adams

March 28, 1989 – December 01, 2007


Jessica was the greatest fighter that I was honored to know. Even in her own struggles with this disease she cared about everyone else and did it with lot’s of love. She will be greatly missed.

Demitry Robinson

December 15, 1999 – December 04, 2007

PNET- Brain cancer- Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumor

Jessua Kaleiolanakila Rosaga

May 04, 2004 – December 13, 2007

acute lymphocytic leukemia

forever hanging onto every single, wonderful memory that we shared. missing you is the easiest thing to do yet the hardest thing to get through. love you 4ever- your tutu-bug


September 16, 1989 – December 23, 2007

Osteogenic Sarcoma

Mo I miss you so much. Relay for Life was not the same this year without you. You are such an inspiring person, even before your diagnosis. I wish you could have graduated with us. I wish we could have gone off to college together, I wish we cold have taken that road trip. I wish so many things. You had such life in you Amelia. I think that if I ever have a daughter I will name her after you. Know that Megan, Danielle and I love you so much. We’ll live the life that was cut short for you, save us a spot in heaven so we can be next to you okay? I love and miss you with all my heart.

David Michael Plattner

February 05, 1999 – January 06, 2008

Pleuropulmonary Blastoma

Joshua Oberhansli

January 06, 2006 – January 09, 2008

Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma

Sasha Belen Spezzia

April 07, 2005 – January 09, 2008

diffuse pontine glioma

You will be forever in our hearts.Our precious angel…We love you.

christian starr

March 29, 2001 – January 15, 2008

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Miranda Nicole Dougard

September 26, 2005 – January 26, 2008

Pleuropulmonary Blastoma

Sophie Margret

May 18, 1996 – February 01, 2008

brain tumor

A child with spirit, compassion and warmth. She was desperitely ill for six years, before she passed away. She helped the disabled and helpless, bringing hope and warmth to others, even though she was ill. She was eleven years old and died on Feburary 2, 2008. My child, my child, you will live on…

Jon-Michael Joseph Muskera

June 16, 2007 – February 20, 2008


After 6 surgeries and 12 procedures, our son lost his fight with the cowardly, unforgiving cancer known as atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor. Even through 15 weeks of very intense chemotherapy, Jon always managed a crooked ‘Elvis’ grin to all those he saw. The initial tumor had paralyzed his right side of his face and gave him an adorable smile that could melt any heart. Jon Michael touched thousands of people in his 8 months here on this earth and gave his mother and I such great joy. He was able to experience his first Thanksgiving, his first snow fall, and a wonderful Christmas to which he loved looking at his Christmas tree. Jon-Michael will be forever remembered by his awesome strength and courage, and the void left in our hearts will last just as long. Jon-Michael…we love you and miss you so much. Love, Mom and Dad.

Samanth Cobert

October 10, 1989 – March 07, 2008

All Leukemia

This letter was written by Samantha’s coach. Even though Samantha graduated the previous year she stayed in contact with her high school and they with her.

Is with great sadness that I send this message. Sam Cobert passed away yesterday evening after a rough battle with a lung infection. She was surrounded by friends and family and went very peacefully. I know she appreciated all of the thoughts and prayers from the EHS family. Sammy was a fighter and tried to overcome this obstacle the same way she overcame so many obstacles in her short 18 years, but her body just wouldn’t cooperate with her will. I will always remember Samantha for her strong spirit and kind heart. Sam has taught me a lot in the short time I have known her but the most impressive lesson came last lacrosse season. Sam was diagnosed with leukemia exactly one year earlier and after making it through tryouts spent her junior lacrosse season watching game tapes from a hospital bed, the entire time telling me she would be out next year. After spending the summer struggling through treatments and sickness and making up a class so that she could stay on track for graduation she came back to school for her senior year. No one was going to tell her she was going to miss out on anything. Although she was not well enough to play field hockey that year she did manage for the team. All year she fought with the doctors and physical therapists pushing herself to be ready for lacrosse. Sure enough spring rolled around and there she was, on my field with a release form from her doctors. As our wonderful, supportive, caring students of EHS rallied around her she got stronger every day. The lesson I have learned from Samantha is that I can overcome any obstacle and to always fight for the best things in life. This is what I will take to my team on Monday and something I will want to share with all of you. I know that I speak for Kelly also when I say thank you all for the kind words and concerns. As soon as we know specifics on the services we will let all of you know.

Samantha A. Cobert

October 10, 1989 – March 07, 2008

Acute Lymhocytic Leukemia (ALL)

Samantha’s High School Coach

It is with great sadness that I send this message. Sam Cobert passed away yesterday evening after a rough battle with a lung infection. She was surrounded by friends and family and went very peacefully. I know she appreciated all of the thoughts and prayers from the EHS family. Sammy was a fighter and tried to overcome this obstacle the same way she overcame so many obstacles in her short 18 years, but her body just wouldn’t cooperate with her will. I will always remember Samantha for her strong spirit and kind heart. Sam has taught me a lot in the short time I have known her but the most impressive lesson came last lacrosse season. Sam was diagnosed with leukemia exactly one year earlier and after making it through tryouts spent her junior lacrosse season watching game tapes from a hospital bed, the entire time telling me she would be out next year. After spending the summer struggling through treatments and sickness and making up a class so that she could stay on track for graduation she came back to school for her senior year. No one was going to tell her she was going to miss out on anything. Although she was not well enough to play field hockey that year she did manage for the team. All year she fought with the doctors and physical therapists pushing herself to be ready for lacrosse. Sure enough spring rolled around and there she was, on my field with a release form from her doctors. As our wonderful, supportive, caring students of EHS rallied around her she got stronger every day. The lesson I have learned from Samantha is that I can overcome any obstacle and to always fight for the best things in life. This is what I will take to my team on Monday and something I will want to share with all of you. I know that I speak for Kelly also when I say thank you all for the kind words and concerns. As soon as we know specifics on the services we will let all of you know.

Kyree Larelle Hunter

July 20, 2003 – March 14, 2008


My beautiful baby sister Kyree, you fought so bravely for three long years, then God called your name and you were taken from this world, destined to become the brightest star in the night sky. When I feel alone I look up into the sky and that star, sparkling above me, I know that is you, loving me the way only you could. I miss you everyday Kyree, and I will love you always.

Jalen Gwaltney

March 06, 1994 – March 21, 2008

NHL- Anaplastic Large Cell

My sweet Jay.. I think about you everyday. The pain in my heart will never go away but I know you are in a better place. I miss you so much . Everyone does. I look at your pictures and give you kisses. You are in hero, my inspiration. Never forgotten. I will see you one sweet day. I love you!


May 24, 1997 – April 24, 2008


Peace be upon her!

Avery Ann Hildreth

March 26, 2003 – April 26, 2008

Anaplastic Ependymoma

Dae Hon Gonzales

December 18, 1997 – May 01, 2008

Diffuse Pontine Glioma

Our sweet boy Dae Hon, we miss you so much. Because of your love for Panda’s you are now known as the “panda boy”. When ever anyone through out the United States see’s a panda they all think of you. You will always be in our hearts.

Ashley Boross

July 04, 2000 – May 12, 2008

Anaplastic ependymoma

Gaston Amaury Leveque

September 28, 1999 – May 18, 2008

Hodgkins Lymphoma

The battle never took away your good sense of humor! I still laugh thinking about the jokes we told when things started getting tough. I will never forget you, wearing your Super Man pajamas and holding your teddy, walking up to Dr. Rob and say “Ok Doc, let’s nip this thing in the Butt!”
I learned to except that things that mean nothing to others are salvation when life is grim. I know you’re in heaven, walking up an angel and putting on your funny face and making her laugh her pants off!
We All miss you! Forever and Always our Stand up Comedian!
Love Mommy, Papa, Nathalie, Olivier, Grandpapa, and Nanny. And of course Bit and Cloud.

Jack Tyler Sundberg

August 18, 2004 – June 01, 2008

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Marissa Monroe

July 10, 2005 – June 13, 2008

Stage 4 Neuroblastoma

marissa monroe

July 10, 2006 – June 13, 2008

Stage 4 neuroblasta

Carolina Enge

August 13, 2003 – June 21, 2008


We miss you baby girl! we miss you smiles, giggles, hugs and knock-knock jokes.

Krista Erin Brewer

May 15, 1997 – September 17, 2008

Brain Cancer

Such a wonderful child. She has touched the lives of so many. May she rest in peace

Gabriel Jacobson

July 20, 2004 – October 18, 2008

Wilm’s Tumor

Jeffery Ross

July 25, 1990 – December 01, 2008

FAP Gardners Syndrome

For “grandma’s little Angel”. You watched your dad die from this disease and now it has taken you. Life was not fair to you. I miss your sweet smile, and how you lived to make others laugh, as you cried on the inside. I know you’re with your dad, and neither of you suffer any longer. Miss and love you sweetie….Grandma Turner

Jeff Ross

July 24, 1990 – December 01, 2008


My sweet Jeff, I miss you so much. You and dad are together again, no pain, no fears, no suffering. You fought a brave battle, like your dad. I miss your sweet smile that not only lit up a room, but my heart. Love and hugs sweetie.
Grandma Turner

Jacueline A. Yarborough

October 14, 1990 – December 02, 2008


Jeremiah Maurice Turner

November 10, 2006 – December 30, 2008

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor – ATRT

Jeremiah, my little angel, was diagnosed with ATRT in September of 2008. He showed an incredible amount of strength, for such a little man. He was so determined and put up a couragous fight. Never did he give up. He was a happy little boy, with a beautiful smile. He loved cell phones, cars and spiderman. He was only here for a short time but will forever be in our hearts and will be loved for all eternity. Gone but not forgotten. I love you always, Jeremiah. Love, Nana


April 07, 2005 – January 09, 2009



Morgan NIcole Palmer

January 27, 2001 – January 20, 2009

Inoperable Brain Stem Glioma (Tumor)

Morgan fought her battle with grace, dignity, courage and strength. She will be remembered and loved for all time.

Parsa Alaeddini

November 16, 2004 – February 04, 2009

AML (M4) deletion of chromosome 7

I cannot believe that I cannot hug you tight and kiss you anymore. I cannot believe that you left us when we had so much hope you’d be cured. We had promised you we would always be together; the three of us. We miss you badly. We love you so much. You have been our teacher in life. You taught us a lot; now after your departure from this world we feel with all our cells the bitter reality of the transient life. We are happy that we join you sooner of later, and that you’re waiting for us, there. You’re our hero.

Evan Patrick Bell

March 10, 1995 – February 06, 2009


Evan was a really smart kid who loved to skateboard. He did his gifted Algebra til his last month. He was the best most loving son a parent could have. He is really missed by his entire community.

Dylan Thomas Ross

July 30, 2007 – February 07, 2009


Dylan was diagnosed with MRT 2 weeks before his 1st birthday. Brave Dylan fought an extremely hard battle with a cancer that is terribly aggressive. Dylan earned his angel wings at home on 2/7/09. We thank God for giving him to us for the short 18 months he was here.

Cal Stephen Daniel

May 08, 2004 – February 10, 2009

Brain Stem Glioma

Clayton McDonald

April 26, 1990 – March 16, 2009


We all miss you greatly but are happy that your suffering is over… Forever in our hearts Clayton McDonald

Natalia Joy Valle

January 24, 2002 – March 26, 2009

Anaplastic Astrocytoma (Brain Cancer)

Baby girl you will always be remembered for your generosity, loving spirit and your thumbs up attitude. We miss your belly laugh and big hugs. We see you in every rainbow, butterfly and white dove. We love you so much!

Zoey Lee Holmes

August 19, 2006 – March 30, 2009

Germ Cell Cancer

Joshua Prunsky

May 30, 1996 – April 17, 2009

GBM Gliolbastoma Mutiform

Hannah De Haan

March 11, 1995 – August 15, 2009

Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

Hannah you are loved and cherished by your mother, your brothers and me. You were and always will be our special daughter and we will never forget you love, tenderness and kindness. Love you always. Your family and friends.

Raphaël Chenu

September 09, 1996 – August 24, 2009

Gliomatosis cerebri

We miss your smile and your kindness so much Raphaël.
Your Mum, Dad and brother Antoine.

Amy~Louise Turner Fletcher

January 31, 1997 – September 20, 2009

Anaplastic Ependymoma

Amy was a wonderful, kind, loving friend who always was ready to help and offer her love wherever needed. she loved animals, espiecally dogs and little babies. she fighted against cancer for 5 years, where er pain was non-stop. she sadly fell asleep on 20/09/09 aged 12 years. i love you amy and mis you the world and back <3 sleep tight gorgeus girl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kurt Bourne

May 30, 1998 – November 19, 2009

Grade 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma

You were my miracle boy. My first born son. Now you are God’s angel watching over us. I miss you so much and I love you.

Karla Elizabeth Allred

December 04, 1995 – December 27, 2009


Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

Linca Mihai Alexandru

November 10, 2006 – January 02, 2010

Oligodendrogliom anaplazic

Charlotte Jennie (CJ) Reynolds

July 09, 2005 – January 07, 2010

Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET)

Charlotte Jennie was an amazing child who loved books, music, chocolate milk. To feel her true impact on the lives of those around her, you must read her story.

Devin Taylor Hamilton

May 05, 2000 – January 26, 2010

pre-B cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

On Aug. 5, 2009, Devin was diagnosed w/ pre-B cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. After a 5 1/2 month battle, we lost our beautiful baby girl, not to cancer, but to an infection on Jan. 26, 2010 (after a bone marrow transplant). God made a choice and we’ve accepted that choice but we miss our baby girl, Devin every second of every day. There is not one day, nor one moment that we don’t miss Devin. Devin was the kindest, most compassionate, smartest, most giving; just a wonderful, gifted girl. They say that God takes the good ones (children) to heaven. I truly believe that. We now have our very own special angel in heaven. She is the bravest young lady I will ever know and will forever be my HERO!!! We all love and miss you Devin! Until we are united…

Love: Mommy (Lori), Daddy (Devon), Jordan and Ryann Hamilton

Cade McKenzie Evans

May 18, 2003 – January 30, 2010


“With the Allspark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. But fate has yielded its own reward: a new world to call home. We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting…protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like us, there’s more to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: We are here. We are waiting.”

I miss you more than words can say.

Joel Patrick Dawson

August 13, 2002 – February 10, 2010

Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

He was our family sunshine, the spark that lit up our hearts. He was the bravest boy that fought for life to the very end of his 20 month battle. He is an amazing angel that blessed our lives forever. We miss you Joel.

Layla Grace Marsh

November 26, 2007 – March 09, 2010

Stage 4 Neuroblastoma

Layla will be missed so much. Also her parents still have the twitter @LaylaGrace

Hope Alizah Kimlee Fuller

June 26, 1997 – March 10, 2010

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma

Hope was a presence in every room she entered. She was beautiful inside and out. Her battle with cancer was short but brutal. She fought with courage and dignity and left for heaven far too soon. The hole left in our hearts can not be filled. We will not stop until people pay attention to kids with cancer! Always with Hope in our hearts! Jay, Deb & big bro J.D.

Journey Bembenek

October 31, 2008 – April 03, 2010

Rhabdoid Tumor of the Liver

Steven Tyler Wilson

April 12, 1992 – May 21, 2010

Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

I never actually knew Steven, but was in the same grade as his older brother. Steven had a kidney transplant at age 6, and then was diagnosed with PTLD, a form of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 11 years later. Steven was loved by many people on this earth. A benefit concert and blood drive were held for him, and many people in the area rallied around his family and prayed for him. His favorite color was red, history was his favorite subject, and he loved paint-balling. He will be missed and remembered by many.

Autumn Marie Utz-Jarvis

March 28, 2002 – May 28, 2010


Autumn was diagnosed with medulloblastoma on March 18, 2009. She went through surgery to remove the tumor and all of the chemotherapy and also radiation. On December 23, 2009, we were told that her cancer was no longer there and again in March 2010. She was a very brave little girl and fought her disease very hard and all the while she was always smiling and always looking for ways to enjoy her life and she made the best of her situation. She had the most beautiful smile and a very contagious laugh. In April 2010, we took her to her Make A Wish Trip to Disney World and Sea World and when we got back, she was taken back up to the hospital and the next day, we were told that her cancer was back and this time with a vengeance and there wasn’t much that they could do for her. She kept fighting for a month and still was smiling and taking everything in stride, but on May 28, 2010, we received the bad news that we had lost our very special angel.

MIichael Levi Comley

June 23, 1986 – May 31, 2010

Gliobastoma multiforme

My Mikie was stage 4 bfore the tumor was found in his spinal cord. He never lost hope even when it put him in a wheelchair. My family and I miss him every day. His big brother Ash and his baby sister sophie talk about him every day, and me his mum will always feel his loss.I love you Mikie

Arieson Ramos

April 05, 2007 – June 17, 2010

Stage IV Neuroblastoma

Ellie Shoal Potvin

October 31, 2001 – June 23, 2010


Ellie was an amazing girl who showed courage and strength throughout her short life. Even though she was 8 years old, she had more love, strength and courage then anyone. She truly specialized in kindness and will never ever be forgotten.

joeseph murphy

April 08, 2000 – July 03, 2010


joe went to school with my brother in first grade he was diagnosed with luekemia. the following year he returned for only but a month. he has been in and out of the hospital ever since. joe was such a freespireted young boy. he once told the doctor that he wanted 2 die on his stomach so everybody could kiss his butt. unfortunatly joe went into a coma and a week later he died 10 yrs.old peacefully surrounded by family.

Shawn Christopher Mantz

May 04, 2008 – August 29, 2010

Infancy Lukemia

What Cancer cannot do…

Cancer is so limited…
It cannot cripple love, it cannot shatter hope, it cannot corrode faith, it cannot eat away peace, it cannot destroy confindence, it cannot kill friendship, it cannot shut out memories, it cannot silence courage, it cannot invade the soul, it cannot quench the Spirit…cancer cannot.

Rest In Peace Sweet child of God…

Samuel Guadalupe Lopez

October 18, 2007 – September 21, 2010


A true lil soilder who fight with great strength all the way until the end. Greatly missed.

tristan jon wentz

September 24, 1997 – November 24, 2010

anaplastic astrocytoma

you were my rock and my example, I could never be more proud of you then how hard you fought and always had a smile on your face. i still can hear you laughing. you taught me how to live life to the fullest everyday. love and miss you.. mom

Davis Bradley Weisner

July 27, 1995 – March 26, 2011


My beloved son…forever loved and missed…forever 15

Brianna Rose

May 13, 2008 – April 16, 2011


For ever in our hearts for the love, joy and happiness that you brought into our lives. You have earned your wings. We love you and miss you more than words can say, X X X


December 31, 2007 – May 06, 2011


Minu Mathew (Kunjinja)

October 22, 2008 – May 07, 2011


My ever loving daughter Minu Mathew (two and half years old) died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia. My angel, there has not been one day that I haven’t missed your bright eyes and your beautiful smile. We can still hear your silly little laugh. You were going home with Jesus and angels. Please know that you will always be with me in my heart, soul and mind. Our beautiful angel you filled our life with so much love and joy.. Now you are our Little angel in heaven forever shining down on us.
WE LOVE YOU SO DEARLY. Your Mommy and Daddy were so BLESSED to be given the gift of having 2 years and 6 months with an Angel. Minu ,your Mommy, Daddy, Brothers LOVE YOU ALWAYS!

Caleb Alexander Roberts

June 25, 2009 – June 10, 2011

Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor

Caleb will forever be in our hearts. He was such a beautiful, sweet little boy. I miss him so much sometimes it’s hard to breathe. ~~ Mommy

Janiah Shakale Rollins

January 01, 2002 – June 30, 2011


Janiah was the most loving little girl. She always loved to smile and no matter how she was feeling she always said she was good. Janiah will live in our hearts forever. We Love you Noochie.

Jacob M Torres

April 21, 1991 – July 27, 2011


My little brother came to this world as are angel. He was born with Down’s. His first time to get leukemia he was 2yr than he got it again when he was 7yr. In May we found out it came back strong. He gave a good fight but at the end cancer won in July. I MISS you sooo much I think about you every day. I LOVE YOU.

Maddie Lanway

January 30, 2006 – September 21, 2011

Rhabdomyosarcoma stage 4

In all the world we shall not find
A heart so wonderfully kind,
So soft a voice, so sweet a smile,
Inspiration worthwhile;
A sympathy so sure, so deep
A love so beautiful to keep.

Jack Marshall

July 26, 2005 – October 13, 2011


Raising funds to help increase awareness of Brain Tumours in OUR communities. Early diagnosis saves lives, FACT!

Walker Henry Johns

August 19, 1997 – November 03, 2011



January 02, 1997 – January 08, 2012

brain cancer

Miracle hope la’vett Warner

August 23, 2011 – May 29, 2012


The 2families loved u more than anything in this world the love u have will always be with us. We thank God for Ms. C. Green allowing us to be apart of ur life. She was a miracle and blesib in our life. God knows best. She was a beautiful ray of sunshine 2both families. No more chemo nor radiation. We all miss u

Miracle hope la’vett Williams

August 23, 2011 – May 30, 2012


Neaveh was beautiful and full of spunk I’m glad that she was apart of our life. Charsan Green and family also miss and loved her she was the most prettiest doll she will b missed


May 09, 2006 – June 06, 2012


Kyler Anthony Palacios

April 26, 2007 – August 25, 2012

Ependymoma Brain Tumor

Loved son and brother. We miss and love you always

Saravanan Kannan

January 01, 2009 – December 18, 2012


Saravanan was a brave little angel who inspired all of us with his cheerfulness and courage while he battled the cancer demon for two years, before he lost his life to it at the age of three. His parents fought all odds to provide him the best of care and treatement – I am so deeply hurt by the tragedy of losing him, I cant begin to imagine what his parents must be going through, having lost their precious baby boy. I cant make sense of this – of so many beautiful little children losing their lives to this nasty beast. Please God, give their families the strength to pull through this unbearable crisis.

Kyra Root

February 04, 2004 – February 05, 2013

Ostio Sarkoma

I’ve been following Kyra on Facebook for quite some time now. I feel that she should be honored for her brave fight with this awful illness. Her story and life have impacted me in a way that I can’t explain. Even though I didn’t know her, I feel as if I’ve lost a best friend, or a sister.

Will Atkinson

November 10, 1997 – April 11, 2013


Our precious Will walked to and from school on this friday then started vomiting that night. In the morning he was still vomiting and then suddenly started fitting. He never regained consciousness and we were shocked to find out he had a large 7cm tumour coming from his thalamus which had bled, caused hydrocephalus and then 2 massive strokes.

He never knew he had a brain tumour. The last 6 months of his life he was the happiest he had ever been, experiencing love, footy and singing weekly in his beloved band. He was an inspiration to all who knew him and his easy smile and nature are missed so much by us all. Goodbye my darling boy….